Tuesday, May 29, 2012

May 29th, 2012

I have a baby who SLEEPS!!!!! I would have posted about it last week, but I was afraid that his sickness and Memorial day would mess him up again. Thankfully it didn't for two weeks now, William has slept 9-11 hours straight every night except one. He has consistently slept from at least 7pm to 4am (one day until 6!). It has been good for him and I have been getting a little bit of sleep as well.

Last Wednesday, we attended a play date with many of the ladies of out church with babies. It was so fun to spend time with other moms and have our kids socialize (I think there were 12 babies along with many older children). William was certainly the most active of the babies. I only had to turn my head and he would disappear up the stairs or into the kitchen where I would have to chase him down. He's such a mess. I found out more people read this blog than I had originally realized. I started to tell a story at play group and two different ladies said, "Oh yeah, I remember reading that!" It threw me for a loop. Thank you ladies, and everyone really, for caring enough to read about our lives. It is touching!

William's newest word is "Doggie". It's adorable. He sometimes gets it mixed up with "Dada", but he is beginning to separate the two. Currently Lucy is the only "Doggie" but I am sure he will soon enough be calling Bella doggie too. Lucy is just his favorite so naturally he labels her first. William's other new talent is carrying things around with him when he crawls or cruises. He has figured out how to move objects with him and the action thrills him to no end. It is so cute!

The last weekend was Memorial day. Francis took off half of Friday and we headed down to Galveston Island to spend time with his parents and his sister's family. It was a great weekend. William got to swim for the first time both in a pool and in the ocean. He enjoyed each. He's a good little kicker. Even in the flotation device he was figuring out how to maneuver himself. The weather was perfect. It was cloudy and pleasant, but not so mild that the water was too cold for swimming. We also visited Moody gardens. Their aquarium is a lot like Sea World's except it is a little larger. William enjoyed it just the same, but fell asleep as we entered the rainforest area. It was so muggy in there that I was feeling sleepy too, hehe. Overall it was a pretty perfect weekend. Not sure I would have changed a thing.

Yesterday we headed back by way or Lake Jackson, where we got to drop in and visit Gershom and Kristi (one of the groomsmen in our wedding and his wife). They have just had their second child two weeks ago. We got to see Baby Kaitlyn (I got to hold her!) and visit with Big Girl Olivia. William wasn't sure what to do about the baby. He hasn't been around a baby that small since he was that small. He looked at her from afar and smiled at her sweetly. I think he will be a good big brother when the time comes.

I guess that is all for now.

Monday, May 21, 2012

May 21, 2012

I actually am getting to post on Monday! What are the odds? My first order of business is a matter of personal growth I realized yesterday. While sitting in Sunday school amongst friends, I was reflecting on my week. Hard as it was, I had people who I could rely on here in Austin, you know, people I could call in a pinch. I realized that I had people in Austin who care about me. I have known that for a long time, but actually verbalizing that thought in my head did something to me. I don't know. I finally feel like I belong here. It's not just the place I live anymore. If people were to ask me a couple of weeks ago where I was from, I would respond, "I'm from Dallas, but I live in Austin." Now I feel like my response would be, "Austin, but I am originally from Dallas." I know the difference is subtle, but to me it is huge. I am finally willing to call this home. It took me two years, but better late than never.

Okay, now onto the main event. William! High-fiving is his new favorite game. He will even initiate it with you if he feels so inclined.

William told his first joke last Thursday. We took Amy out for lunch to thank her for letting us invade her house the other day. When she went to the bathroom, William looked at me very seriously for a moment. Then he said, "A guba boo mada bubububa!" and he laughed right out loud for a good five seconds. Then he looked at me like I should be laughing too. I happily obliged and he laughed again in his high pitched baby way. It was adorable. I'm sure if I had understood the joke, it would have been hilarious!

