Tuesday, November 29, 2011

November 29th, 2011

It's the end of November. You know how I know? My Christmas tree is up and slowly but surely, all my Christmas decorations are finding their place. William loves the Christmas tree lights. Last night he helped me put the angel on top of the tree. I wonder what he will think of opening presents. He will be 4 1/2 months when Christmas comes, so I hope he finds at least some enjoyment in unwrapping the pretty paper and bows.

We drove to San Antonio on Friday from Dallas. Long trip! William was awake most of the time and did a pretty good job of staying happy. I got car sick, but that always happens this time of year when the heater gets turned on. We spent Friday evening with Francis's family and saw the parade on the Riverwalk. William enjoyed the little bits and pieces he saw, but he kept falling asleep in between and was rudely awakened each time a new float came into view. Saturday we said goodbye to Nana as she began her journey back to Dallas and ultimately Montreal. It was very fun having her here and we got many wonderful pictures.

Lunch on Saturday was a special treat. Francis, William and I ate with all of the Browers (Dave, Tracy, Andrew, Jenny, Audrey and Brower parents) as well as the Burgesses and their friends. It was so fun to spend and afternoon with old friends. They all got to meet William and we got to meet Penelope. She is an angel and one of William's future friends I am sure. Another special treat was that William gave me his first "baby kiss". I was sitting on the couch in the hotel room and I said "kisses?". He had seen Abby do it earlier. William leaned in and put a big wet one on my cheek. Then he laughed for seriously 30 seconds. It was adorable!

Sunday, we dropped off William in his own Sunday school class for the first time. It is the first time we have let him stay with someone other than family. I wish I could say it was a glowing success. I won't go into all the details, but when I drop him off next week, I will bathe him in prayer beforehand. It is probably harder on me than him, but he was not a happy camper either.

One of my many tasks this week is to do some Christmas shopping. Not sure how that is going to work out, but it is worth a shot. I have one family member finished and a few stocking stuffers, but that is it. It's hard being motivated to get out in this cold snap, and William is done shopping after about an hour. Plus I am super tired. William has been eating between 8-10 oz. before bed and still waking up starving around 12-2am. My mom and mother-in-law say to start him on cereal, but I need to talk to my doctor first. I have an appointment on the 12th and I am trying to hold out until then, but I may not make it. We will have to see. I feel a bit like a zombie today. The only silver lining is that William is still continuing to take naps. Otherwise I might collapse where I stand!

That is all I can think of right now. I know I am leaving something out, but I have to feed my baby so I will go. Till next time!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

November 24th, 2011

Well, I am three days late posting, but to be fair things have been busy. Last week (Wednesday before last) William rolled from back to front. It took him 10 minutes to do it, but he has done it many times since. In fact just yesterday he was rolling from front to back and then back to front. He is more mobile every day.

I know I wrote last time that I wanted to clean up my house. Francis took off last Friday and he watched William in the afternoon while I cleaned. Ah, it was nice to have clutter picked up and dust removed. I felt like I could finally exhale. Thank goodness that Francis's boss told him that he needed to take off 13 hours or he woudl lose them. It really helped me out.

It was good I got the house cleaned because, this past weekend, Nana and the rest of the Phillips clan came to our house in Austin for the weekend to celebrate my birthday. We went shopping and took family photos. Then we went to Salt Lick for dinner and had "birthday" peach cobbler and ice cream for dessert. William was a trooper. We had a lot of fun. I came back with Nana and my mother-in- law to Plano on Sunday. I didn't want to have to wait for Francis on Tuesday to go to Dallas and I didn't want to take a separate car either, so this was the best choice. Plus it gave us extra time with Nana.

Monday I got a haircut! My mom watched William and I got a whole hour of adult conversation. It was weird but good. We also got him his Christmas outfit. It is adorable with a red sweater with snowflakes, black corduroy pants, and a striped button down top. We did William's 3 month photos on Tuesday. They turned out awesome. William was unsure about the fake Santa, but the rest of the photos show a smiley little boy. We got the most perfect picture of William with Nana. It is something I know William will cherish in the future!

