Wednesday, December 28, 2011


So. Tired. Of. Being. Sick. I am on week three of sickness and I am ready for some healing. With that being said, the last week and a half have been completely filled with blessings and wonderful times. As I mentioned in my last post, William and I went back to Plano with my mother-in-law Sunday before last. My mother, father and sisters took over caring for William and me until Wednesday. It was a wonderful time. It was nice to have someone to take care of William so that I could actually get sleep for the first time in over 4 months. I felt like I was living at home again. It was such a special and precious time for me. I won't forget it. My family dotes over William. I suppose he is a likable fellow, but I may be a bit biased.

Thursday we had my family's Christmas at my parents' house. We hung out during the day, had dinner at Fogo De Chao and then went back and opened presents. William got clothing,  a Noah's Ark bath set, blocks, and many other toys he will love for years to come. I wish I could detail everything that happened, but my words would never do it justice. It was perfect. I wouldn't have changed a thing.

Friday through Sunday were spent with Francis's family. It was also a wonderful time. Abby and William got to know each other a little. At one point William army crawled over to Abby's foot and started chewing on her sock and foot. Abby (who was sitting) looked over at William and took a mallet from a xylophone and started tapping/rubbing it on William's head. They were both quite content to carry on like this until Chris and I separated them. They are already fast friends.

We gave William his first solid food on Friday: rice cereal. He was very excited. He eats so well and fusses at you if you take too long between bites. He's had a small bowl each day. I think it is helping his hunger. He was more than ready for this. I am so glad he took to it so quickly!

Saturday, we all went to the Christmas Eve service at Parkway Hills. Francis and his dad did the lights. Then we came back and made a wonderful beef roast with all the trimmings. After we put the kiddos to sleep, The "adults" (of which I am one now, wow...) opened presents. I could not have felt more blessed. Christmas morning, William and Abby opened presents. William got a ton of other toys including a push walker, tool set, car set, and a ball roller. He also got more clothes! Through all of this, we remembered the reason for this season: Our Lord and Savior, Jesus. We are so grateful for all he has given us. We are so blessed!
Christmas night Francis and I were able to go out on date while his parents watched William. It was a special night as we went to Studio Movie Grill and saw Sherlock Holmes 2. I go no sleep that night from coughing though and ended up going to the doctor the next morning. I have an ear infection and am on antibiotics. I haven't been able to hear out of one ear for a week and a half. I am hoping that will change soon. After lunch and after a grueling 5 hours, we made it home on Monday. I wouldn't have traded any of the time I had. I wish William would be able to remember it, but I know he will at least have the pictures we took.

Merry Christmas everyone. And a Happy (and healthy) New Year!

UPDATE: I just looked in William's mouth and I can see a tooth! It is just barely peeking out but it is there!!! That's so crazy!

Monday, December 19, 2011

December 19th, 2011

A very rough week. William and I have both been very sick. After our Wellness Checkup, William started being extremely congested and coughing. Then he wouldn't eat. Then when he did eat, he projectile vomitted it all over me, himself and the floor twice. I took him to the doctor and she said he had a fun. My throat was already sore and as the week went on, I became weaker and more asthmatic. I almost passed out in Walmart trying to return a humidifier. William wanted to be held all the time and my muscles were so weak and sore that holding him was not really an option. The result is that we both spent a lot of time crying. William couldn't sleep so for three nights I didn't get more than an hour of sleep at a time. Plus all the good stuff from my immune system was going straight to my little boy. When I thought things couldn't get any worse, William got an eye infection and we almost had to go to the doctor for a third time this week. Thankfully I called William's doctor, and she sent a perscription to the phramacy for the infection. She is aweome!

Friday evening, my wonderful mother-in-law (an angel on earth, I tell you!) drove up to Austin to take care of William and me for the weekend so Francis could go to work and Christmas shop without worrying about us. I finally got a little rest and started feeling a bit better. By Sunday William was healed except for a nagging cough that mainly happens when he sleeps. My mother-in-law kindly offered to drive us back to Plano with her, an offer that I quickly accepted. So Sunday, we traveled back and I gave my mother "the best Christmas surprise" by showing up at her house unannounced. I called the house when I got into town, but only Christian was home. So I went over and waited for everyone else to come back. Dani came in first from the garage, saw Christian holding William on the couch, squealed and then came around the corner and hugged me where I was hiding. My dad came in next, looked around and then went back outside with a confused look on his face. He then looked at my mom with a "guilty" smile and said " you have a surprise waiting for you inside." My mom came in and her face lit up. Christian said, "I found him. Can I keep him?" My mom scooped up William and gave hugs all around. It's always fun to come back.

My mom helped watch William last night so I could get a few extra house of sleep. I am still so stopped up that it is hard to lay down for very long. I did get some rest though and I think it is helping. I am now going to try to nap again before William wakes up. Thanks you for everyone who has been helping me get through this (including my mother-in-law, mother, sisters, dad and my amazing husband Francis). I am praying I will be better by Christmas. I am really hoping to be better by tomorrow so I can see my niece Abby and Cyndy after they arrive. Please pray for me, but also for Francis because he was beginning to get sick when we left on Sunday. I hope he gets over it VERY quickly.

Nap time!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

December 14, 2011

So I am a little late this week, but it's been busy. I finished Christmas shopping last Thursday. I also sent out Christmas cards. So glad to have that off my list. It gives me more time to focus on the real reason for Christmas. It seems way more real this year. Hearing "Mary did you know?" while holding William makes me tear up. My mom told me she cried every time she heard "Away in a Manger" the year I was born because Jesus had no crib. There is something about holding someone so small. Makes you appreciate the sacrifice that was made.

My grandparents came by on Saturday to drop off our presents. We got to have lunch with them. William smiled up a storm at Mom and Pop. I am so glad they were able to enjoy him!

William had his 4 month check up on Monday. I didn't like the way the nurse measured him. She didn't pull him straight when she measured his length so he was only 26 1/2 inches. He was mid kick when she did it. Then he pushed up off the scale with his feet on the counter when she did the weight. She marked it at 16.3 lbs. He topped off at at least 17 lbs. I started to say something, but William was super mad. I think she was just trying to be quick...Then she measured his head two different times because she thought the first measurement was too big. It was still 44 1/2 cm. Sigh. Those measurements still put him in the 80th percentile in both length and weight. The head is still over 100. I hate to think what percentile he really is given accurate measurements.The doctor said he is doing great. She said he "talks" like a 6 month old. Then she kept calling him a six month old and having to correct herself. It was funny.

William has been stopped up lately. The doctor did not seemed concerned about it, but since our visit, it has gotten worse for both me and him. I have a sore throat from the drainage. A few minutes ago, William choked on snot and threw up all over himself, the floor, blankets and me. Now he is sleeping. I am trying to decide if I should take him back to the doctor...He has no fever and he seems very happy so I just don't know. We shall see.


William has his first virus. It's killing me. After he threw up a second time, I took him to the doctor. He has a low fever. Praise Jesus that his lungs are 100% clear. Bad news is that I have it too and it could take up to 10 days to clear. I don't want us to be sick for Christmas. William is being a trooper. In between crying from pain and coughing, he is laughing and talking. He laughed hysterically when the nurse took his temp rectally. It gives me hope he might heal quickly. Until then we will be coughing, crying and (hopefully) laughing together. I certainly feel his pain.
P.S. William was still pushing up on the counter when they weighed him this time, but he miraculously gained 4 ounces when he hasn't eaten all day. Funny how that happens...

Monday, December 5, 2011

December 5, 2011

A quiet but busy week. I spent most of it Christmas shopping. I am now down to 5 people, 2 of which I just need to pick up the gift from the store. I've been stressing about how I was going to get it done because I have such a small window each day that I can get out and shop. But God is good and William has been a trooper. He had to take a couple naps in the stroller, but he never screamed like other babies around him were. Now comes the task of wrapping them all.

I went to two baby showers this week. Francis got to watch William during both of them. As I opened the door to the garage to leave Tuesday night Francis looked at me like a deer in headlights. "What do I do with him?" Francis asked, holding William in his arms. I choked back the panicked "WHAT DO YOU MEAN, 'WHAT DO I DO WITH HIM?'??" and responded, "the same thing we do every night (Pinky). Play with him, feed him and put him to bed." Francis did just fine, but it is a funny story.

My mom was here this weekend. She and my Aunt Camille babysat Saturday night so Francis and I could go on our second real date since William was born. We ate at Red Lobster and saw Tower Heist. It was a relaxing evening and I am very thankful for it and them.

Sunday school was way better for William yesterday. It helped that different people were running the room. I went to get him before the service to nurse him and the lady said, "You're not taking our little angel, William! You are bringing him back, right?" I did, but when I came back after service, they had "promoted" him to another room so he could go out in the buggies. The lady said, "he was the only happy baby in the room and so we sent him out so he would stay that way. I wish we had a dozen like him. He so sweet." That is what momma's like to hear! 

I finally got rest last night. William held out going to sleep until 10 pm. I fell asleep while Francis put up our little one. 8 hours later I awoke to Francis's alarm at 6. William slept until 6:30 before I couldn't stand it anymore. I made Francis check on him, and that woke him up, but he was happy. To what do we owe this peaceful night? Stomach sleeping! Before you get on to me, it was all William's idea. When we put him down the first time, he spent 20 minutes rolling onto him stomach and then onto his back over and over again. When he finally got bored and started screaming, we went and got him. After a long while, Francis finally got him almost asleep. He laid William down on his back and left the room. Sometime in the night, little man rolled himself over. If he can do it and undo it, I am going to leave him alone! Neither Francis nor I can sleep on our back. He might be the same way.

The only other news I have is that William sat up straight and unassisted for 2 whole seconds. He gets stronger and more confident everyday. Just this morning, he got up on all fours, and with a  little help, he did a modified crawl. He can still stand and take a couple of steps when he holds on to my fingers, but they are very wobbly. I can't believe he is growing so fast!

