Thursday, February 25, 2016

February 25, 2016

Well, it's been quite a week with some ups and downs.

My niece Abby turned 5 on Tuesday and had her birthday party last Saturday. How did that happen so fast??? I saw a picture of me holding her in the hospital and all the joy of that day came flooding back as if it just happened. Such a sweet memory. Anyway, Francis, the kids and I drove down to Houston for Abby's party on Saturday. We all had a blast. The boys got to play with two of their best friends (Abby and Ranger) and Hannah and Asher had some baby fun too. There was a bounce house and tea and seriously the cutest decorations for a tea-themed party. Bravo to Cyndy for making and setting it all up. Abby was a cute hostess as she wanted to make sure everyone was having a good time. Her smile lights up a room, I tell ya! Robert got injured in the bounce house: his face collided with another's head. But he eventually shook it off and we didn't think much more about it. We hung around after the party with Cyndy, Chris, Abby and the Davis Family before heading back. After a short phone call with my in-laws (who were sick and couldn't come to the party). Francis and William went to a Learn to Play Hockey class. He got a hockey stick and a jersey and had a great time, Now he is even more excited and playing in the future!

Sunday we did church as usual, but when we got home and got ready for nap, I took one look at Robert's face and nearly lost it. The left side of his nose was suddenly swollen and purple/yellow. I did a quick google search and then Robert and I headed over to the urgent care clinic. The doctor there said it was probably broken (which was my suspicion) and that bruising and swelling occurring 24 hours after the injury is normal. She referred us to an ENT doctor. We met with the ENT doctor on Tuesday (after bible study and lunch), and he confirmed that it was indeed broken on the left side close to his eye. Poor Robert! The doctor said that he didn't have a cast small enough to fit Robert and he was pretty sure that Robert likely wouldn't leave it on even if he did. The wound wasn't infected, and everything was fine all things considered. It could have been way worse. Robert did tear the
skin (upper labail frenum) inside his mouth also, so he has a bit of a fat lip too. He's a trooper and hasn't let it slow him down. But... no more bounce houses for at least 6 weeks while it heals (this was what the doctor said). Ideally we should try and get him to rest and recuperate, but the doctor knows that is unrealistic for a 2 year old. Smart man!

Tuesday evening William had his last class of "Snowplow 1". Francis, Robert, Hannah and I went up there to watch him finish and see how much he'd learned. I am very impressed. He can "walk" on the ice great, moves with confidence, can spin and even knows how to go backwards. He graduated with flying colors, having almost all of the qualifications for finishing snowplow 2 as well. He got a patch and was overjoyed that we got to see him skate. I think we are signing him up for the next session. He'll be ready for Hockey in no time!

Hannah turned 7 months yesterday.... SEVEN months! She is growing so fast too. People keep thinking she is at least 9 months because she is so long. She is crawling, pulling up on stuff, getting into everything and laughing constantly. Oh! and she now has 8 TEETH! She got one yesterday and two today. That makes 6 teeth in exactly 2 weeks. Crazy! She has 4 on top and 4 on bottom. this is good because she tries to eat everything in sight and she will now have the chompers to do so. Her brothers love playing with her, giving her hugs and making her laugh all the time. William said just thins afternoon, "I'm so glad we have Hannah now. I had to wait so long for her to get here and I love her so much". He went on to brag on his brother and there might have been a group hug at the end. Those moments make me so happy and are sweet pauses in the beautiful chaos that is this family.

I have been flat worn out with Hannah's teething and the congestion I can't shake, so I'm hoping there is a break in my future. But if that's the price of this life God gave me, I'll gladly pay it.

Till next time!

Thursday, February 18, 2016

February 18, 2016

Well, this past week did not turn out as planned.While it's not always bad, it does throw my planner's heart for a loop. The Moms and Pops Banquet, while enjoyable, was not exactly especially romantic as I had played it out in my head (which is totally my own fault, and as I mentioned it was still good!). Angel, Ranger, and Asher were unable to come up and visit on Friday due to a stomach bug, so instead the kids I went to playgroup. There we met a Korean woman in need of encouragement that she could be a mom to two kids (she was pregnant with a toddler). It was indeed where God intended us to be that morning, but not what I planned. Friday afternoon, the kids and I took Lucy to the vet because she keep coughing up junk going on two weeks now. The appointment lasted over 2 hours and they still don't know what's wrong. Quite an afternoon to say the least. Friday night, Francis's meeting went very late and so we missed our Valentine's dinner reservation, but they held it for us. The night started off rushed trying to get there, but the actual dinner was good and the company unparalleled.  We went to pick up the kids from church after 2 hours (of a 4 hour parents night out). Hannah was asleep but due for a feeding, so we picked her up, but the boys didn't want to leave. We told them they could stay, and went home for an hour with Hannah before Francis headed back up to church to get them. Church is only 15 minutes or less away, so it was nice to have a little quiet time at home after such a busy day.