I have a little climber on my hands. While making dinner on Friday evening, I put William in the sit-in walker so he could wonder around without getting in too much trouble...or so I thought. He walked around for a few minutes, and then silence...and then I hear the clinking of silverware. I assume William has pulled up to the dishwasher, stopped and has started to grab out the silverware from the caddy. I turn around preparing to say "don't play with that" when instead I gasp. My child has climbed out of the walker and has climbed into the dishwasher. I gawk as he is actually trying to climb between the lower and upper shelves of the dishwasher (hence the clinking) before I scoop him out. No more walker for my kiddo! It is probably just as well. He's getting so close to walking, it was only a matter of time.

Another cute story also occurred Friday evening. I was about to get William ready for bed upstairs when he heard the garage door open. He paused for a moment, unsure, but quickly smiled, screamed "DADA!" and crawled for the stairs full steam. He waited at the top of the stairs with his head squished up to the baby gate until he saw Francis and then a whole slew of "Dada!"s were squealed out by my little man. Francis scooped him up quickly after alighting the stairs and they laughed and played like father and son should. I know it made Francis's day.

This weekend was rather uneventful. We went to a lovely picnic, got Francis's car inspected and fixed, and went to church. William developed a horrible cough in the night last night and after going back to the doctor this morning (weight 21lbs, 3 oz!), it turns out he has bronchioitis again. This means another round of breathing treatments until Friday. And just when I thought we were finally getting healthy! Oh well.

On a final note, at lunch today I noticed William has another tooth! This one is on the bottom left. The right one does not look to be far behind. That makes 7 (almost 8) for this 9 month old. It's good because he likes eating mommy's food and he needs the chompers to do it!!!

That's to for now!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

May 16, 2012

So sometimes it feels like nothing has happened in a week (or a week and a half in this case), and sometimes a world of things have come and gone. This past week was the latter. I would have written yesterday, but I got locked out of my house all afternoon (I'll explain in a bit) so I couldn't. I will attempt not to write a novel, but I make no promises!

William has made so much progress recently. He has been taking what the doctor calls "half steps" since right after the last time I wrote. He stands, inches his foot forward, and then sits down into his step like he is unsure of what to do next. The doctor said he could be taking his first real step any day! I kinda hope he waits a bit. My little baby is going to be a little boy all too soon. William has also been saying "Dada" as well as "mama" and "baba" which we think is "Bubba", something we call him. The other day William was talking up a storm in baby talk when he suddenly looked straight at me and said, "wha dada?" and looked like I needed to answer his question. I explained Dada was at work and would come home to love on him at the end of the day. This satisfied him and he went back to playing. It was so cute!

My William is also learning to share. He has started handing me thing and then gets great jot out of how happy I am to receive the item. Oh! He also has learned how to wave "Bye Bye" with his whole arm as well as give awesome High Fives when asked. He is responding to simple commands like "go get that" as well as watching me do something so he can do it next. It's like I have a new kiddo overnight!

William turned 9 months on Friday and had the obligatory Dr. appointment. He is almost 21 lbs (3 oz shy), which is amazing considering that he lost 3 weeks worth of weight when we went through the throw up virus. He is close to if not over 21 lbs today. He is over 28 inches (the nurse could not get an accurate reading) and his head is still huge (98-100 percentile). Dr. Enders said he is doing just great and that we can give him more "adult" food as we see fit. Yesterday he had spaghetti....There's no turning back now.

Have I mentioned William LOVES oranges? I get those cuties, and William will eat a whole one (spitting out the slice after chewing and sucking out all the juice) in no time flat. Glad to know he's not allergic!

We had our last parent's night out until the fall on Friday. We went out to eat with Becky and Russ (wanted to see the Avengers, but time wouldn't permit). I still feel like I am missing part of me when William is not with me, but it is always night to spent time with other adults and not talk about babies.

Saturday we went to Sea World with Francis's work. The day got off to a rough start. but it gradually improved and turned out all right. My first memory in life is seeing Shamu jump into the water. It was a little surreal to see it again. William liked Shamu up until he splashed us with his tail. The cold salt water was unwelcome and William about climbed over me to get away. I calmed him down and he was able to enjoy the rest of the show. It was a close call though...

