Monday, October 31, 2011

October 31, 2011

The past week has been a hard one, but I am going to (try to) grow stronger as a result of it. William has not been napping and Francis has been gone more due to work or other commitments. This means I have William awake and wanting my attention from at least 8 in the morning until 9 or so at night almost every day last week. It was exhausting, and I came out of it feeling like a bit of a failure because I didn't get much of anything done. Francis is such a sweetheart and has offered to put me up in a hotel by our house this coming Friday just so I can try to catch up on some sleep. I don't think I will do it, but the offer is tempting considering how worn out I feel. My only saving grace was that William took a two hour nap on Friday afternoon. It gave me a little time to regroup. God knew I needed it.

The irony in me telling you this is that right this moment, William is taking a nap in the pack n' play next to me. Perhaps this bodes well for this week? Time will tell.

I have been trying to take a couple of outings during the week with William. Going out everyday right now seems unrealistic because William is not fond of the carrier when he is awake, and going to the park seems silly when he is asleep. This week we went shopping one day and to the park another. William was low on pajamas so I went to Toys R Us on Tuesday and got $108 (7 pairs) worth of pajamas for $40. How? They were having a big sale that day where clothes were at least 50% off. Then I had a coupon for clothing for $10 off a clothing purchase of $50. Finally, I had a $5 voucher off my purchase. Voila! Cheap as chips, as they say in Britain.

The park on Thursday was also nice. The wind was perfect. With the weather being pretty, we've been trying to get William outside more. On Saturday, Francis, William and I took the dogs to a dog park I discovered right near our house. It's a good size and made for fun for all.

Oh! I forgot about the Fun Festival at our church on Friday. We went and walked around even though William could not jump in the inflatables or play any of the games. William dressed up as a dragon; I was a princess and, you guessed it, Francis dressed up as Sheldon Cooper from Big Bang Theory (ok so maybe that wasn't your first guess...). We will dress up again tonight as we hand out candy. I want to get as much use out of my costume as possible. Someone pointed out I could wear it to a Renaissance Festival, but I cannot see myself doing that in the near future. But who knows? William is the cutest Dragon that you ever did see. He was a trooper at the festival, just staring and smiling at everyone!

William has been increasingly chatty. Francis got a video last night of William and I having a very in depth conversation. He tries to talk all the time. Oh! Last night, Francis leaned over while I was changing William for bed and smiled big and said "Goo!" to William. To his great surprise, William yelled back "GOO!" in Francis's face. We laughed until we cried. I love those boys, but they are crazy.

In closing, I weighed William just now and he is right around 16 lbs. That means he has doubled his birth weight at 11 weeks. How crazy is that? Oh, and he is at least 25 inches. He weighs more and is longer than another little boy who is 4 weeks older as well as my cousin's daughter who is 6 months...I've got one healthy boy!

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