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

November 29th, 2011

It's the end of November. You know how I know? My Christmas tree is up and slowly but surely, all my Christmas decorations are finding their place. William loves the Christmas tree lights. Last night he helped me put the angel on top of the tree. I wonder what he will think of opening presents. He will be 4 1/2 months when Christmas comes, so I hope he finds at least some enjoyment in unwrapping the pretty paper and bows.

We drove to San Antonio on Friday from Dallas. Long trip! William was awake most of the time and did a pretty good job of staying happy. I got car sick, but that always happens this time of year when the heater gets turned on. We spent Friday evening with Francis's family and saw the parade on the Riverwalk. William enjoyed the little bits and pieces he saw, but he kept falling asleep in between and was rudely awakened each time a new float came into view. Saturday we said goodbye to Nana as she began her journey back to Dallas and ultimately Montreal. It was very fun having her here and we got many wonderful pictures.

Lunch on Saturday was a special treat. Francis, William and I ate with all of the Browers (Dave, Tracy, Andrew, Jenny, Audrey and Brower parents) as well as the Burgesses and their friends. It was so fun to spend and afternoon with old friends. They all got to meet William and we got to meet Penelope. She is an angel and one of William's future friends I am sure. Another special treat was that William gave me his first "baby kiss". I was sitting on the couch in the hotel room and I said "kisses?". He had seen Abby do it earlier. William leaned in and put a big wet one on my cheek. Then he laughed for seriously 30 seconds. It was adorable!

Sunday, we dropped off William in his own Sunday school class for the first time. It is the first time we have let him stay with someone other than family. I wish I could say it was a glowing success. I won't go into all the details, but when I drop him off next week, I will bathe him in prayer beforehand. It is probably harder on me than him, but he was not a happy camper either.

One of my many tasks this week is to do some Christmas shopping. Not sure how that is going to work out, but it is worth a shot. I have one family member finished and a few stocking stuffers, but that is it. It's hard being motivated to get out in this cold snap, and William is done shopping after about an hour. Plus I am super tired. William has been eating between 8-10 oz. before bed and still waking up starving around 12-2am. My mom and mother-in-law say to start him on cereal, but I need to talk to my doctor first. I have an appointment on the 12th and I am trying to hold out until then, but I may not make it. We will have to see. I feel a bit like a zombie today. The only silver lining is that William is still continuing to take naps. Otherwise I might collapse where I stand!

That is all I can think of right now. I know I am leaving something out, but I have to feed my baby so I will go. Till next time!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

November 24th, 2011

Well, I am three days late posting, but to be fair things have been busy. Last week (Wednesday before last) William rolled from back to front. It took him 10 minutes to do it, but he has done it many times since. In fact just yesterday he was rolling from front to back and then back to front. He is more mobile every day.

I know I wrote last time that I wanted to clean up my house. Francis took off last Friday and he watched William in the afternoon while I cleaned. Ah, it was nice to have clutter picked up and dust removed. I felt like I could finally exhale. Thank goodness that Francis's boss told him that he needed to take off 13 hours or he woudl lose them. It really helped me out.

It was good I got the house cleaned because, this past weekend, Nana and the rest of the Phillips clan came to our house in Austin for the weekend to celebrate my birthday. We went shopping and took family photos. Then we went to Salt Lick for dinner and had "birthday" peach cobbler and ice cream for dessert. William was a trooper. We had a lot of fun. I came back with Nana and my mother-in- law to Plano on Sunday. I didn't want to have to wait for Francis on Tuesday to go to Dallas and I didn't want to take a separate car either, so this was the best choice. Plus it gave us extra time with Nana.

Monday I got a haircut! My mom watched William and I got a whole hour of adult conversation. It was weird but good. We also got him his Christmas outfit. It is adorable with a red sweater with snowflakes, black corduroy pants, and a striped button down top. We did William's 3 month photos on Tuesday. They turned out awesome. William was unsure about the fake Santa, but the rest of the photos show a smiley little boy. We got the most perfect picture of William with Nana. It is something I know William will cherish in the future!

We also celebrated my 26th birthday on Tuesday. I got a 3D bluray player, Beauty and the Beast in 3D, a Kindle Fire, Dance Central 2 for the Kinect, a spoon rest and platter, and super cute boots. I got quite a haul! We ate at Texas Land and Cattle for dinner; yummy! William was intrigued by the candles and fire. He might be a future pyromaniac. It would be another trait from his father.

Wednesday was a relatively William-free day. Francis watched him while I went shopping and had lunch with my mom and Danielle. Then my mom watched him during his afternoon nap while I played onthe Kinect with Francis, Ashley Duran and Brandon Nine (Yes, Francis FINALLY got to meet William. Super exciting!). My family, Brandon, Francis's family and my dad's parents all had dinner at BJ's so I had plenty of hands to hold William then. Afterward, Francis's parents took William home to put him to bed so that Francis and I could play Wii with Brandon and my sisters. Other than when I was feeding William, I felt like I was missing an arm all day. It was nice, but I wouldn't want to do it everyday. I'd miss William too much!

That brings us to today. The cowboy game is on right now. It doesn't look good. 36 of my relatives are in my parents house right now. We had delicious turkey and sides and as much dessert as one could possibly hope to eat. The tryptophane coma is starting to kick in, but I wanted to write while William is taking his nap. It's been a good Thanksgiving and a good week and a half. We head to San Antonio tomorrow, so I will write about that next week. Until then, I will leave you with this: I am so Thankful for so many things, but none of it would mean anything if Christ had not died for me. I am thankful most of all for Salvation and the freedom that it brings. I am blessed.

Monday, November 14, 2011

November 14th, 2011

This week William hit the three month mark. You know what that means? Time for more pictures! We will be taking them next week. I am super excited!

Some big news is that Nana Phillips (Francis's grandmother) has come down to Texas from Montreal to spend three weeks with the family. She got to meet William when we went to Houston on Saturday for Abby's Baby Dedication (Parent Commitment) ceremony. After a wonderful afternoon with Gershom, Kristi, Baby Olivia and in-utero Baby Burgess, we headed to Cyndy and Chris's house to let William meet both Nana and cousin Abby. Both meetings went well. Abby was very sweet to William. I hope William lived up to his namesake. He was very animated and a bit of a ham though. Let me explain. After having dinner with everyone (including the Burgess family), I was exhausted and drove back to the hotel with Nana, my mother-in-law and William. We tried to put William to bed, but he was just too darn delightful to put down. He was talking and laughing and grinning so big that you couldn't help but smile back. We tried to feed him, but he would talk through the bottle and get milk everywhere. We tried to burp him on our shoulder, but he would cry until we turned him around or laid him down where he could see. Then he would go back to laughing and smiling. He just wanted to be part of the party. He likes attention. Finally, something he did NOT get from Francis!

Sunday, the whole family went to church, had lunch with Chris's family and then we went back for Abby's ceremony. Their church does a very sweet job of trying to make is special. I will admit I cried. They sang that song called "I Am" by Nicole Nordeman. Ever since I heard her sing it in concert, it always makes me bawl like a baby (no pun intended). Abby has good parents, and I know that they will do their best to raise Abby God's way. I support them in that endeavor.

William has now slept 7 1/2 to 8 hours two nights in a row. Can this trend continue? I hope so, but as my mother says, "As soon as you think you've got them figured out, they change." I would like to add, "because babies are tricky that way," lol. Last night William slept from 9:30 until 5, went back to sleep at 5:30 and woke up just after 8. I was able to get in an extra hour of sleep, shower, have breakfast and have my quiet time all before hearing William utter his morning coos. As I said in my Facebook status: Thank God for small miracles! I really need the rest, and getting it helps me be a better mom. William also napped a couple of times last week. If I can get enough sleep at night AND William continues to nap, maybe I can actually get this house clean! Grand dreams, I know, but you've got to have big plans sometimes!

Monday, November 7, 2011

November 7th, 2011

Not even sure where to start this week. This will probably be a long post. Fasten your seatbelts!

To start off, William is rolling over!!! On Wednesday we were having our tummy time, and I had William propped up on the Boppy so that he could see everything around him. I noticed he was holding his head up for a long time, so I started to time it. At the five minute mark, William had not dropped his head. It made me wonder what he would do flat on the ground. So I removed the pillow and William remained on his stomach with his head up and looking around. It was amazing. Only the day before, he would hold his head up for less than 45 seconds. About three more minutes passed and with no warning, William flung his head to one side, bobbled and then flung it to his right and ROLLED OVER! I could not believe my eyes. Sure William rolled over when he was a newborn, but it didn't look like that. Before it was a haphazard back arch and cacophony movement to reach the desired results. This time (after weeks of not rolling over due to growth in size) the movement was more streamlined and much more controlled. I was so proud that I cried. I put him back up to try it again and sure enough after a couple of minutes on his stomach, over he went! I grabbed the camera to make him do it again. Needless to say, this was my entertainment for the day. I couldn't get a hold of Francis at the time, so when he got home, he didn't know about my day. I told him, "William is getting really strong. He is holding up his head like a champ!" I put William down and sure enough, over he rolled. Francis's eyes nearly came out of his head. It was a fun family moment. The day of excitement did not end there. When we went to give William his bath, he held himself up in the reclined tub without any support. Just a few days prior, William as little more than a jello man. He grew up all in one day!

Our Thursday night Bible Study really throws William off his routine. He falls asleep on the way home and then wakes up and does not want to go down for the night. This week William did not go down until 12:30am. Not cool. I was so exhausted by the time he fell asleep that I put him in the bassinet (in which he really does not fit) instead of his crib because I knew I would be up again with him soon. Friday night he was up until 11 so I was equally exhausted. The good news is that he is pretty pleasant about the whole thing. I think he might have been just too stopped up to lay on his  back because placing him thus evoked a painful scream until he was picked up. Turning on the humidifier and letting it run for a while certainly helped.  

