Monday, September 26, 2011

September 26th, 2011

Wow, it has been quite a week for William. He has been learning like crazy. I just love seeing the wheels turn in his head. He has started to "scoot" for lack of a better term. When he is on his stomach, he gets really excited and he can propel his entire body forward using his legs/knees. It is quite something to see! If you put your hands behind his feet, he can push himself clear across the floor. He doesn't use his hands at all, so he makes his face a little red, but if you stop, he cries at you until you put your hands back where they were so he can do it again. Silly boy.

He also stood without support for 2 whole seconds this week. He likes walking with someone holding him under his shoulders, but the standing unassisted thing is pretty impressive. Don't worry, I keep my hands less than a quarter of an inch from his sides so he won't fall.

So needless to say William is making great strides in holding up his back and neck. I can now hold him in one arm and make dinner and he won't fall. His social smile is coming along. My camera is too slow to get a good picture because as soon as the orange light appears, William closes his eyes in anticipation of the flash. He's so smart.

William is also starting to "talk" more. He said "uh-oh" clear as day when I dropped something this week. I know it was a coincidence, but it made me happy none the less. He is starting to differentiate his happy and sad sounds. It is fun to see him explore vocally. We have a toy that he can hit and it will light up. He has figured out that he can act on the object to cause something to happen. When he does he sometimes squeals with delight. I love it!

Finally, ("oh my goodness, you're still talking?") William is beginning to sleep through the night. He has slept 5-6 hours in a row for the past three nights and then slept an additional 3 or 4 after that (so if we put him in bed at 9, he sleeps until 2 or 2:30, eats and then sleeps from 4:00 to 7:00 or 7:30). This could be due to the fact that my little boy moved out of our room on Friday. Francis had to do it because I was agitated and William could tell. He's growing up too fast, I tell you. We are establishing a nightly routine as follows: we change William's diaper and put him in his pajamas, then Francis reads him a Bible story in French, I read him a short book in English, then we turn down the lights, give him a bottle of milk I have pumped (so we know he is full) and sing softy. We also turn on a sound machine to drown out the inevitable low bass that emanates from a neighbor's car at odd hours of the night. It has been taking two or three tries to get him all the way asleep, but the video monitor in our room is a huge comfort to know he is ok. He makes noises in his sleep just like his daddy so I can see from my room when he is actually in need of my assistance.

Little man just woke up. Gotta go!

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