Mother's day was very nice. William and Francis made me breakfast and then we had a lovely morning at church. Francis had our family photo put on a canvas so that we can hang it in out house. It arrived today and I am very excited to figure out where exactly on the wall it will go. It's wonderful to finally have a family photo of the three of us to put on our wall. We went out to lunch at Mongolian stir-fry restaurant, and then proceeded to call all the wonderful moms in our lives. Francis made chicken enchiladas for dinner (YUM!) and we had a quiet evening just talking. It was a very good day.

Ok, so I was locked out of my house yesterday...Yesterday morning, I went to use my $10 Kohl's cash and got a swim suit. It was still pretty early so I though I would head downtown to get my sister-in-law's birthday present. Big mistake. I got stuck in rush hour traffic. Then the store didn't have what I wanted so I had to get something else. The workers were very nice and helpful, but I couldn't help but feel a little frustrated. Then I took my car to get the front brakes replaced. It was pouring rain and William and I got soaked. After a couple of hours of waiting they tell me that the brakes still haven't come in and would I like it if they drove me home while they worked on the car. They are awesome mechanics. I get home (it is still pouring) and realize my house key is with my car key at the shop... Out of desperation I knock on my neighbor Amy's door and she kindly took both me and William in for the afternoon. She fed me, helped us get dry and allowed us to rest. My car was eventually delivered to my house free of charge (I said they were awesome mechanics) and I was able to get into my house. By this time I had a couple of minutes to feed William, bathe him and put him to bed. It was stressful to be able to see my dogs getting soaked and not be able to to do anything about it. But I survived.

So there is where I will end. Today is already a better day as William slept 11 hours straight last night (a new record!). Hopefully he will keep that up. Tata!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

May 8th, 2012

Can't believe it is already May. The weather would suggest it is much later though, so I guess I should have been prepared. It was a good week in the Phillips domain.

First off, William kissed a girl last week a gym class. Her name is Olivia and she is around 3 weeks older than him. In between exercises, he crawled right over to her and laid a big wet one on her cheek. He flirted with her again this week. It is adorable. Funniest part is that Olivia has a twin sister, and William won't even give her the time of day. I guess my little man has a girlfriend! This week at gym, the instructor told William he was going to have to graduate to the next group soon because he is just too advanced. It was then I realized William will be 9 months this week!

My little man is becoming more and more independent. He plays on his own for great lengths of time which is awesome. Too bad it is never when I need him to be busy, like when I am making dinner or need to go potty... It seems the rule is that he is allowed to leave the room without asking my permission, but it is the end of the world if I leave the room even when he can still see me. He crawls after me calling my name and then telling me in his own way his displeasure with my absence. He's a mess. He just wants company though. As long as someone is around, he seems pretty content.

William is starting to follow simple commands, the most often of which is "on your bottom". He likes to stand in his high chair as well as the tub. I think he gets a kick out of me telling him to sit down because he laughs and plops down when told.

William has also figured out how to get off the bottom stair in our house. He would previously get stuck on the landing and yell until someone gets him, or fall off and hit his head. Now, he turns around, puts his feet down and lowers the rest of his body. He's so smart!

My amazing in-laws came into town this weekend. It had been forever since they had seen William, and the couldn't believe how much he had grown! We went shopping and kite flying. It was nice to spend time with them as always. My mother-in-law gave William maple syrup. He is now a fan. She also gave him a ton of ice cream. I think she wants "nana" to be his next word, hehe.

William has been very fussy the past couple of days, so I finally took him to the doctor. Turns out he is teething and it looks like his molars are about to come. This is really early, but the doctor said his gums are inflamed and that seems to be what is bugging him. I'm just glad it wasn't an ear infection!

We did William's 9 month photos today. I wanted to have something to send out with Mother's Day cards, so we got the pictures done a couple of days early. William was a sweetheart and the pictures turned out AMAZING, crazy hair and all. I can't wait to share them with everyone!

Well, that's it for now. I know I forgot stuff, but William is waking up.