As William will be three months old on Friday, Francis and I decided to buy William some new toys for him. I chose some activity balls and a toy bar for his carrier. Francis chose a piano that counts in French, Spanish and English. William likes them all so far. We all went to the dog park that afternoon. William is like his mommy in that he enjoys the outdoors. The weather was perfect. It was a fun family outing. Saturday night, we again struggled to put William to sleep.  At 9:30, I had had enough. I told Francis I had an idea. I got out the vacuum cleaner and turned it on. Almost instantly, William became calm. I vacuumed his room and then eventually, I picked him up and rocked him with the vacuum cleaner on in his room. He fell asleep. I put him in the crib and he stayed asleep. Then came the task of trying to get the vacuum cleaner out of the room and turn it off without waking William up. Francis somehow managed it and with much relief and joy, William slept 8 hours straight. That meant I got a continuous night's sleep. Something I really needed. God is good. Yay for vacuum cleaners!

 Yesterday after church, we attended a surprise party for a friend of ours. There were three other babies there. One was about 4 1/2 months old (a girl) and two were four months old (twin boys). William was heavier and longer than all of them. He was also the only one who could roll over. It was nice to see William around other kids, although the comparison made me realize I am really going to have to rely on my Heavenly father to do right by this special little boy. He is still around 16 lbs. and when I measured him this morning, he was between 25 1/2 and 26 inches long. He has already outgrown a couple of his 6 month outfits. Since each brand does sizing a little differently, he still fits in most 6 months clothing, but it will be all too soon before they don't fit either.

Well, William is up from his nap (nap! what an awesome word) so I am wrapping this up. It was a good week and a trying week. One of many, I hope!
Sunday: party with other kids smaller and shorter but older, none roll over yet. Out grown 6 month clothes, 16lbs. 26ish inches long

Monday, October 31, 2011

October 31, 2011

The past week has been a hard one, but I am going to (try to) grow stronger as a result of it. William has not been napping and Francis has been gone more due to work or other commitments. This means I have William awake and wanting my attention from at least 8 in the morning until 9 or so at night almost every day last week. It was exhausting, and I came out of it feeling like a bit of a failure because I didn't get much of anything done. Francis is such a sweetheart and has offered to put me up in a hotel by our house this coming Friday just so I can try to catch up on some sleep. I don't think I will do it, but the offer is tempting considering how worn out I feel. My only saving grace was that William took a two hour nap on Friday afternoon. It gave me a little time to regroup. God knew I needed it.

The irony in me telling you this is that right this moment, William is taking a nap in the pack n' play next to me. Perhaps this bodes well for this week? Time will tell.

I have been trying to take a couple of outings during the week with William. Going out everyday right now seems unrealistic because William is not fond of the carrier when he is awake, and going to the park seems silly when he is asleep. This week we went shopping one day and to the park another. William was low on pajamas so I went to Toys R Us on Tuesday and got $108 (7 pairs) worth of pajamas for $40. How? They were having a big sale that day where clothes were at least 50% off. Then I had a coupon for clothing for $10 off a clothing purchase of $50. Finally, I had a $5 voucher off my purchase. Voila! Cheap as chips, as they say in Britain.

The park on Thursday was also nice. The wind was perfect. With the weather being pretty, we've been trying to get William outside more. On Saturday, Francis, William and I took the dogs to a dog park I discovered right near our house. It's a good size and made for fun for all.

Oh! I forgot about the Fun Festival at our church on Friday. We went and walked around even though William could not jump in the inflatables or play any of the games. William dressed up as a dragon; I was a princess and, you guessed it, Francis dressed up as Sheldon Cooper from Big Bang Theory (ok so maybe that wasn't your first guess...). We will dress up again tonight as we hand out candy. I want to get as much use out of my costume as possible. Someone pointed out I could wear it to a Renaissance Festival, but I cannot see myself doing that in the near future. But who knows? William is the cutest Dragon that you ever did see. He was a trooper at the festival, just staring and smiling at everyone!

William has been increasingly chatty. Francis got a video last night of William and I having a very in depth conversation. He tries to talk all the time. Oh! Last night, Francis leaned over while I was changing William for bed and smiled big and said "Goo!" to William. To his great surprise, William yelled back "GOO!" in Francis's face. We laughed until we cried. I love those boys, but they are crazy.

In closing, I weighed William just now and he is right around 16 lbs. That means he has doubled his birth weight at 11 weeks. How crazy is that? Oh, and he is at least 25 inches. He weighs more and is longer than another little boy who is 4 weeks older as well as my cousin's daughter who is 6 months...I've got one healthy boy!

Monday, October 24, 2011

October 24, 2011

Another week...always moving forward. William is talking up a storm. He waits for you to say something and then "talks" back. I've been having some of the most interesting conversations of my life this week. He is so amazing. William also reached out for my hand and grabbed it on Saturday. It brought tears to my eyes. He is becoming more and more alert and aware of his surroundings. He is batting and kicking at things that he sees and has started to grab onto the things around him more intentionally. He can hold up his head, shoulders and chest/stomach while laying on his tummy. Such a strong boy!

I took William to a park for the first time on Thursday. He likes the outside air and loves looking at the trees and people. He would rather be in my arms than in his carrier/stroller because he always wants to look around. As long as he can see what is going on, he is happy.

This weekend, William and I made another road trip. This time we went up to Abilene for Hardin-Simmons homecoming. William is a trooper when it comes  to traveling by car. I couldn't ask for a better baby! I would like to point out that William was on HSU soil before A&M soil. Perhaps he might be an HSU cowboy afterall someday! William got to meet Rebecca Browne for the first time on Friday. I hope he made a good impression. I am slowly getting to introduce him to all of the special people in my life. I am glad I got to share my bundle of joy with her! Rebecca, my parents, William and I got to attend SING on Friday night. My sister Danielle was by far the most talented person on stage, but I may be a bit biased. William was great during the show except during one part that he thought was too quiet so he added a profound "ah!" to liven things up. We spent the night at my Aunt Cheryl's house and then Saturday was filled with more fun and merriment. I got to show him to all my former professors. I had sent a birth announcement to Dr. Williford (the Dean of Education) and so everyone was commenting on how he is even more beautiful than the pictures they had seen. Apparently Dr. Williford has the announcement pinned up in her office. I got to show William to many of my college friends and the day was topped off by William's first football game. The score: 67 to 17. We won! The drive back was long, but William slept the whole way so I didn't have to stop and feed him. It was a great day!!!

We now have a couple of weeks with no traveling, so I am looking forward to some rest. William is already 10 weeks old! I can't wait to see what the future holds!

Monday, October 17, 2011

October 17, 2011

It is official. William is a good car baby. I knew he would be, but he had his first big car trip this week. William wore his little car onesie that said "small but fast" and we made the three hour trek to Plano on Wednesday. Well, it should have been 3 hours, but the cord to my GPS was in Francis's car (making it useless) and my mother got me as a result I had to stop and feed my baby 20 minutes from my destination. Other than that William slept the whole way.

I learned that night just how much William talks in his sleep. Sleeping in the same room with him, I could hear every coo, gurggle and cry. He is his daddy's son. It would have been funny had I not been so tired. I can smile about it now.

Thursday, my mom and I went shopping. Since William has outgrown all his three month clothing, he had almost nothing to wear. We got him clothes and I got a couple of tops. I really had nothing that fit right anymore and was either wearing clothes from 2 years ago that do not fit my new "womanly" shape or still putting on maternity clothes that are too baggy. It was a bit of a self esteem boost to see what I look like when things fit. Thursday night I had dinner with my parents and in laws. No one could believe how much he has grown. From then until Sunday, William was constantly being held unless he was sleeping or in the car.

Friday was a big day. William and I went to the State Fair of Texas with my family. Danielle came in late Thursday night and Christian came in to join us that afternoon. There were many highlights in the day. First off, William was an angel. I found good places to feed him and he didn't slow us down. He loved the puppet show. I wasn't sure if he would care about it, but he smiled and watched everything on the stage. He also looked at all the crafts in the craft building and stared quizzically at the animals in the petting zoo. His favorite thing by far though was the firework spectacular at the end of the day. We were down by the fountain end so all the different sprays of water would light up, the screen would show beautiful images, lights would show on the buildings across the way and fireworks would explode overhead. William sat in Christian's lap and cooed and smiled through the whole show. He even danced to "We will Rock You". Christian thinks he might be a future drummer. I have said this before, but I will say it again, William is his daddy's son. Francis loves a good pyrotechnic and lights display. His son is just following suit!

The only sad thing that happened was that William hit his head on someone's shoulder (while he was whipping it around) and it scared him enough that he shed his first real tear. I guess his ducts are working now. It was very interesting to see and yet at the same time it broke his mommy's heart. Luckily it was just one glistening tear, so the sadness was short lived.

Saturday Francis and his dad went golfing (Francis got in late Friday night) and William and I went shopping with my mother-in-law and my family. I got a few more cute tops and William got some clothing as well. He is now a well clothed boy (up until another growth spurt!). It was so much fun. We all had dinner in celebration of Francis's birthday at Olive Garden and had cake back at the Phillilps' household. We are so blessed to have such wonderful families!!!

Sunday, otherwise known as Francis's 25th Birthday, we went to church (where William was again an angel) and then had a lunch with each family. We went back to the Phillips' house and hung out for a while before leaving for home. We stopped in Waco both to feed William and show him off to Christian's friends. Our trek ended late last night, but I think it was a good day. Francis is getting a 3D TV for his birthday, so I think that just made a great birthday even better.

I am making lasagna tonight so that we can have one more night of celebration with just our little nuclear family. It will hopefully round off a wonderful week/ weekend.

The best part of all of this is that William has slept 6-7 1/2 hours straight each night for 5 nights now. It has been great to get continuous rest. Well, William is sleeping so I better start preparing the lasagna so I can cook it later!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

October 11, 2011

It was a fun week here at Phillips central. After last Monday's hard night, William has been sleeping like no baby's slept before. It's been awesome. I asked Francis if he felt like he has gotten his life back and his response was, "No, I feel like life has gotten even better, like I have an extra life!" I started singing the Mario Brothers theme song...that was the end of any serious talk. Things are becoming less stressful around here for the time being. I am sure they will pick up soon.