We also celebrated my 26th birthday on Tuesday. I got a 3D bluray player, Beauty and the Beast in 3D, a Kindle Fire, Dance Central 2 for the Kinect, a spoon rest and platter, and super cute boots. I got quite a haul! We ate at Texas Land and Cattle for dinner; yummy! William was intrigued by the candles and fire. He might be a future pyromaniac. It would be another trait from his father.

Wednesday was a relatively William-free day. Francis watched him while I went shopping and had lunch with my mom and Danielle. Then my mom watched him during his afternoon nap while I played onthe Kinect with Francis, Ashley Duran and Brandon Nine (Yes, Francis FINALLY got to meet William. Super exciting!). My family, Brandon, Francis's family and my dad's parents all had dinner at BJ's so I had plenty of hands to hold William then. Afterward, Francis's parents took William home to put him to bed so that Francis and I could play Wii with Brandon and my sisters. Other than when I was feeding William, I felt like I was missing an arm all day. It was nice, but I wouldn't want to do it everyday. I'd miss William too much!

That brings us to today. The cowboy game is on right now. It doesn't look good. 36 of my relatives are in my parents house right now. We had delicious turkey and sides and as much dessert as one could possibly hope to eat. The tryptophane coma is starting to kick in, but I wanted to write while William is taking his nap. It's been a good Thanksgiving and a good week and a half. We head to San Antonio tomorrow, so I will write about that next week. Until then, I will leave you with this: I am so Thankful for so many things, but none of it would mean anything if Christ had not died for me. I am thankful most of all for Salvation and the freedom that it brings. I am blessed.

Monday, November 14, 2011

November 14th, 2011

This week William hit the three month mark. You know what that means? Time for more pictures! We will be taking them next week. I am super excited!

Some big news is that Nana Phillips (Francis's grandmother) has come down to Texas from Montreal to spend three weeks with the family. She got to meet William when we went to Houston on Saturday for Abby's Baby Dedication (Parent Commitment) ceremony. After a wonderful afternoon with Gershom, Kristi, Baby Olivia and in-utero Baby Burgess, we headed to Cyndy and Chris's house to let William meet both Nana and cousin Abby. Both meetings went well. Abby was very sweet to William. I hope William lived up to his namesake. He was very animated and a bit of a ham though. Let me explain. After having dinner with everyone (including the Burgess family), I was exhausted and drove back to the hotel with Nana, my mother-in-law and William. We tried to put William to bed, but he was just too darn delightful to put down. He was talking and laughing and grinning so big that you couldn't help but smile back. We tried to feed him, but he would talk through the bottle and get milk everywhere. We tried to burp him on our shoulder, but he would cry until we turned him around or laid him down where he could see. Then he would go back to laughing and smiling. He just wanted to be part of the party. He likes attention. Finally, something he did NOT get from Francis!

Sunday, the whole family went to church, had lunch with Chris's family and then we went back for Abby's ceremony. Their church does a very sweet job of trying to make is special. I will admit I cried. They sang that song called "I Am" by Nicole Nordeman. Ever since I heard her sing it in concert, it always makes me bawl like a baby (no pun intended). Abby has good parents, and I know that they will do their best to raise Abby God's way. I support them in that endeavor.

William has now slept 7 1/2 to 8 hours two nights in a row. Can this trend continue? I hope so, but as my mother says, "As soon as you think you've got them figured out, they change." I would like to add, "because babies are tricky that way," lol. Last night William slept from 9:30 until 5, went back to sleep at 5:30 and woke up just after 8. I was able to get in an extra hour of sleep, shower, have breakfast and have my quiet time all before hearing William utter his morning coos. As I said in my Facebook status: Thank God for small miracles! I really need the rest, and getting it helps me be a better mom. William also napped a couple of times last week. If I can get enough sleep at night AND William continues to nap, maybe I can actually get this house clean! Grand dreams, I know, but you've got to have big plans sometimes!

