Wednesday, December 28, 2011


So. Tired. Of. Being. Sick. I am on week three of sickness and I am ready for some healing. With that being said, the last week and a half have been completely filled with blessings and wonderful times. As I mentioned in my last post, William and I went back to Plano with my mother-in-law Sunday before last. My mother, father and sisters took over caring for William and me until Wednesday. It was a wonderful time. It was nice to have someone to take care of William so that I could actually get sleep for the first time in over 4 months. I felt like I was living at home again. It was such a special and precious time for me. I won't forget it. My family dotes over William. I suppose he is a likable fellow, but I may be a bit biased.

Thursday we had my family's Christmas at my parents' house. We hung out during the day, had dinner at Fogo De Chao and then went back and opened presents. William got clothing,  a Noah's Ark bath set, blocks, and many other toys he will love for years to come. I wish I could detail everything that happened, but my words would never do it justice. It was perfect. I wouldn't have changed a thing.

Friday through Sunday were spent with Francis's family. It was also a wonderful time. Abby and William got to know each other a little. At one point William army crawled over to Abby's foot and started chewing on her sock and foot. Abby (who was sitting) looked over at William and took a mallet from a xylophone and started tapping/rubbing it on William's head. They were both quite content to carry on like this until Chris and I separated them. They are already fast friends.

We gave William his first solid food on Friday: rice cereal. He was very excited. He eats so well and fusses at you if you take too long between bites. He's had a small bowl each day. I think it is helping his hunger. He was more than ready for this. I am so glad he took to it so quickly!

Saturday, we all went to the Christmas Eve service at Parkway Hills. Francis and his dad did the lights. Then we came back and made a wonderful beef roast with all the trimmings. After we put the kiddos to sleep, The "adults" (of which I am one now, wow...) opened presents. I could not have felt more blessed. Christmas morning, William and Abby opened presents. William got a ton of other toys including a push walker, tool set, car set, and a ball roller. He also got more clothes! Through all of this, we remembered the reason for this season: Our Lord and Savior, Jesus. We are so grateful for all he has given us. We are so blessed!
Christmas night Francis and I were able to go out on date while his parents watched William. It was a special night as we went to Studio Movie Grill and saw Sherlock Holmes 2. I go no sleep that night from coughing though and ended up going to the doctor the next morning. I have an ear infection and am on antibiotics. I haven't been able to hear out of one ear for a week and a half. I am hoping that will change soon. After lunch and after a grueling 5 hours, we made it home on Monday. I wouldn't have traded any of the time I had. I wish William would be able to remember it, but I know he will at least have the pictures we took.

Merry Christmas everyone. And a Happy (and healthy) New Year!

UPDATE: I just looked in William's mouth and I can see a tooth! It is just barely peeking out but it is there!!! That's so crazy!

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