This weekend we had some visitors: Ashley Duran and Brittany May. William was loved on and so were Francis and I. It was wonderful to have them meet William and see how special he is. It makes a momma proud.

Francis had his first babysitting job alone with William last night while I went to ladies night with my Bible Study group. I felt a bit like I was missing an arm, but I was never worried because I knew my baby was in good hands. He did a great job and William is still in one piece.

The big news is that William is two months old today! He had his check up today and he is growing faster than a weed. He is now 13 lbs. 3 oz., 23 and 3/4 inches long and 41.1cm around his head. That's a gain of 5lbs. 3oz, 3 1/4 inches and 2 cm in just 6 weeks!!! He went from being in the 50th (weight), 50th (length) and 95th (head) percentiles to the 80th, 75th and above the 100th percentile respectively. I guess he is getting enough food! If he keeps this up, he will double his birth weight before 4 months. I am just glad he is healthy. He also got a bunch of vaccines today so I am expecting him to be a bit lethargic for the next couple of days. Hopefully he will perk up before our trip to Dallas on Thursday. We will be celebrating my mom's Francis's and my father-in-law's birthday's so it should be fun!

I got my flu shot today so I think William and I will bed down and weather the storm now. Time for a nap!

Monday, October 3, 2011

October 3, 2011

So this week was not nearly as eventful as last week when it comes to milestones. William grabbed onto a rattle and shook it a couple of times. That was exciting. Mostly, he has been perfecting the skills he developed last week. He can now push up his head, neck and the front part of his chest with his hands. This makes his crawling motion much less painful for mommy to watch because only his tummy gets red. He is favoring his left side much of the time which makes me think he might be left handed. My father and aunt are both left handed, so it is not out of the question.

I had my first date alone with Francis on Saturday night since William was born. My mother was in town for a political event and so she and my Aunt Camille volunteered to watch William. Francis and I went to Texas Roadhouse for dinner and then to see the Lion King in 3D. It was a lot of fun. I wasn't as worried as I thought I would be, but my mother was here for the first two weeks of his life, so I know she can care for him. My Aunt did a great job as well. I did catch myself checking my phone occasionally to make sure I didn't have any texts from them, so I guess I am not completely immune to the worry, hehe. It was nice to have a little break, I have to admit, but coming home to my little one was totally worth it. I don't know what those women did to wear him out, but he slept 7 hours straight on Saturday night and has been sleeping ever since except to eat (around 36 hours now). He was starving all day Saturday so I think he must be going through a growth spurt. He was already growing like crazy, so I can't wait to go to the doctor and see his stats.

Really, that's all I have to say. Short and sweet is the way to go sometimes.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

September 27th, 2011

            I did one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to do last night: let William cry himself to sleep. The few previous nights William has had a little 2 hour party in your crib in the middle of the night where he acts like he's asleep, I put him in his crib, and he wakes up screaming for company 5 minutes later. I come back in, and as soon as I pick him up, he stops crying and looks at me. I would call him a little stinker, but I was the same way as a baby. Since putting yourself to sleep is an important life skill, I knew sooner or later I would have to let him go it alone. Last night was the time.
            We are doing a small group study about God being in control and how we should let him take charge. William is helping Him teach that point. As I fed William last night, I prayed over him that God would keep and protect him. I laid William down when he got still and would not eat. Sure enough, he woke up. I picked him up and rocked him and he quieted. I prayed God would give me the wisdom to know when to put William down again, as He was in control. God took me up on that.
            After a few minutes in my arms, God told me it was time to take the plunge. I was scared, and yet I had a peace. I laid William down and for about 2 minutes he was just fine. I got back into bed, but just as I was about to heave a sigh of relief, he started crying. It was soft at first; I could see William on the baby monitor moving around. Then it moved into a full fledged scream. I began to sob. Everything in me wanted to get up, but it was like something was sitting on me, keeping me down. I prayed and prayed. Francis woke up, and after I told him what was going on, he prayed too. For 30 minutes we prayed until William took a deep breath and then: silence. I kept my muscles tense for a while and waited. Finally I looked at the monitor, and a miracle had occurred: William was asleep. Praise God, He is holy! I proceeded to pass out for the next 3 ½ hours or so, but they were the best rest I’ve had in weeks. God is sovereign and giving him back control is so freeing. I am exhausted, but my spirit is at peace. Who knew something so simple as a baby crying could point to such a big issue? God did.

Monday, September 26, 2011

September 26th, 2011

Wow, it has been quite a week for William. He has been learning like crazy. I just love seeing the wheels turn in his head. He has started to "scoot" for lack of a better term. When he is on his stomach, he gets really excited and he can propel his entire body forward using his legs/knees. It is quite something to see! If you put your hands behind his feet, he can push himself clear across the floor. He doesn't use his hands at all, so he makes his face a little red, but if you stop, he cries at you until you put your hands back where they were so he can do it again. Silly boy.

He also stood without support for 2 whole seconds this week. He likes walking with someone holding him under his shoulders, but the standing unassisted thing is pretty impressive. Don't worry, I keep my hands less than a quarter of an inch from his sides so he won't fall.

So needless to say William is making great strides in holding up his back and neck. I can now hold him in one arm and make dinner and he won't fall. His social smile is coming along. My camera is too slow to get a good picture because as soon as the orange light appears, William closes his eyes in anticipation of the flash. He's so smart.

William is also starting to "talk" more. He said "uh-oh" clear as day when I dropped something this week. I know it was a coincidence, but it made me happy none the less. He is starting to differentiate his happy and sad sounds. It is fun to see him explore vocally. We have a toy that he can hit and it will light up. He has figured out that he can act on the object to cause something to happen. When he does he sometimes squeals with delight. I love it!

Finally, ("oh my goodness, you're still talking?") William is beginning to sleep through the night. He has slept 5-6 hours in a row for the past three nights and then slept an additional 3 or 4 after that (so if we put him in bed at 9, he sleeps until 2 or 2:30, eats and then sleeps from 4:00 to 7:00 or 7:30). This could be due to the fact that my little boy moved out of our room on Friday. Francis had to do it because I was agitated and William could tell. He's growing up too fast, I tell you. We are establishing a nightly routine as follows: we change William's diaper and put him in his pajamas, then Francis reads him a Bible story in French, I read him a short book in English, then we turn down the lights, give him a bottle of milk I have pumped (so we know he is full) and sing softy. We also turn on a sound machine to drown out the inevitable low bass that emanates from a neighbor's car at odd hours of the night. It has been taking two or three tries to get him all the way asleep, but the video monitor in our room is a huge comfort to know he is ok. He makes noises in his sleep just like his daddy so I can see from my room when he is actually in need of my assistance.

Little man just woke up. Gotta go!

Monday, September 19, 2011

September 19th, 2011

So much has happened since last I wrote that I can hardly contain myself. I will try to write as much as I can as concisely as I can, but I make no promises. First off, William is smiling up a storm! He gave me his first honest to goodness, eye contact and everything, social smile last Wednesday. I was making funny faces and noises that afternoon and all of a sudden my little boy was beaming! Whoever thought one little toothless smile could do so much to my senses? I've been putty in his hands ever since. I will do almost anything to get the corners of that mouth to turn upward. Another milestone reached. He's growing up so quick!

Francis took off on Friday to give me a break. Both his boss and his boss's boss told his that he needs to use up at least half of his paid time off before the end of the year so he won't lose it. Plus, they know how hard he works and how important it is to spent time with your family. So Francis watched William while I cleaned the house before everyone arrived. It was a big help. I literally put the vacuum in the closet and the doorbell rang. Phew! I couldn't have done it without my wonderful husband!

My parents and sister Christian came in Friday night, and Danielle came in the following morning. We ladies took William shopping with us and I found a new dress and shoes for church the following day. Then a milestone in my life happened: the first time being away from my child. The girls went to get a pedicure and Francis and my dad met us at the shop. They took William back home with them and I was without my baby for one whole hour! It was a good first outing for me as it wasn't too long, and Francis and my dad were watching him instead of some strange babysitter. Everything went well and I came back better rested and more relaxed. When we got back, both sets of my grandparents (including my Japapa for whom William was named) showed up and the love for William overflowed. All but Mom Noble had not yet met William, so needless to say I didn't get to hold him for the rest of night. Actually, other than nursing, I didn't get to hold William all weekend thanks to my mom, Danielle and especially Christian. Christian is a sneaky baby stealer. No matter who has William, he is all of a sudden in Chrissy's arms. She's got some talent, I guess.

Getting to see Japapa with William was particularly special. He held someone who was named in his honor and the look on his face was something I will not forget. I am so glad they were able to meet.

Sunday morning was  a baby dedication. Francis's parents arrived shortly before the service and got to kiss their grandchild before the ceremony. William behaved like a champ. We shook the pastor's hand, got our picture taken and he did not cry even a little. The prayer of dedication almost got him, but he held out to the end. Then Christian and Danielle held him during the service, and William slept through the sermon even though it was very enthusiastic. We all had a celebratory lunch at Carraba's and then took more pictures than we ever could have imagined (much to Francis's chagrin). It was finally time to say goodbye. William was only almost kidnapped twice by doting relatives and everyone had a great time. I am honored to be so supported by so many Godly people. I pray William will follow the examples that have so graciously gone before him!

On a separate note: William wore his first Aggie onsie last night. We got a pic of him with Francis's A&M ring. William proceeded to poop right through his diaper all over it. The jury is still out on whether he was disgusted are just too excited to contain himself. Only time will tell.

Three good nights of sleep have done wonders for me (my mom watched him Friday night, Christian on Saturday night and he slept well last night). William is starting to sleep for longer stretches. He managed to go 6 whole hours on Friday night. Last night he made it from 9pm to 5 am with only one feeding. I feel like there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Lol, as long as that light isn't William driving a train of sleepless nights at me, I think we will be ok!

Oh, and I weighed William this morning, and he is somewhere around 11.5 pounds. I guess I am making enough milk! That's it for now!

UPDATE: About an hour after finishing this post, William was doing tummy time on his activity mat when he started to crawl/scoot! He managed to get his whole head off the mat. When I put his my arm behind  his feet, he pushed his way across the floor. So cool!!!