Monday, November 7, 2011

November 7th, 2011

Not even sure where to start this week. This will probably be a long post. Fasten your seatbelts!

To start off, William is rolling over!!! On Wednesday we were having our tummy time, and I had William propped up on the Boppy so that he could see everything around him. I noticed he was holding his head up for a long time, so I started to time it. At the five minute mark, William had not dropped his head. It made me wonder what he would do flat on the ground. So I removed the pillow and William remained on his stomach with his head up and looking around. It was amazing. Only the day before, he would hold his head up for less than 45 seconds. About three more minutes passed and with no warning, William flung his head to one side, bobbled and then flung it to his right and ROLLED OVER! I could not believe my eyes. Sure William rolled over when he was a newborn, but it didn't look like that. Before it was a haphazard back arch and cacophony movement to reach the desired results. This time (after weeks of not rolling over due to growth in size) the movement was more streamlined and much more controlled. I was so proud that I cried. I put him back up to try it again and sure enough after a couple of minutes on his stomach, over he went! I grabbed the camera to make him do it again. Needless to say, this was my entertainment for the day. I couldn't get a hold of Francis at the time, so when he got home, he didn't know about my day. I told him, "William is getting really strong. He is holding up his head like a champ!" I put William down and sure enough, over he rolled. Francis's eyes nearly came out of his head. It was a fun family moment. The day of excitement did not end there. When we went to give William his bath, he held himself up in the reclined tub without any support. Just a few days prior, William as little more than a jello man. He grew up all in one day!

Our Thursday night Bible Study really throws William off his routine. He falls asleep on the way home and then wakes up and does not want to go down for the night. This week William did not go down until 12:30am. Not cool. I was so exhausted by the time he fell asleep that I put him in the bassinet (in which he really does not fit) instead of his crib because I knew I would be up again with him soon. Friday night he was up until 11 so I was equally exhausted. The good news is that he is pretty pleasant about the whole thing. I think he might have been just too stopped up to lay on his  back because placing him thus evoked a painful scream until he was picked up. Turning on the humidifier and letting it run for a while certainly helped.  

As William will be three months old on Friday, Francis and I decided to buy William some new toys for him. I chose some activity balls and a toy bar for his carrier. Francis chose a piano that counts in French, Spanish and English. William likes them all so far. We all went to the dog park that afternoon. William is like his mommy in that he enjoys the outdoors. The weather was perfect. It was a fun family outing. Saturday night, we again struggled to put William to sleep.  At 9:30, I had had enough. I told Francis I had an idea. I got out the vacuum cleaner and turned it on. Almost instantly, William became calm. I vacuumed his room and then eventually, I picked him up and rocked him with the vacuum cleaner on in his room. He fell asleep. I put him in the crib and he stayed asleep. Then came the task of trying to get the vacuum cleaner out of the room and turn it off without waking William up. Francis somehow managed it and with much relief and joy, William slept 8 hours straight. That meant I got a continuous night's sleep. Something I really needed. God is good. Yay for vacuum cleaners!

 Yesterday after church, we attended a surprise party for a friend of ours. There were three other babies there. One was about 4 1/2 months old (a girl) and two were four months old (twin boys). William was heavier and longer than all of them. He was also the only one who could roll over. It was nice to see William around other kids, although the comparison made me realize I am really going to have to rely on my Heavenly father to do right by this special little boy. He is still around 16 lbs. and when I measured him this morning, he was between 25 1/2 and 26 inches long. He has already outgrown a couple of his 6 month outfits. Since each brand does sizing a little differently, he still fits in most 6 months clothing, but it will be all too soon before they don't fit either.

Well, William is up from his nap (nap! what an awesome word) so I am wrapping this up. It was a good week and a trying week. One of many, I hope!
Sunday: party with other kids smaller and shorter but older, none roll over yet. Out grown 6 month clothes, 16lbs. 26ish inches long