Tuesday, November 29, 2011

November 29th, 2011

It's the end of November. You know how I know? My Christmas tree is up and slowly but surely, all my Christmas decorations are finding their place. William loves the Christmas tree lights. Last night he helped me put the angel on top of the tree. I wonder what he will think of opening presents. He will be 4 1/2 months when Christmas comes, so I hope he finds at least some enjoyment in unwrapping the pretty paper and bows.

We drove to San Antonio on Friday from Dallas. Long trip! William was awake most of the time and did a pretty good job of staying happy. I got car sick, but that always happens this time of year when the heater gets turned on. We spent Friday evening with Francis's family and saw the parade on the Riverwalk. William enjoyed the little bits and pieces he saw, but he kept falling asleep in between and was rudely awakened each time a new float came into view. Saturday we said goodbye to Nana as she began her journey back to Dallas and ultimately Montreal. It was very fun having her here and we got many wonderful pictures.

Lunch on Saturday was a special treat. Francis, William and I ate with all of the Browers (Dave, Tracy, Andrew, Jenny, Audrey and Brower parents) as well as the Burgesses and their friends. It was so fun to spend and afternoon with old friends. They all got to meet William and we got to meet Penelope. She is an angel and one of William's future friends I am sure. Another special treat was that William gave me his first "baby kiss". I was sitting on the couch in the hotel room and I said "kisses?". He had seen Abby do it earlier. William leaned in and put a big wet one on my cheek. Then he laughed for seriously 30 seconds. It was adorable!

Sunday, we dropped off William in his own Sunday school class for the first time. It is the first time we have let him stay with someone other than family. I wish I could say it was a glowing success. I won't go into all the details, but when I drop him off next week, I will bathe him in prayer beforehand. It is probably harder on me than him, but he was not a happy camper either.

One of my many tasks this week is to do some Christmas shopping. Not sure how that is going to work out, but it is worth a shot. I have one family member finished and a few stocking stuffers, but that is it. It's hard being motivated to get out in this cold snap, and William is done shopping after about an hour. Plus I am super tired. William has been eating between 8-10 oz. before bed and still waking up starving around 12-2am. My mom and mother-in-law say to start him on cereal, but I need to talk to my doctor first. I have an appointment on the 12th and I am trying to hold out until then, but I may not make it. We will have to see. I feel a bit like a zombie today. The only silver lining is that William is still continuing to take naps. Otherwise I might collapse where I stand!

That is all I can think of right now. I know I am leaving something out, but I have to feed my baby so I will go. Till next time!

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