Monday, September 12, 2011

September 12th, 2011

William was officially a month old yesterday. 32 days ago, I gave birth to the most wonderful little boy, William!

He is playing on the floor next to me right now. He has started to learn to entertain himself. That means mommy  doesn't have to be in his line of vision 24/7 either which is nice. Perhaps he is learning object permanence: mommy still exists even though I can't see her. I know it is a little early, but every mom wants to believe her child is advanced, yes? He can already roll over even though he doesn't have complete control of his head. He just arches his back just right and voila! the rest of his body follows. He can do it from back to front and front to back. We really have to watch him carefully.

This past week was rather uneventful. I made my first venture into clothes shopping with William and although he was mostly good, I didn't find anything worth getting. Thursday we made a second attempt at getting professional photos done. The newborn photos came out alright, but the experience was not the best. We went to a different place this time and the photos were awesome as was the trip. We did them in the morning this time and William was a little trooper! He held up his head for us, smiled (although we didn't get it on camera) and only rolled over on the photographer twice. What's more, after the shoot while I was picking out photos, William slept like an angel!

Saturday I had William be out of my reach for the first time. I've had him out of my sight before, but I could always get to him as need be. Francis and I went to the mall on Saturday for me to shop for a dress.
Francis took William around for about 45 minutes while I looked. So granted, we were all in the same building, but it is a step. Maybe someday soon, Aunt Chrissy can come watch him while we go out for dinner and a movie, but not just yet.

Francis was super helpful this weekend. I got to take a 2 hour nap yesterday while William was with Francis and Francis made a grocery run yesterday so that I don't have to do one this week. I am so blessed!!! He is an awesome dad and an awesome husband.

Next weekend is baby dedication at church. We have my parents, my sisters, Frankie's parents and both sets of my grandparents coming into town. We will have our own cheering section! It will be the first time Pop (my dad's father) and Jamama and Japapa (my mom's parents) get to meet William. I am so excited!

I guess that is all for now!

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

September 6th, 2011

It is September already. William will be 4 weeks old in only 2 days! I can't believe it. He has changed so much. He has started smiling. Just this morning he smiled at me for a good long time. I almost started crying. I was smiling huge to say the least. William through smiling has decided through smiling that he wants to be an Astronaut. More than once we have asked him what he is going to be when he grows up and he has smiled and made noise only when astronaut is mentioned. Francis is so proud. I posted a video on Facebook of a smile I caught while recording. William is also mastering the art of cooing. He has started making noises other than crying to communicate. He has sighed, blurted out, and made noises sounding like "ow", "ha!" and "oh". He is adorable.

This past weekend we had many visitors. Aunt Christian and her friend Kristen came in for most of the day on Saturday. They are both crazy for babies, so I didn't hold William pretty much all day. They will both be great moms when the time comes. I got a fun picture of William and my sister. Apparently making fun faces runs in the family. The three of us went shopping, and had dinner at Applebee's where some woman thought William belonged to Christian and Kristen instead of Francis and me even though we were closest to him and he was facing us. Very odd story. Fun day.

Sunday we went to church and William made it through almost all of bible study (minus a diaper issue) and all of service like a champ. It is the first time I have gotten to sit in the church sanctuary in a month. I was fully prepared to leave, but William slept through the service in my arms. Noise never seems to bother him. The quiet, however, makes him crazy... Sunday night we went over to Russ and Becky's to watch the A&M game. The Aggies won; I think the final score was 66 to 12. It was a great night, but William was so excited, that I guess he didn't want to sleep. Thankfully yesterday was Labor Day so Francis and I could sleep in.

Francis's dad came through yesterday to drop off and pick up stuff from our house. We gave him a copy of William's Birth Announcement (which I was FINALLY able to pick up...thanks to the single competent employee in the Walmart photo department) and had dinner with him. It was nice to see him and I know he loved seeing his grandson. We actually got to talk to much of Francis's extended family via Skype. They hadn't really gotten to see William other than pictures, so it was nice to get to introduce him. Overall, it was a successful day!

After a long night, we are glad to still have a house. There was smoke on three sides of us yesterday that we could see from wildfires. The one in Bastrop is still burning and it smells like a campfire outside. The fire in Pflugerville was put out relatively quickly, and the one in Stiener Ranch is around 50% contained. There was a time last night when I was really worried we might have to evacuate, and I was planning in my head all the things we would need to pack in the car to leave. I came to the conclusion that as long as we got out William, ourselves, and the dogs, everything else can be replaced. But God is good and it did not come to that. I pray for those who did lose their house, though, as it cannot be easy.

Thursday we are going to do William's one month pictures. I am thinking about going clothes shopping today in case I want to be in some of the photos. My body is mostly back to normal so it would be nice to have clothes that fit again. William slept from 9:30 (yeah, you heard me) until 8:30 this morning with breaks at 11, 3, and 6 for feeding, so I actually got a good amount of rest last night. I plan to put that energy to good use!

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

August 30, 2011

August is almost at a close. I can't believe it has passed so quickly! I am the most blessed woman on earth. William is awesome. He has been sleeping well. Night before last he fell asleep about 12:15 after taking a bottle that I had pumped earlier that day. I was asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. Suddenly my car alarm went off in the garage. Francis jumped up to see what was going on. I looked at the clock. It was 5am! William had slept 5 hours, exactly how long the doctor said I could let him sleep before I had to feed him. There was nothing going on with my car. Francis and I figure God was waking me up so I could feed my baby. But the sleep was amazing! The system we have figured out has been working well so far. I will feed him around 9 or so and then watch TV while Francis sleeps. Then around 11 to midnight (when he's hungry) I change his diaper, and I give him a bottle that I have pumped. That way he can drink as much as he wants, and I know he is very full. He generally sacks out for at least 3 or more hours before I need to feed him again. I have been able to get in at least 2- three plus hour stretches of sleep each night and a short nap in the afternoon. It isn't as much sleep as I have gotten in the past, but I know it could be way worse.

William is also not a fussy baby. When he cries I know it is because he is hungry, needs to burp, or because he is about to need a diaper change (if you catch my drift). He is so curious. He looks around and studies anything in his gaze intently. He is learning to use all his muscles. He is getting good control of his head. We work on tummy time. It is not his favorite thing, but he tolerates it well. He will take a pacifier, but he doesn't have to have it.

Hmmm, what else? OH! Sunday night (after William made it through Bible Study and Service like a champ!), William was working out his legs. So, I held him up on the floor and he started walking! I held him up and he walked across the living room and back. I know newborns have that reflex built into them by God, but it is an amazing thing to see. He held up most of his body; he only really needed me for support. How cool is that?!

I guess you could say that things are going well. William's Great Aunt Camille and her two cousins came to visit him on Saturday. They concur that he is adorable. It is very satisfying to have others coo over your little one. It somehow justifies your own adoration.

Well that is it for this love fest. Thanks for tuning in!

UPDATE: After I wrote this, I went to change William's diaper and lo and behold: his umbilical cord stem has just fallen off!! My little boy is growing up so fast!!!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

August 24th, 2011

Week two is nearly past, and I still feel like it is all a dream. My awesome mother leaves tomorrow, and I think that her walking out my front door will make it all more real. She has been taking the night shift. She has been bringing him in to feed and then taking him back to the nursery. I cannot tell you how much this has meant to me. My recovery has been slow but steady, and I think that without her, I would not be healing quite so well. I also have had no "baby blues", which may not have been the case without her help. Thank you mom. Thank you so much.

She is not the only one I need to thank. My in-laws came this past weekend to help while my mother was in Abilene helping my sister Danielle move into her first apartment at college. Besides getting William a new wardrobe, they were willing and eager to step in and help keep us going. Thank you both for filling the gap! Also, our Bible Study class has been bringing us meals three times a week (and will continue to do so until William is one month old). It has been wonderful not to worry about cooking. Thank you to all of you for your kindness. God has truly blessed us by putting such wonderful and Godly people in out lives. My heart is overflowing.

So how is being a mom? There are not enough positive adjectives in the English language to describe it. William is in the swing sleeping right now, and I cannot help but smile and cry just looking at him. He is worth all the 9 months of waiting and he isn't even two weeks old yet. I can't wait to see what the future holds!

William had a doctor's appointment today and good news: William is back up to his birth weight!!! He is in the 50th percentile for both length and weight but in the 95th percentile for head size. It's holding all those wonderful big brains, I suspect. The doctor agreed and she is an expert, hehe. He is just perfect. My little William. I can't believe it!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

August 17, 2011

 Well, the big day was a long time coming. It was exhausting, trying and I could not have done it alone. Would I do it all over again? Absolutely. This little miracle was totally worth it.

It all began last Tuesday. I went into the doctor's office and told her how I was doing. She checked out William on a sonogram and then looked at my vitals. She looked very serious. "We need to check your blood pressure again". It was very high. The second test confirmed the first. They gave me five minutes to rest and tested again. The third time my pressure was 160/95, not an acceptable level. "We are going to need to induce today. We are a little concerned about preeclampsia. Go home, get your stuff and we will notify the hospital." I went into a bit of a panic, but had the clarity of mind to call my mother and Francis. My mom and Christian headed in from Plano and Francis left work. He took a little bit of time to get home, and when he did his eyes were as big as the moon. It made me smile a bit to see him rush around. I was a bit calmer, probably because I knew I needed to keep my blood pressure down. I ate lunch (Francis for some reason had not appetite) and we left for Seton Medical Center Williamson. We checked in and after an extended process of answering every question known to man, the nurse got me started on Cervidil to “ripen the banana” as the nurse said. When they hooked me up to the machine, I was already having contractions. I had been feeling things the night before, but didn’t know that they were contractions. The Cervidil had to be in for 12 hours before starting on the pitocin. I was in for a long night.

