Monday, October 24, 2011

October 24, 2011

Another week...always moving forward. William is talking up a storm. He waits for you to say something and then "talks" back. I've been having some of the most interesting conversations of my life this week. He is so amazing. William also reached out for my hand and grabbed it on Saturday. It brought tears to my eyes. He is becoming more and more alert and aware of his surroundings. He is batting and kicking at things that he sees and has started to grab onto the things around him more intentionally. He can hold up his head, shoulders and chest/stomach while laying on his tummy. Such a strong boy!

I took William to a park for the first time on Thursday. He likes the outside air and loves looking at the trees and people. He would rather be in my arms than in his carrier/stroller because he always wants to look around. As long as he can see what is going on, he is happy.

This weekend, William and I made another road trip. This time we went up to Abilene for Hardin-Simmons homecoming. William is a trooper when it comes  to traveling by car. I couldn't ask for a better baby! I would like to point out that William was on HSU soil before A&M soil. Perhaps he might be an HSU cowboy afterall someday! William got to meet Rebecca Browne for the first time on Friday. I hope he made a good impression. I am slowly getting to introduce him to all of the special people in my life. I am glad I got to share my bundle of joy with her! Rebecca, my parents, William and I got to attend SING on Friday night. My sister Danielle was by far the most talented person on stage, but I may be a bit biased. William was great during the show except during one part that he thought was too quiet so he added a profound "ah!" to liven things up. We spent the night at my Aunt Cheryl's house and then Saturday was filled with more fun and merriment. I got to show him to all my former professors. I had sent a birth announcement to Dr. Williford (the Dean of Education) and so everyone was commenting on how he is even more beautiful than the pictures they had seen. Apparently Dr. Williford has the announcement pinned up in her office. I got to show William to many of my college friends and the day was topped off by William's first football game. The score: 67 to 17. We won! The drive back was long, but William slept the whole way so I didn't have to stop and feed him. It was a great day!!!

We now have a couple of weeks with no traveling, so I am looking forward to some rest. William is already 10 weeks old! I can't wait to see what the future holds!

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