Wednesday, December 14, 2011

December 14, 2011

So I am a little late this week, but it's been busy. I finished Christmas shopping last Thursday. I also sent out Christmas cards. So glad to have that off my list. It gives me more time to focus on the real reason for Christmas. It seems way more real this year. Hearing "Mary did you know?" while holding William makes me tear up. My mom told me she cried every time she heard "Away in a Manger" the year I was born because Jesus had no crib. There is something about holding someone so small. Makes you appreciate the sacrifice that was made.

My grandparents came by on Saturday to drop off our presents. We got to have lunch with them. William smiled up a storm at Mom and Pop. I am so glad they were able to enjoy him!

William had his 4 month check up on Monday. I didn't like the way the nurse measured him. She didn't pull him straight when she measured his length so he was only 26 1/2 inches. He was mid kick when she did it. Then he pushed up off the scale with his feet on the counter when she did the weight. She marked it at 16.3 lbs. He topped off at at least 17 lbs. I started to say something, but William was super mad. I think she was just trying to be quick...Then she measured his head two different times because she thought the first measurement was too big. It was still 44 1/2 cm. Sigh. Those measurements still put him in the 80th percentile in both length and weight. The head is still over 100. I hate to think what percentile he really is given accurate measurements.The doctor said he is doing great. She said he "talks" like a 6 month old. Then she kept calling him a six month old and having to correct herself. It was funny.

William has been stopped up lately. The doctor did not seemed concerned about it, but since our visit, it has gotten worse for both me and him. I have a sore throat from the drainage. A few minutes ago, William choked on snot and threw up all over himself, the floor, blankets and me. Now he is sleeping. I am trying to decide if I should take him back to the doctor...He has no fever and he seems very happy so I just don't know. We shall see.


William has his first virus. It's killing me. After he threw up a second time, I took him to the doctor. He has a low fever. Praise Jesus that his lungs are 100% clear. Bad news is that I have it too and it could take up to 10 days to clear. I don't want us to be sick for Christmas. William is being a trooper. In between crying from pain and coughing, he is laughing and talking. He laughed hysterically when the nurse took his temp rectally. It gives me hope he might heal quickly. Until then we will be coughing, crying and (hopefully) laughing together. I certainly feel his pain.
P.S. William was still pushing up on the counter when they weighed him this time, but he miraculously gained 4 ounces when he hasn't eaten all day. Funny how that happens...

1 comment:

  1. Jackson has been stuffy too. I have been using the Little Noses vapor rub and rubbing it on his chest and feet and putting socks on him at night. It helps but doesn't clear him up completely. I think part of his is teething too which has just started and is no fun.