Saturday was bliss. We drove to Sherwood Forest Faire and met up with the Jennings. Oh how I missed them! It was like no time had passed, yet out kids were all older. How did this happen?!? Seth hadn't even met Hannah. We all got to see the joust, falconry and the kids who were big enough did a couple of rides. It was good for my body to be in the open air, and good for my spirit to be with old friends.

The rest of this week has been a bit of a blur. Hannah went from 2 to 5 teeth since Thursday. She cut on Thursday, one Monday and one Tuesday with a fourth bulge due to pop out any second. All that to say she hasn't been sleeping well since Thursday. Her toothy smile is totally worth it, but I'm pooped. I handled the first few days ok, but I'm beginning to feel like I did when the kids were newborns. I'm hoping the last tooth pops out today and we can have a bit of a break! Hannah has also mastered the moving from sitting to crawling back to sitting. She is so proud every time she sits herself up. It's still occasionally awkward, but the transition is getting smoother all the time. She's becoming a fast little mover. The boys can't leave anything on the ground! They love her so much though They will share almost anything with her (for better or worse) and constantly want to hug and kiss her. They also tell her that she is cute, much to her delight. I am so blessed to have kids who (mostly) get along and genuinely love each other. Robert and William are great brothers. I pray Hannah will be just as good a sister to them.

Life is calling. Till next time!

Thursday, February 11, 2016

February 11, 2016

Gonna have to make this quick.

Hannah is crawling all over. Her movement looks a bit like a worm right now, but she's speedy! She is also becoming good at taking door stops off the wall. Time to baby proof even more and keep a watchful eye on this girl!

Robert and William keep me on my toes. I never quite know what I'm going to get. Their favorite toys right now are: lego Duplo (mainly the batman set), Wild Kratts and Octonauts. One or more f those is played with every day without fail. I was talking to Robert this week and as I hugged him I said, "You are so huggable. Can you be my Robert forever?" His response was, "No." "Who will you turn into?" I asked. In a low scratchy voice he responded, "Batman." Good to know. William then decided his name was Hannah. I went along with it asking him to hand his snack to "Hannah". His brow furrowed, "BUT MOM, this is my snack." "I know, but you said your name is Hannah." He responded, "Oh yeah. That's confusing. Nevermind, I'll just stay William." Also good to know.

We have been going to story time at the library here the past couple of Wednesdays. They have a time for babies and one for preschoolers, but we go to the one for 2-3 year olds. Everyone loves it. William loves being the oldest and "helping his brother",  Robert loves participating in the activities, and Hannah loves watching and dancing to the music. Win, win, win!

Starting tonight the next few days are very busy. I get to go to a banquet, have a playdate with an amazing friend, have my Valentine's Date, and go to Sherwood Forest Faire with yet another amazing friend and her family. I couldn't be happier about it all!

Till next time!

Thursday, February 4, 2016

February 4, 2016

Baby girl is growing like crazy. She is starting to pull up on things, is moving around the house quicker and starting to self-feed like a champ. I'm so thankful for my Hannah, and the boys are enjoying having her be more active in their play. They aren't huge fans of her taking their toys, but have been quick to forgive and find a way to include her. I thank God for their love and generosity.

My in-laws came to visit on Saturday. We hadn't seen them since early January, and so the kids were over the moon excited. Bonus! Abby, Cyndy and Chris came into town too for a few hours. I tell you, you'd have though my kids had won the lottery, they had so much fun. I think it was good for all involved. Few things warm the heart like family and laughter, and we had plenty of both. this is another thing for which I happily thank God.

We pushed the boys beds together last night in an attempt to keep them in their bed and not in ours. They both say they get lonely at night (William has terrible dreams and Robert roams the house at night), and we are hoping this helps the problem. Chances of success are low, but you never know! If there is an opposite to the napping house, we are it. Someday we will sleep, so I'm trying to enjoy all the good infanthood/toddlerhood/preschool has to offer while embracing the exhaustion. It is quite an adventure!

This week has been a little rough for me in terms of my joints. I have a joint condition, but usually I don't notice it unless I try to go bowling or step funny. This week it's like the air pressure has been different or something, because all my joints hurt. Not sure what's going on, but it is welcome to stop at any time!

MOMS this morning was about intimacy. I guess that is how you know it's February: everything is about love. Tonight we have a party with our small group and Sunday we have the Super Bowl party with our Bible Life class. We are regular little socialites, haha. Ok not really, but I am enjoying getting to know people in our church as we are living life in College Station.

Till next time!