Wednesday, April 17, 2019

April 17, 2019

Things are very quiet around here...but I'll get to that.

This past week has been good overall. Last Thursday Andrew made through the whole Bible Study in the nursery for the first time. Up until recently I've been bringing him into class with me and even after that I have had to pick him up in the middle to feed him. It's a good sign he's growing up and I'm glad.

Friday evening was the last Junction (parents' night out) until the fall. After we dropped off the kids, Francis and I went to see the new movie Shazam at Star Cinema Grill. It was cute and the food was good. Saturday was a long and crazy day. We got up and checked if the boys' soccer games were cancelled due to weather (they weren't), so Francis took William to his game while I took the other 3 to the George Bush Library Easter egg hunt. Due to the weather threat, the even was moved indoors which meant we had to wait in line to get in and it was extra crowded. We did manage to get a picture with the Easter bunny and do the egg hunt/games before Francis brought William to me and took Robert to his game. After William did all the things he wanted at the event, the three kids I had and I picked up food and headed home in a bit of an overcast windy gloom. We ate quickly and I changed Hannah into her dance costume and as soon as Francis got home, Hannah and I went to get her class pictures done for dance. As soon as we arrived, the weather took a turn for the worst so we got inside. while Hannah was getting her pictures done, I found out there was a tornado in Franklin (35 miles north of us) and that we were under a sever thunderstorm warning. Keeping a careful eye on the radar, when Hannah got done (I can't wait to see how they turned out!) we left in between bands of the storm and made it home in time before another downpour. After a short time, the storm finally passed and we were able to do a final activity- attend a birthday party at jumping world. The kids had a great time. There was a scary moment though where Hannah fell off a 10ft platform and hit the cement ground (she was miraculously fine). She was supposed to jump onto an inflatable mat, but grabbed hold of the platform instead and landed underneath the platform on the cement. My heart stopped momentarily, but other than a little crying and needing an ice pack on her leg for all of two seconds, she didn't let it stop her from running around and enjoying the est of the party. When we left, the sun had come out and it felt as if a week had passed. Weird.

Sunday was the last AWANA for the spring and the awards ceremony. William received his Sparky award, Robert received his first book award and Hannah finished Cubbies book A. William and Robert were both selected to read verses during the ceremony to represent their particular grades. I'm not sure how they were chosen, but hearing them read scripture proudly brought tears to my eyes. Francis also finished his 5th year volunteering with Cubbies. I am so thankful for a man so willing to serve and invest in our children.

Monday I spent the day packing up the three big kids' suitcases. Why? Becuase yesterday morning I met my dad part way between here and Dallas and he took them back with him. William and Robert will be spending time with their cousin Issac and my dad in order to go camping in Tyler early and do manly things. Hannah was dropped off at my sister Christian's house so she and her cousin Alexandra could have girl time for a couple of days before we all meet up in Tyler on Friday for Easter camping with the whole Noble Family. I am thankful for a family that loves my kids.

Part of the reason the kids all 3 left is because this morning Andrew had surgery to get tubed put in his ears. He's had constant ear infections for over 5 months and recently failed his hearing test due to all the fluid in his ears. It was a long night of being up with him and a rough morning of waiting, but he came out of surgery just fine and is in the swing next to me sleeping (finally). I can already tell a difference in his responsiveness to sound. Sounds that normally would be ignored are now of sudden and immediate interest. I look forward to seeing what other wonderful things come out of my baby no longer being in constant pain. I'm hoping he will finally get a good nights rest so I can too. For now, I will go back to cleaning out the school areas and preparing for the next school year while I have a moment of quiet.

Till next time!

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

April 10, 2019

And we are done with school. whew.

ok so Friday before last we had a family Bahama Bucks date (snow cones) to mark the end of Robert finishing Kindergarten and William finishing his tutor proof (round 2). We spent Friday morning at the ENT doctor to get Andrew's tubed scheduled (that happens next week), so after a rough morning we headed to William's tutor's house to do the proof. I sat in the next room as I listened to William tell all 24 weeks of all 7 subjects (Math, Latin, English, timeline, Geography, History, Science) of memory work. He did it flawlessly. So, after that major success, we had to do something and Bahama Bucks seemed fitting.