The next few hours were manageable. My sisters and parents were there to keep me entertained and the contractions did not pain me significantly. The only snag was the hospital bed. The bend in the bed was hard when it laid flat. My hip could not get comfortable ergo I could not sleep. They tried everything, but sleep was elusive. Francis was able to sleep on the queen size pull out bed in the room. It was comforting to know he was rested. At 3 am, they took me off the Cervadil and all the machines so that I could shower and freshen up. It was nice to be clean before the big work began. My mother (who is a saint, by the way) came back up the hospital to support me so Francis could continue resting. She stayed by my side through the entire day and the day following. After my hour off, they started on me the pitocin. I made slow progress throughout the day. Francis’s parents arrived early that morning, which made the waiting room party complete. They were surprised to see my contractions didn’t hurt, but glad to see I was doing well. When Dr. Brown came to visit at lunch, she told me I was at 2 ½ cm: not the best news. She did tell me I could have lunch though, and that certainly helped my mood. 5 more hours passed and I only made one cm of progress. I was exhausted and sleep deprived. My doctor gave me two options: I could either take an hour break, get some dinner and take a walk or I could break my water right away. I chose door number one. I had food and took a restful walk. They then put me back on the pitocin and Dr. Brown broke my water. I must admit this phenomenon was a bit of a shock. Not to be too detailed, but it felt a bit like someone sticking a needle into an underinflated balloon and then yanking it out. Not pleasant, but oh my goodness did it jump start my labor. Contractions got much more intense and before long they put me on pain medication.

A few hours into the evening of day 2 (Wednesday), I requested an epidural. A natural birth was never in the plan and I was beginning to realize just how tired I was. They inserted the needle and after a while, things started to feel better. I even got a couple of hours of rest. About 4 am on Thursday, the nurse made the call that it was time to push. I started to think I was in the clear. I was going to make it. After the first hour of pushing, the nurse changed out my bag for a new bag of epidural. This is where the problems started. I began to feel a hot spot in my leg, and each time I pushed, my ribs on my left side felt like they were breaking. Deep into hour two of pushing, I could feel much of what was going on in my stomach and boy did it hurt (we found out later that the heat from the loading dock might have deactivated the chemicals in the bag). Dr. Brown came in at the beginning of hour three of pushing because she thought we were close. Boy was she wrong! Two more hours of pushing and feeling everything and Dr. Brown told me that she thought I would have to do a C section if he didn’t come in the next 20 minutes. I became frightened and relieved at the same time. I looked at Francis and my mom. They had been standing this whole time. “I can’t do this anymore,” I told them. “I am out of energy.” Francis nodded and squeezed my hand. The following ten minutes are a bit of a blur. I gave it all I had and more, praying with each push that it would be the last. Just as I thought I would pass out, I felt and heard a pop. A light blue body appeared in my line of vision. “You did it,” my mom said softly with tears in her eyes. I couldn’t believe it. I had brought my beautiful baby boy into this world! (I found out later that they were prepping the room for my C section when I delivered. Talk about a close call!)

They placed William on my chest after they cut the umbilical cord. Francis was crying with the look on his face that I have only seen once before: on our wedding day. I was too exhausted to cry, but I tenderly touched my little man and introduced myself. They took him to the side of the room to clean him up, weigh and measure him. He was 8 pounds even and 21 inches. He was born at 8:21 on Thursday August 11, 2011. Over the course of the morning, my sisters, my parents and Francis’s parents all held my beautiful baby boy in turn. It was one of the proudest times of my life.

Finally we were moved to a mother/baby room. I worked on nursing and learned how to take care of myself. Francis supported me every step of the way. We received tons of flowers from family as well as Francis’s work. Everything seemed to be going great. Even the heart murmur which they had heard originally in William had cleared up (as expected) by that afternoon. Francis’s sister and brother in law came to visit that evening from Houston. The families were complete. William had met everyone but his cousin Abby. I am sure they will meet soon.

By mid morning Friday, everyone except my mom had headed home. William received his circumcision that afternoon and with that procedure William’s difficulty eating became worse. I had met with a lactation consultant twice and many nurses, but William’s pain overrode his need for food. My Grandmother (Mom Noble) and my Aunt Camille came to visit that evening and got to see sweet William. It was a special time. After their departure, the nurse did the Bilirubin test. The results were not favorable. William might have jaundice. Throughout that night I got up and attempted to feed William regularly. I prayed over each and every part of him and dedicated it to Our Heavenly Father. Only He knew what would happen and without Him, I could do nothing. The midnight test came back with an equally negative result. In the early hours of the morning, William was put under a warmer and phototherapy began. All say Saturday, he was only allowed out of his bassinet to feed. He hated not being able to see and the sensors on his body irritated him. It was hard to hear him cry, but I knew he needed the treatment. Francis could tolerate his crying even less than me. He is already a caring and awesome dad. We spent a lot of time praying and crying that day and not just from exhaustion. The only thing that kept me from completely losing it was the fact I could sleep on the pull out couch bed in our room instead of the horrible hospital bed (which was a bit possessed as it was constantly adjusting to make you “more comfortable”). Rest was infrequent, but not completely absent. The doctor came in and “discharged” me so that my insurance would not be charged for another day, but I was allowed to stay in my room with William and receive help getting my milk to get in. The best way to help heal Jaundice is to get William to go to the restroom and flush out the Bilirubin. I ended up having to use an SNS to supplement my milk until it came in.   

 Saturday night/Sunday morning, they did another Bilirubin test and the results were more promising. He was at 13.2 (which was holding steady from the test before). They took William of the Phototherapy machine. A few hours later, the Bilirubin count was down to 12.1. William was going to be discharged!!!!! I was so happy I could bust. On top of that, I was finally getting the hang of breast feeding with the SNS. God is awesome. After the pediatrician saw William, we were good to go. The nurses all said goodbye to us. Having been there nearly a week, I think they had grown rather fond of us.

Since we have been home, my mother (the saint, remember?) has been taking the night shift to help me get at least a little rest. I only have to wake up to nurse. She handles the rest. We have been to our new pediatrician. I LOVE her and am so glad that I found her. We have also had our first portraits. William is like his daddy: he doesn’t like pictures. Francis has headed back to work and best of all, my milk has finally come in. William has maintained his weight and is now beginning to gain. I look forward to seeing what his weight is at his next appointment next week.

William is an angel. He is so curious and learning all the time. He is so strong that he has already flipped himself from back to front. I won’t be able to ever leave this guy unattended. He is laying on me right now and I can’t help but think about how blessed I am. I have so much to learn about him and yet I already love him so much. I thank God for him daily and look forward to the awesome man he will become. I can't believe he is already one week old!

Welcome to the world, William!

Monday, August 8, 2011

August 8, 2011

I had a great weekend. Francis booked a hotel up in Cedar Park. It was a brand new hotel and our room was HUGE! He did good. After dropping off the dogs on Friday, Francis picked me up after lunch and we headed up to Cedar Park. After settling into the hotel, I got dressed up and we went to dinner at Main Street Grill in Round Rock. We had our anniversary dinner there last year before Francis left for South Korea and it was a very special time. Francis really listened when I said I would really like to go back. We went back to the hotel after grabbing some dessert and then changed into our swim suits. We went swimming in the indoor hotel pool. It may not sound like much, but we have both been wanting to go swimming all summer. It was a special treat to be able to do it indoors. I haven't been swimming since I got pregnant, and it felt super weird. Not only was my center of gravity off, but when my stomach was under water, William would somehow manage to disappear (my stomach would be soft). Francis was particularly entertained but the fact that if he sent a good size wave in my direction, I was unable to stop myself from spinning. I've never been buoyant before in my life ( I usually just sink to the bottom unless I tread water) so feeling like a buoy was new for me. Very fun. Oh! We also got to exchange gifts. I got Francis the first season of the Big Bang Theory series. There's a story behind me getting it, but all I will say is, "That's the way we roll in the shire." It made him smile. Francis got me a vacuum for the upstairs in our house. I asked for it specifically. I'm so glad he listens!!! The vacuum I have works perfectly well, but I have a great amount of trouble getting it up and down the stairs. Now I won't have to! I have an awesome husband!

Saturday we got up and had breakfast in the room. Then Francis surprised me by taking me on a train ride through the hill country from Cedar Park to Burnet and back. It was about a 3 hour ride. We got upgraded for free to 1st class, and I am so glad because it meant we had a ton of room to move around. The workers and volunteers on board worked very hard to keep us entertained, and they succeeded. We were able to get off and see the depot station in Burnet. Very exciting. We got back in the afternoon and had a light lunch. Francis then took me to a place I have been curious about: the local dollar theater. We went and saw Pirates 4 (I had wanted to see it previously). It is actually a nice little theater and I think we will go there again. After the movie, the late afternoon/early evening heat finally got to me. We headed home and picked up the dogs. We decided to order pizza from a local pizzeria. Oh my goodness! It was some of the best pizza I've ever had. It was a perfect end to a wonderful trip. The best part was that Francis planned it all and I didn't have to lift a finger. That is the best gift he could have given me: showing me how much he cares by listening to what I like and planning accordingly.

Perhaps one of the most interesting developments of this weekend was that after I got off the train, I realized William had dropped. My stomach is a different shape. I went from sticking straight out to having more of a tear drop shape. I can breath again and my bladder is, well, compressed. Does that mean William will be coming in the next couple of days? Probably not, but at least it is progress. I guess I will see what else is going on more tomorrow at my next appointment. Until then, more waiting!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

August 3, 2011

So yesterday was a big day. It was my third anniversary with my wonderful husband Francis. He is an amazing man and I wouldn't trade him for the world.

First thing yesterday I went for my weekly appointment. I am 1cm dilated and 50% effaced. His head hasn't moved stations. The good news is I am ahead of my momma; she never dilated with any of her pregnancies without induction. It probably still means I will have to induce after his due date, but my doctor and I will revisit the issue next week. Dr. Brown said not to worry about the joint pain; it is fluid that has built up in my joints and it will go away as soon as William comes. He's totally worth it, but pretty soon I will be less than worthless if the pain gets any worse. Oh! My Group B Strep test was negative! That is one less thing to worry about.

