Wednesday, March 27, 2013

March 27th, 2013

So much to write!

William has finally been getting over the croup he had last week. He still is stuffed up and coughs occasionally, but it is so much better than it was.

Last Thursday we hosted Bible Study at our house. It was a wonderful time and totally worth all the rearranging I had to do so everyone could fit. I brought all the toys downstairs so the kids could play in the middle while we discussed our book. I am so glad we had the opportunity.

On Saturday, Francis, William and I went to a nearby mall to play and walk around. William loved the carousel. I think it is beginning to become an obsession. He sure loves those horses! Well, as we passed by the Stride Rite store, I decided to take William in and have him measured. He's been tripping a lot both in and out of shoes and it made me wonder if he might have grown. Sure enough, he's gone from a 6 to a 7 since February when he got his last pair! So we had to buy him two new pairs of shoes. Poor kiddo, I hope the old shoes didn't hurt too much! He loves his new shoes, and it's pretty cute to see him admire them.

Another big thing that happened on Saturday was that we book a Mommy and Daddy vacation to Hawaii!!! Maui to be exact. It is a combination valentines, 5th anniversary and 10 years as a couple present. William will be staying with my parents. I am super excited! I guess this will also kinda be our "babymoon". Lol, if all works out I will have gone to Korea, Hawaii and Canada all within a 9 month span. Oh and Ireland and Scotland with in 12 months. I'm such a world traveler, lol. I got to get it out of my system before September. No traveling for a while after baby comes!

Speaking of baby, I have two pieces of information on that front. First of all, I picked a theme for the gender reveal party. The theme is "What will it Bee" with all sorts of bee stuff. I got the decorations in the mail not 10 minutes ago. They are adorable! I am so excited! Secondly, I got back from the doctor about an hour ago. She said the heart rate was 136bpm and that everything looked good. She made a guess about the gender, but my lips are sealed until we have it confirmed and we have the party. I am only 15 weeks so she wasn't 100% sure. We'll see if she's right on April 17th!

Well that's all for now! I've left a bunch out, but this will have to do. Till next time!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

March 20, 2013

Hello Wednesday. We meet again.

This past week has flown by. We went to College Station on Friday after having lunch at a BBQ place in Elgin (Francis had Friday off work). William got to experience the George Bush Library and Museum as well as a short tour of A&M campus. You can bet we took pictures. We then had dinner with Dave and Tracy Brower and their daughter Penelope, who is 4 weeks older than William. Luckily, there was no one else in the restaurant, so William and Penny got the run of the place. They had a great time crawling around, holding hands (sorry Dave!) and hiding under tables. So glad the floor was so clean! We need to get together with this sweet family more often. I forgot how amazing they are!!!

After dinner we met up with Audrey Brower, got settled into her house for the weekend and sent William to bed. the three of us then played Carcossone. I lost. It was fun though! Saturday, Audrey, Francis, William and I went to Research Park. William, Audrey and I fed the ducks and then William and Francis played some disc golf. It was so fun. We had an afternoon rest and then I got ready to attend my friend Krystina's wedding. When Francis came out to leave, he looked so sick that it hurt to make eye contact. He ended up staying with William (who was also looking sick) at Audrey's, and Audrey and I went to the wedding to video record it. I did a decent job and got all of the wedding and reception for posterity. The wedding was absolutely beautiful. the dress was perfect for the bride and she (really everyone) was so happy! I also got to catch up with a few old coworkers. Overall a wonderful night!

Sunday we headed home as Francis and William had still not recovered. We tried to get the house in order when we got home, but mostly I took it easy. Monday I took William to the doctor only to find out he had croup. Poor kiddo!!! He has slowly recovered and is at about 90% today. I am glad to see him smile again, but this is one tired momma! William was so tired last night that he slept through 10+ minutes of hail and high winds. I am just glad he is doing better.

Today so far we've been to Little Gym and we still have a picnic at church to attend as well as a small grocery trip. Here's hoping William will be able to keep up!

Oh! I am having a gender reveal party in April. I am super excited to plan it. If anyone has some fun ideas, let me know. I can't wait to find out if we are having guy or gal!

Friday, March 15, 2013

March 15th, 2013

Well, I almost didn't make it this week for my blog entry. Francis is watching William right now so I can get it done before we leave town again. It's been a great week, but man has it been busy!

Friday my whole family came into town and spent the night at my house before we all (William and Francis included) headed for San Antonio the following morning. We stopped on the way at Natural Bridge caverns and took a tour underground of one of God's many beautiful creations. I wasn't feeling quite right, but wrote it off to motion sickness and pregnancy. Turns out I had a little throw up virus that we all had in turn on our trip. It was the strangest thing and only lasted 12 hours, most of which I felt fine other than the vomiting. Very odd. Saturday night, everyone except me went to look at a visual arts display in downtown San Antonio.

Sunday morning, Francis and Christian headed back to Austin and Dallas as they were both sick and needed to work on Monday. The rest of us took a tour of the river walk and the Alamo. We had lunch on the river walk after which we headed back to the hotel because Danielle had become ill. Mom, Dad, William and I went to a street market and shopped before picking up pizza for dinner.

Monday, dad caught the bug and Danielle, mom, William and I went to Sea World where we had a blast (especially William). He got to ride the carousel, see all sorts of awesome sea creatures and meet some of the Sesame Street gang. By the time we got back to the hotel, mom was sick, so we had Mcallister's and called it a night.

Tuesday we were finally all better. We went to the river center mall, shopped, and took it easy. Mom and Dad watched William while Danielle and I went and saw a movie. When I came back, William was the proud owner of a wooden cork gun to go with his coon skin cap from the Alamo. He's been playing with it almost ever since. My little Davy Crockett! We caught up with Rachael Heard for dinner and had some delicious Mexican food. I always love seeing Rachael and this time was a special treat!

We headed home Wednesday, and I spent yesterday resetting the things in our house so we can leave again in a couple of hours for College Station. We had a wedding this weekend and hope to catch up with a few good friends while we are there. Francis's boss knows how hard he has been working and randomly told him to take today off so we are heading up to CS early to do something touristy. I can't wait!

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

March 6, 2013

Welcome to March! It's going to be a great month!

My mother watched William last Thursday night so Francs and I could go out an have a smoothie. It's been far too long since we've had a proper date. I'm ready for a vacation. I'm hoping for somewhere sunny and quiet. Hint hint, nudge nudge. Hey, it's totally worth a try!

Saturday, William Francis and I went to the Little Gym Luau so William could show Francis all he has been learning. It was great! Francis even ran into someone he knows from Samsung. That seems to happen everywhere we go. William got on the balance beam, hung from bars and ran around with the beach balls. He had a blast!

Yesterday, I had my appointment with the perinatal specialist. The baby got a routine check and found everything looks great!!! Both hemispheres of the brain are present and growing, the skin thickness is exactly what it should be and the nasal bone is prominent. That means no Down's syndrome. Both arms and legs are present and the baby was moving up a storm. The heart rate was 163. Watching this one move is just as special as when I saw William. God is just amazing with what he creates! They told me to comeback in 6 weeks and we will find out what we are having. Mark your calendars for April 17th. Eeee! William was a trooper and sat quietly watching and playing on the Kindle. I couldn't have asked for better from my kiddos! Bravo!

Today William and I went and had lunch with Angel and her son Ranger. Ranger is just a couple months younger than William and they make great friends. It is so fun to see them together. I am blessed to have Angel as a friend!

Well, Friday I will be hosting my family here before we head on to San Antonio for a little vacation on Saturday. I am super excited but I need to get cleaning. Tata!