Saturday William and Robert each had their first soccer game. Francis had his first game coaching (Robert's team). Both boys did great! Robert scored his firs goal in a major breakaway, and I managed to get it on video! I cannot wait to see what the coming weeks hold. That afternoon we had lunch and then went to A&M for their annual vet school open house. We got to pet animals, learn about how to make horseshoes, look at snakes, and participate in teddy bear surgery. The last was the kids favorite. they got to dress up in scrubs, pick out a stuffed animal and after telling the vet tech what was wrong, learn how veterinarians help solve these problems in animals. It was fun and informative. My favorite combination.

Tuesday before last, William completed his tutor proof making him an official Memory Master. I was so nervous waiting for him to finish because he had come so far. He had no problem and came out beaming with pride. He worked very hard to accomplish this and pushed through even though he didn't always feel like it.

Wednesday evening we celebrated by taking the kids to the Brazilian steakhouse in town (Casa do Brasil). With a kindergarten grad, a Memory Master and some good news regarding Francis's job, we had a lot to celebrate. I didn't know my kids could eat so much, but they relished all of the food, especially the all you can eat meat. Even Andrew had a good share. Hannah loved the fried plantains, and the big boys ate their weight in steak. A good time was had by all!

Thursday was our usual Bible Study. I am still loving it and even was able to sign us up for next year. Next year we are doing Genesis. Yay!

Friday was the Father-Daughter Dance. After Francis's date with William on Monday to Chuck E cheese, it was Hannah's turn for some Daddy time. She got all dressed up in a "rainbow" pink dress and did her hair, jewelry and "make up" (lipgloss) to perfection. Francis got her a silk flower corsage to match. The dance had professional photos, ice cream bar, a dance floor and little craft area. Hannah played and danced the night away with Francis and her little friends. She came home with her face positively beaming.

Saturday rain caused soccer to be cancelled, so we headed over to A&M for their Physics and Engineering festival. It did not disappoint. With over 200 different experiments, multiple shows (we loved the Bubble Show), a huge working Tesla coil and so much more, we learned and had fun! When we finished, we eventually headed home and had crepes a la Francis for dinner. Francis is an amazing chef and our bellies and hearts were full.

Sunday marked the second week for Francis on the new light board and the opening of the new children's library at church. The kids already have checked out books and we love the cozy feel of the reading windows. Sunday evening was the next to last AWANAS. All three bigs had finished their books and will be getting their awards next Sunday after their last class. They have learned a ton of verses this year!

Monday was a quiet day at home. Andrew (who now has SIX teeth!) learned that he can crawl away from mommy (not just toward) and spent a good portion of the day exercising his new freedom. He found and now enjoys the dog food (yuck), so we've entered that phase of babyhood. He is also working on standing up from sitting without holding onto anything, which is really impressive for only 9 months!

I needed a quiet day to prepare for yesterday. Yesterday we hit the ground running and didn't stop. We had our last day of school at CC. It's hard to say goodbye, but it was a sweet time followed by our end of year party and Memory Master presentation. Francis came up and together he and I presented William with his Memory Master certificate in front of the group. After lunch and recess, we stayed to listen the the 4-6th graders present their Faces of History projects. I was so impressed by their knowledge of their characters as they dressed up and presented figures from ancient history. They did a great job! We went from their to Job's third birthday party. We played at the park, had an egg hunt and ate pizza and cupcakes. the weather was a bit warm, but still pretty. Finally we went to dance practice (Hannah) and soccer practice (William and Robert). By the time we got home, we were tired! whew.

Today we will go by the library to pick books and do Wednesday evening church, but mostly we've earned a rest.

Till next time!