Monday, October 31, 2011

October 31, 2011

The past week has been a hard one, but I am going to (try to) grow stronger as a result of it. William has not been napping and Francis has been gone more due to work or other commitments. This means I have William awake and wanting my attention from at least 8 in the morning until 9 or so at night almost every day last week. It was exhausting, and I came out of it feeling like a bit of a failure because I didn't get much of anything done. Francis is such a sweetheart and has offered to put me up in a hotel by our house this coming Friday just so I can try to catch up on some sleep. I don't think I will do it, but the offer is tempting considering how worn out I feel. My only saving grace was that William took a two hour nap on Friday afternoon. It gave me a little time to regroup. God knew I needed it.

The irony in me telling you this is that right this moment, William is taking a nap in the pack n' play next to me. Perhaps this bodes well for this week? Time will tell.

I have been trying to take a couple of outings during the week with William. Going out everyday right now seems unrealistic because William is not fond of the carrier when he is awake, and going to the park seems silly when he is asleep. This week we went shopping one day and to the park another. William was low on pajamas so I went to Toys R Us on Tuesday and got $108 (7 pairs) worth of pajamas for $40. How? They were having a big sale that day where clothes were at least 50% off. Then I had a coupon for clothing for $10 off a clothing purchase of $50. Finally, I had a $5 voucher off my purchase. Voila! Cheap as chips, as they say in Britain.

The park on Thursday was also nice. The wind was perfect. With the weather being pretty, we've been trying to get William outside more. On Saturday, Francis, William and I took the dogs to a dog park I discovered right near our house. It's a good size and made for fun for all.

Oh! I forgot about the Fun Festival at our church on Friday. We went and walked around even though William could not jump in the inflatables or play any of the games. William dressed up as a dragon; I was a princess and, you guessed it, Francis dressed up as Sheldon Cooper from Big Bang Theory (ok so maybe that wasn't your first guess...). We will dress up again tonight as we hand out candy. I want to get as much use out of my costume as possible. Someone pointed out I could wear it to a Renaissance Festival, but I cannot see myself doing that in the near future. But who knows? William is the cutest Dragon that you ever did see. He was a trooper at the festival, just staring and smiling at everyone!

William has been increasingly chatty. Francis got a video last night of William and I having a very in depth conversation. He tries to talk all the time. Oh! Last night, Francis leaned over while I was changing William for bed and smiled big and said "Goo!" to William. To his great surprise, William yelled back "GOO!" in Francis's face. We laughed until we cried. I love those boys, but they are crazy.

In closing, I weighed William just now and he is right around 16 lbs. That means he has doubled his birth weight at 11 weeks. How crazy is that? Oh, and he is at least 25 inches. He weighs more and is longer than another little boy who is 4 weeks older as well as my cousin's daughter who is 6 months...I've got one healthy boy!

Monday, October 24, 2011

October 24, 2011

Another week...always moving forward. William is talking up a storm. He waits for you to say something and then "talks" back. I've been having some of the most interesting conversations of my life this week. He is so amazing. William also reached out for my hand and grabbed it on Saturday. It brought tears to my eyes. He is becoming more and more alert and aware of his surroundings. He is batting and kicking at things that he sees and has started to grab onto the things around him more intentionally. He can hold up his head, shoulders and chest/stomach while laying on his tummy. Such a strong boy!

I took William to a park for the first time on Thursday. He likes the outside air and loves looking at the trees and people. He would rather be in my arms than in his carrier/stroller because he always wants to look around. As long as he can see what is going on, he is happy.

This weekend, William and I made another road trip. This time we went up to Abilene for Hardin-Simmons homecoming. William is a trooper when it comes  to traveling by car. I couldn't ask for a better baby! I would like to point out that William was on HSU soil before A&M soil. Perhaps he might be an HSU cowboy afterall someday! William got to meet Rebecca Browne for the first time on Friday. I hope he made a good impression. I am slowly getting to introduce him to all of the special people in my life. I am glad I got to share my bundle of joy with her! Rebecca, my parents, William and I got to attend SING on Friday night. My sister Danielle was by far the most talented person on stage, but I may be a bit biased. William was great during the show except during one part that he thought was too quiet so he added a profound "ah!" to liven things up. We spent the night at my Aunt Cheryl's house and then Saturday was filled with more fun and merriment. I got to show him to all my former professors. I had sent a birth announcement to Dr. Williford (the Dean of Education) and so everyone was commenting on how he is even more beautiful than the pictures they had seen. Apparently Dr. Williford has the announcement pinned up in her office. I got to show William to many of my college friends and the day was topped off by William's first football game. The score: 67 to 17. We won! The drive back was long, but William slept the whole way so I didn't have to stop and feed him. It was a great day!!!

We now have a couple of weeks with no traveling, so I am looking forward to some rest. William is already 10 weeks old! I can't wait to see what the future holds!

Monday, October 17, 2011

October 17, 2011

It is official. William is a good car baby. I knew he would be, but he had his first big car trip this week. William wore his little car onesie that said "small but fast" and we made the three hour trek to Plano on Wednesday. Well, it should have been 3 hours, but the cord to my GPS was in Francis's car (making it useless) and my mother got me as a result I had to stop and feed my baby 20 minutes from my destination. Other than that William slept the whole way.

I learned that night just how much William talks in his sleep. Sleeping in the same room with him, I could hear every coo, gurggle and cry. He is his daddy's son. It would have been funny had I not been so tired. I can smile about it now.