Anyway, back to the whole anniversary thing. I got all dressed up and Francis came home after 6 to pick me up. He rang the doorbell (which scared the living daylights out of me) and told me my chariot awaits (which was wonderfully cheesy and sweet). We went to Carino's and had a lovely quiet dinner. Then we came back to the house and I pulled out something he hadn't seen since the day before we got married: his wedding present to me. It is a compilation of all of the letters and cards I wrote him throughout our dating relationship. He put it in a bound book and gave it to me after our rehearsal dinner. It is still one of the sweetest things he has ever done. Well, we looked through the book to see how our lives had changed and see what was going on when. It was actually very fascinating and spurred some great conversation. I then presented him with a letter I wrote him in honor of our third anniversary. It told him what I think of him now. It is funny how the things you think about your spouse change over time and yet stay the same. We looked through our wedding album and recalled all sorts of things I thought we had forgotten. We attempted to watch our wedding video, but it wouldn't work on the DVD player. Luckily, we could see it on the computer, so we went ahead and saved a copy on there just in case. Overall it was a sweet night. Why didn't we exchange gifts or cards? We are doing that this weekend. Francis is taking me away for the weekend to a surprise location. He has planned out the whole weekend and even booked a hotel and boarded the dogs. He is taking off half of Friday to come get me and get things started. Don't worry, he told me we will stay as close to the hospital as we are at our house (which is actually a pretty wide radius!). I don't think it will be an issue though. William is way too comfortable to make an appearance any time soon. So we will enjoy one last weekend as just the two of us. I am really looking forward to it!

Today I went to a play-date at Haley's house, and Jami gave me a bunch of baby stuff!!! I am super excited. She saved me a ton of money and finally feel like the last piece of the puzzle is in place. Thanks Jami!!!

Ok, as the temperature outside is reaching record levels once again, I feel like this is a good time for a nap. Until next time!

Monday, August 1, 2011

August 1st, 2011

We have reached the month of William's birth. I can say that with relative certainty because even if he is 18 days late (not that the doctor would let me go that long), he would still be born in the month of August. The end and beginning are near.

I feel both productive and useless this past week and a half. I will explain. Weekend before last, Francis and I spent a number of hours doing the one year maintenance/check up on our house. We looked at things like are the gutters and weep-holes clean and did things like drain the water heater and put the cap-full of bleach in the air conditioner. Nothing by itself took too long, but together the list took a couple of days. We had Russ and Becky over for dinner that Saturday. They are fun people. During the rest of the week, I got Bella up to date on her shots by paying an extended visit to the vet (thanks to two emergencies that came in just before we did), and I got Francis's car fluids flushed at the car shop since they were about 20,000 miles overdue. It is one thing for Francis to put himself in danger by not keeping up with his car's needs, but I want William to have the safest place to ride possible.  So I waited three hours in the moderately warn waiting room, but it was worth it. Tuesday evening I took meals to two different families who needed it, one of which had just had a baby. As I will be receiving meals very soon, I want to help others the way I will be helped.

I cleaned the house on Wednesday after going out to lunch with some friends. When I lived in College Station, the small amount of space we had made it easy to clean on a whim. Now it takes some determination (and a ton of breaks) to get it done. My energy for walking is still not limited, but when it comes to stairs or bending up and down, I get winded quickly. It is like William thinks my lungs are kick balls, and when they get in range, he shoots and mommy's dismay and wheezing. But I love him anyway. Thursday, my mother and sisters came into town. We got to go get pedicures. It was nice to sit and have someone rub my feet. They aren't swollen, but my arches are so high, that they nearly always hurt. They stayed the night and on Friday, we went shopping for their birthday presents from me. Christian's birthday was last Wednesday (the 27th). Happy Birthday Christian!!! Christian got a slicer/deicer and Danielle got a beautiful and comfy bath mat for her new apartment. We got more stuff for each of them throughout the day, and I even got a couple of nursing camisoles that I will be very excited to use within the next couple of weeks. I loved having them here!

Saturday Francis washed and waxed my car while I fed Quarters into the machine. It hasn't been washed in ages, so it was certainly due. If nothing else, it will look good for our going home from the hospital pictures with William.

So that is why I feel productive. But why do I feel useless? Over the past couple of weeks, my joints have begun to hurt. It was a little at first, but it has gotten worse. The worst part is my fingers and my knees. My knees make it so that I cannot really walk up stairs, but my fingers...well, you can use your imagination. I can't open jars, or grab semi-heavy objects (like a gallon of milk), or even lift myself out of bed with out wincing and or crying out. I am going to talk to my doctor about it tomorrow, but from my research it seems pretty common among pregnant women toward the end of pregnancy. As long as I keep my fingers relatively straight, they don't hurt, so I have been avoiding bending them unless necessary. I have been getting very frustrated because of all I cannot do, but Francis had been a trooper. He is the best husband in the world. He knows how much pain I am in and has been doing everything I need. When I thank him, he just thanks me right back for enduring the pain for the sake of our son. He is such a blessing!

Tomorrow is my three year wedding anniversary. Will William be an anniversary baby? Probably not, but I will find out my progress at my appointment tomorrow. I would like to make it through this coming weekend, because Francis has planned a romantic surprise and I want to know what it is.

12 days until due date. Yay!

Thursday, July 21, 2011

July 21st, 2011

I met Mr. Dr. Brown today as my doctor (Mrs. Dr. Brown) was in delivery. He was very nice, and now at least I know what he looks like in case he has to fill in for my doctor in delivery.

They did my Group B Strep test, but I won't get the results until next week. He checked my pelvis. I am 50% effaced, 0 cm dialated, and -2 station (Will's heart rate 150). The good news about that is that I will likely not deliver while my doctor is on vacation next week. I take after my momma; this baby will very likely be late. Dr. Brown noted how much he moves. He asked if Francis is an athlete. I told him he plays hockey, and the doctor was not at all surprised. Apparently I've got an active one on my hands. The nurse even started giggling as she could see my stomach moving before he even put the sonogram wand on my stomach. Then William spent a significant amount of time kicking at the wand wherever it went. He's a mess, but at least I know he's healthy. Dr. Brown was surprised at how low William's head is for me not being dilated. I'm not surprised though; he is pushing down all the time, and I feel like he is going to fall out.

So the waiting game continues, but I don't mind. As someone said, "It's easier to take care of him in there than out here." I do believe they are right.

Monday, July 18, 2011

July 18th, 2011

A busy week, but a productive one. I already talked about my appointment with the doctor last Tuesday. My next one is one Thursday. I will be getting measured for everything and they will do the Group B strep test as well. It will likely be an interesting appointment.

Friday, Rachael Heard came to visit. She made it in time for lunch and we had (surprise, surprise) Chick-fil-a. It was the third time that week. The previous two times were for date night (Tuesday) and Play Date on Wednesday. Yummy food and I don't regret it! William doesn't seem to mind either. Rachael and I headed up to the Round Rock outlets to do some shopping for the afternoon. All I ended up buying was a pillow from Garden Ridge which is not even at the outlet mall. Rachael got some adorable clothing though, so it was totally worth it! Then we came back to the house and I showed her how to play on the Kinect. Racing a car just isn't the same when you have a huge belly obstructing your movements; I'm just saying... We made a delightful new dish for dinner and then had a Say Yes to the Dress marathon (Francis did not participate for some reason).

Saturday we shopped a little more, and I finally found wrist rattles for William. I had a $5 voucher for Toys R Us so it ended up being free! One is an elephant and one is a tiger. Very cute! Rachael headed home after lunch at Arby's and a treat at Sonic. I loved seeing her!!! I hope to see here again soon. After she left, Francis and I got to work. We hung the last thing on William's wall (the elusive monkey wood cut out). Francis's coworker sent a bunch of his unused baby stuff (clothes, pacifiers, wipes, etc) to us on Friday so I put all that away. I haven't been buying newborn size clothing (it's 0-7 lbs) because I don't think William will fit in it, but Dwayne sent us an armful of his unused newborn clothing. If William is small enough to wear them, he will have even more outfits to choose from. For the record, I have bought 0-3 month clothing (which is 0-14 lbs) because I think it is more practical. Unless I have a 16 lb baby like that lady in San Marcos a couple of weeks ago (don't even think it!), he should fit in them. Francis and I also put up shelving in William's bathroom. His bath time stuff has been taking up space with no where to put any of it, so it has been sitting around the sink, on the toilet, or even in the bathtub. With the new shelves, we have a place for his towels, soap, future bath toys and even some room to grow. It is so much better than putting a medicine cabinet above that toilet and will come in handy in the long run!

Sunday after church and lunch with Russ and Becky, we did even more to prepare for William. His expected arrival is just about three weeks out! In the heat of the day, we vacuumed out my car and installed all of the wonderful gadgets that go with a baby. That means the seat protector, the car seat base and car seat, the mirror that faces forward and the mirror that I can adjust from the front to see back. It took a couple of hours to get the car prepared for the car seat, but I am glad it is done. Francis buckled that sucker in so tight that it doesn't move a bit. William will be very safe! I also finally began the packing process for the hospital. I keep thinking of things I need to bring and other stuff that I don't have to have. I have a sneaking suspicion that my bags will not be finished until we are in the car leaving for the hospital because I keep switching things around. We shall see.

There is not much left on my to do list so I may have to start making things up. I am home most of the day so I am hoping for some visitors in the next couple of weeks before the big day (hint, hint). After he comes, I know I will have visitors galore, but they will be here to see my little bundle of joy. I want to enjoy my last few non-baby days just as much as the beginning of motherhood. I try to be happy wherever God places me at that moment in life, and that seems to be a good recipe for contentment. Right now, that means I get to be happy with lunch!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

July 12th, 2011

So yes, I know I wrote yesterday, but I had a moment at the doctor's office today. Now worries, William is healthy. He has tons of fluid around him (no surprise there, since he still is able to occasionally disappear into the recesses of my belly). His heart rate was 150. He was even blinking for the sonogram (which looked really cool!).

But none of that is the main reason I am writing. The doctor said something that struck a chord. She said, "So yeah, if you go into labor at this point we are not going to try to stop it." That caught me off guard. Yes, I knew that information somewhere in the back of my head, but hearing someone say it out loud (a doctor no less) gave me reason to pause. Really?  I'm that close now? William will be a term baby in a week, but "term" is little more than a word to me if I'm being honest. It holds little meaning other than that he will be healthier if he comes after that date than before. Considering women in my family seem to carry long (I was 15 days late), I figure I will too. But what if I don't? This is just food for thought mostly. I am not panicking or anything. I would categorize this feeling in the anxious/excited category.

I am glad things are ready for him to come, or I might be in a bit more nervous. The OCD person in me has mapped out anything we could possibly need. I am one of those crazy women who made a birth plan. If we don't stick to it, I am not worried about it, but I want to have something to give the doctor or nurse if they ask. I also made information sheets for my mom and Francis for my time in the hospital. Mostly it is who I would like to inform of William's arrival before it is posted on Facebook as well as a list of what we need to do before leaving the hospital (ex: make an appointment with the pediatrician). I have also made a list of things to pack to take to the hospital, though that list is less complete. Like I said, I am a bit obsessive/compulsive when it comes to planning, but at least I am flexible in the moment.

Sorry for rambling a bit. I just had to get it off my chest. This baby will come when he comes, and it could be any time now!

Monday, July 11, 2011

July 11th, 2011

Another week passes, and I am closer to William's coming. I am getting a little anxious but in a good way. William's kicks are still gentle, I am not waddling, and I am not swollen. Oh! And I can still wear my wedding ring! All is well.

This weekend we celebrated my mother-in-law's birthday. As my mother says, we celebrated the anniversary of her 29th year. Francis's parents, Cynthia, and my niece Abby came up in time for lunch on Saturday. We ate at Chipotle and then went shopping at Garden Ridge and Baby Depot. I finally found a cushion for the rocking chair I inherited from my family. It looks great and matches the room! Abby got some new clothes at Baby Deopt (she is growing so fast!). We came back to the house, and Francis made the most excellent beef and chicken fajitas for dinner. They were amazingly good! After dinner we played a round of Settler's of Catan which Cyndy won. Cake and presents followed and overall it was a great evening. Something I found very interesting is that my father-in-law's voice has much the same effect on William as Francis's voice. At one point in the evening they were both talking feverishly very close to me (about computer stuff) and William went crazy. Not sure he knew what to do with himself, so he just did his best marching band impression. Adorable.

Sunday Francis's family headed home after I made French toast for breakfast. Francis got called into work late the night before and didn't return until 4am. He slept most of the day while I fiddled around doing different odd jobs around the house. About 4 O'clock, Francis and I finally got out of the house and went to use a Sears card we had forgotten we had. What did we buy? Diapers and baby powder. We will need both, and so we might as well get them with the gift card before it expires or we lose it again. On our way home, we stopped at Kaleidoscoops, my new favorite ice cream place.  They have all sorts of crazy and fun flavors. We had double fudge and New York Cherry. They even went well together!

I washed all of William's clothes and linens last week so that he can use them when he comes. The only big thing we have left to do is to install the car seat base and mirror in my car. That shouldn't take too long. We will do that some time this week. I also need to find something I want to wear in the hospital (a robe and night gown). As much as I may like the hospital gowns...I may want to at least have the option to change.

Looking forward to just about 4 more weeks of waiting and preparing (six if this baby is 2 weeks late). He will come when he comes. I pray that he will be healthy and have no complications. We appreciate all your prayers!

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

July 5th, 2011

I thought about writing some deep soliloquy or essay about what independence day means to me as I am free in Christ, but I did not get enough rest last night. Eloquence does not become the sleep deprived.

It was a wonderful 4th of July weekend and as it was William's first, I would have hoped for nothing less. Usually I travel to Plano to see the parade and fireworks there. It is a sort of tradition that is hard to give up. This year I have now entered my "discouraged from travel" period of pregnancy, so we opted to stay at home here in Austin. Friday night, Francis mother came up for the night. She and Francis's father were going to head up to Junction, Texas and go Kayaking the following morning. Since his dad was in Houston (long story), they were going to meet up at our house. We had breakfast with them Saturday morning and then they headed up to Junction for a couple of days.

I spent Saturday morning working on what I HAD to have off my registry, what it would be nice to have and what was really just fluff. Both my showers have passed and William is just about 5 weeks from coming, so we needed to know what we still had to buy. I found out Buy Buy Baby had a lot of the things for cheaper than Target and Babies R Us (the two places I am registered), so Francis and I made the long trip down to south Austin to get some of the things. On our way back we "had" to stop by Best Buy and look at toys for Francis (like father, like son?). When we got back to the house, I opened all the stuff and started to put it away. We bought a humidifier and after trying it for about a minute, discovered a design flaw that caused water to leak through the sides on the base. I was a bit upset because I had looked through all the reviews and changed the humidifier I wanted at least 5 times. This one was supposed to be very good, and yet water was leaking onto my floor... After a couple of hours of tinkering with it, Francis solved the problem that the engineers that designed it should have dealt with when they built it. Why didn't we return it, you ask? Chalk one up to APWS: angry pregnant woman syndrome. I didn't want to drive an hour back to the store just to tell them it didn't work because I probably would have gotten very worked up in the process. It works now and that is what counts.

Sunday almost no one was in Sunday School or at Church. Everyone was out of town. It made traffic much less of an issue though. Francis's parents came back from Junction about 4:30 and we talked to them for a bit before our dinner date with Russ an Becky. We had fajitas (yummy!!!) and then we taught them to play Settlers of Catan. I have a feeling William will be taught this game pretty much as soon as he can roll dice and count to 12. Anyway, we had a wonderful time with Russ and Becky (complete with excellent chocolate pie), but eventually we had to head home. Francis's parents were at our house and as they were exhausted, we all turned in early.

Monday was the 4th of July. How did we celebrate? Shopping of course! Francis made omelets for breakfast for all four of us to kick off the morning. I still maintain that his midlife crisis job will be a master chef. Then we went and got Francis a new phone. We figured out his old phone was at least four years old. It was not in the best shape anymore. He got a Samsung Infuse (anyone shocked by that news?). As we left the store, Francis handed his dad the keys to our car so he could play on his phone in the back seat. Pretty much anytime he was sitting (or standing for that matter) during the rest of the day, he was playing on his phone. I am glad he has a hobby. While Francis was in his phone delirium, we all visited Target and Babies R Us (stopping for lunch at Red Robin). With my wonderful in-laws' help, we got the rest of the necessities in anticipation of William's arrival. There will probably always be a couple of things in the "would like to have" column, but I am so blessed and excited, I can hardly breath. Thank you to all who have helped to make this happen, and a special thanks Gigi and Poppy for helping us close the gap this weekend (I am just throwing those names out there. My in-laws are not completely set on names yet!)!!!

There were no fireworks in the Austin area this year other than in Georgetown (which people from hours away were coming to see), so after Francis's parents headed home, I searched out fireworks on TV. I found the New York city fireworks. Although they are not the same as seeing it in person, they were an admirable second place. Francis put down his phone long enough to watch them with me. He's so sweet, because I know he would have rather been playing angry birds or an air traffic control game he found. So although it was a very unorthodox 4th of July, I would not have traded it for anything.

My youngest sister turns 20 today. No more teenagers in my parents' house. Happy Birthday Danielle! She is gonna do great things, and William is so blessed to have her for an aunt!

I suppose that is it for now. It's laundry time!

Monday, June 27, 2011

June 27, 2011

I might just be one of the most blessed people on earth right now. At a time when I have really needed it emotionally, God has shown me that He has provided me with an awesome system of love and support. I know that a bunch of changes are coming, but with His help and the support of my friends and family, I feel like I can conquer anything.

Saturday was my baby shower here in Austin and it was more than I could have hoped. 22 wonderful ladies came and others who couldn't make it still sent gifts which just is beyond my comprehension. Ashley Duran headed up the festivities, but many others helped her to put it on. My house could hardly contain all the people (not to mention the excitement)! William got many wonderful gifts including tons of clothing (this kid is gonna be well dressed, I tell ya!), the monkey lamp and hamper I have been needing, diapers, toys, his pack n' play, and many other functional items. Somehow I have managed to put it all away in his room. How can one child require so much stuff? And yet, I know in time I will realize just how essential each item is. Thanks to all of you. Your gifts are heaven sent!

After the shower, many of the people from out of town stuck around for a BBQ out back (the boys played Halo upstairs during the shower). Francis finally got to use his grill for the second time since he got it (the first time was Tuesday). Everyone hung around and chatted until about 7 or so and all but Ashley, David and Rebecca Browne, and Audrey headed home. We then began a rousing game of Settler's of Catan after which Audrey headed back to San Antonio. The rest of us talked until midnight before turning in. Dave and Becca went to church with us the next morning and we had lunch before they left. It was sad to see them go. It was kind of like the end to a wonderful story book where you hate to have to finish the last sentence and close the book. But let them go we did and this weekend will be yet another wonderful memory in my mind. I hope to see everyone again very soon.

I have my next doctor's appointment tomorrow. Depending on what she sees, I will go again in two more weeks or start going weekly. I had a bit of a scary moment with William last night though. He started pushing really low very rhythmically. It was not contractions; it felt like he was trying to stretch out completely and then curling up in a ball. It didn't hurt (it was kind of uncomfortable), but it went on for several minutes. I told Francis and he monitored it for a bit. I tried sitting and rubbing my stomach but the rhythmic pushing would not stop. I became very concerned. Francis was about to call the doctor when I told him to just let me lay down and take deep breaths. After a couple of minutes the kicks slowed and eventually subsided. That is when is dawned on me. William had the hiccups! He's had them before, but either he just wasn't quite so big or so low for me to feel them so significantly. I might have figured it out sooner, but it is hard to focus when every couple of seconds, your entire belly and lower abdomen shake like jelly!

I guess that is all for now. I might try and do what my dogs are doing right now and take a nap. We will see how it goes!