Thursday, my mom and I went shopping. Since William has outgrown all his three month clothing, he had almost nothing to wear. We got him clothes and I got a couple of tops. I really had nothing that fit right anymore and was either wearing clothes from 2 years ago that do not fit my new "womanly" shape or still putting on maternity clothes that are too baggy. It was a bit of a self esteem boost to see what I look like when things fit. Thursday night I had dinner with my parents and in laws. No one could believe how much he has grown. From then until Sunday, William was constantly being held unless he was sleeping or in the car.

Friday was a big day. William and I went to the State Fair of Texas with my family. Danielle came in late Thursday night and Christian came in to join us that afternoon. There were many highlights in the day. First off, William was an angel. I found good places to feed him and he didn't slow us down. He loved the puppet show. I wasn't sure if he would care about it, but he smiled and watched everything on the stage. He also looked at all the crafts in the craft building and stared quizzically at the animals in the petting zoo. His favorite thing by far though was the firework spectacular at the end of the day. We were down by the fountain end so all the different sprays of water would light up, the screen would show beautiful images, lights would show on the buildings across the way and fireworks would explode overhead. William sat in Christian's lap and cooed and smiled through the whole show. He even danced to "We will Rock You". Christian thinks he might be a future drummer. I have said this before, but I will say it again, William is his daddy's son. Francis loves a good pyrotechnic and lights display. His son is just following suit!

The only sad thing that happened was that William hit his head on someone's shoulder (while he was whipping it around) and it scared him enough that he shed his first real tear. I guess his ducts are working now. It was very interesting to see and yet at the same time it broke his mommy's heart. Luckily it was just one glistening tear, so the sadness was short lived.

Saturday Francis and his dad went golfing (Francis got in late Friday night) and William and I went shopping with my mother-in-law and my family. I got a few more cute tops and William got some clothing as well. He is now a well clothed boy (up until another growth spurt!). It was so much fun. We all had dinner in celebration of Francis's birthday at Olive Garden and had cake back at the Phillilps' household. We are so blessed to have such wonderful families!!!

Sunday, otherwise known as Francis's 25th Birthday, we went to church (where William was again an angel) and then had a lunch with each family. We went back to the Phillips' house and hung out for a while before leaving for home. We stopped in Waco both to feed William and show him off to Christian's friends. Our trek ended late last night, but I think it was a good day. Francis is getting a 3D TV for his birthday, so I think that just made a great birthday even better.

I am making lasagna tonight so that we can have one more night of celebration with just our little nuclear family. It will hopefully round off a wonderful week/ weekend.

The best part of all of this is that William has slept 6-7 1/2 hours straight each night for 5 nights now. It has been great to get continuous rest. Well, William is sleeping so I better start preparing the lasagna so I can cook it later!

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

October 11, 2011

It was a fun week here at Phillips central. After last Monday's hard night, William has been sleeping like no baby's slept before. It's been awesome. I asked Francis if he felt like he has gotten his life back and his response was, "No, I feel like life has gotten even better, like I have an extra life!" I started singing the Mario Brothers theme song...that was the end of any serious talk. Things are becoming less stressful around here for the time being. I am sure they will pick up soon.

This weekend we had some visitors: Ashley Duran and Brittany May. William was loved on and so were Francis and I. It was wonderful to have them meet William and see how special he is. It makes a momma proud.

Francis had his first babysitting job alone with William last night while I went to ladies night with my Bible Study group. I felt a bit like I was missing an arm, but I was never worried because I knew my baby was in good hands. He did a great job and William is still in one piece.

The big news is that William is two months old today! He had his check up today and he is growing faster than a weed. He is now 13 lbs. 3 oz., 23 and 3/4 inches long and 41.1cm around his head. That's a gain of 5lbs. 3oz, 3 1/4 inches and 2 cm in just 6 weeks!!! He went from being in the 50th (weight), 50th (length) and 95th (head) percentiles to the 80th, 75th and above the 100th percentile respectively. I guess he is getting enough food! If he keeps this up, he will double his birth weight before 4 months. I am just glad he is healthy. He also got a bunch of vaccines today so I am expecting him to be a bit lethargic for the next couple of days. Hopefully he will perk up before our trip to Dallas on Thursday. We will be celebrating my mom's Francis's and my father-in-law's birthday's so it should be fun!

I got my flu shot today so I think William and I will bed down and weather the storm now. Time for a nap!

Monday, October 3, 2011

October 3, 2011

So this week was not nearly as eventful as last week when it comes to milestones. William grabbed onto a rattle and shook it a couple of times. That was exciting. Mostly, he has been perfecting the skills he developed last week. He can now push up his head, neck and the front part of his chest with his hands. This makes his crawling motion much less painful for mommy to watch because only his tummy gets red. He is favoring his left side much of the time which makes me think he might be left handed. My father and aunt are both left handed, so it is not out of the question.

I had my first date alone with Francis on Saturday night since William was born. My mother was in town for a political event and so she and my Aunt Camille volunteered to watch William. Francis and I went to Texas Roadhouse for dinner and then to see the Lion King in 3D. It was a lot of fun. I wasn't as worried as I thought I would be, but my mother was here for the first two weeks of his life, so I know she can care for him. My Aunt did a great job as well. I did catch myself checking my phone occasionally to make sure I didn't have any texts from them, so I guess I am not completely immune to the worry, hehe. It was nice to have a little break, I have to admit, but coming home to my little one was totally worth it. I don't know what those women did to wear him out, but he slept 7 hours straight on Saturday night and has been sleeping ever since except to eat (around 36 hours now). He was starving all day Saturday so I think he must be going through a growth spurt. He was already growing like crazy, so I can't wait to go to the doctor and see his stats.

Really, that's all I have to say. Short and sweet is the way to go sometimes.