Saturday, January 28, 2017

January 28, 2017

Things have been busy over here. We are finally getting back into a routine. School is back in session on Tuesdays, playgroup has started back up, and MOMs is first and third Thursdays. Things are returning to normal, you might say.

William is reading everything in sight. It won't be long before he is doing chapter books alone, but for now, we read most things together so I can help him with the hard words. Those words are becoming fewer and fewer each day. He was a little resistant to start back up with school after a break, but he has certainly found his stride. He's getting more independent and taking the initiative on getting work done. I can't tell you how valuable that is so me and will be to him in the long run.

Robert is learning so much too. He has got down most of his letters, all of his numbers and shapes and has a great memory. He too has started to take some initiative with his little bit of school work. Normally we do hand over hand writing so he can get a feel for how to hold the pencil and what letters should look like, but this past wee he started to do handwriting all on his own and can write his name pretty legibly. I'm pretty impressed with my big 3 year old! We also found out he will turn 4 before the cut-off date so he can be in a CC class next year instead of the nursery. He is so excited!

Hannah had he 18 month check up on Wednesday. She is right down the middle of the road on weight at just over 22 lbs. She still has a big head for that big brain of hers, but has fallen to the 89th percentile for height (33.25in). The doctor said that this is normal as genetics are beginning to take over. Even f she grows none for the next 6 months, the doctor said, she will still likely be around 5' 10''. Wow! I know predictors are only that, but we do have some tall people on our family so it isn't out of the question. She is doing great on all of the milestones for her age. She has more or less mastered potty training with the exception of #2. She runs to the potty just before she starts  (or just after, it's hard to tell), so only most of it makes it in the potty. Still! I will take changing her once to changing her all day long. She is keeping up with her brothers as best she can. And they don't want to leave her out anyway. It's fun to see them all. She wants to do schoolwork now too. I've been giving her coloring sheets and the boys make up activities for her to do. We are all learning so much about the world, each other, and Christ's love for us.

We also had a field trip on Wednesday. We went to the Fire Station. The kids learned all about fire safety, saw a fireman put on his gear, learned about what a fireman does, took a tour of the fire station and got to climb all over a fire engine. The boys even got to slide down the fireman's pole (well part of it). Fun was had by all, and we have been practicing what to do if there is a fire. I'm so thankful for opportunities to go out and learn in the community. Especially when I don't have to plan the trip!

We've got some sickness going on in our house last night and today. Please pray we are better for church tomorrow!

Till next time!

Monday, January 16, 2017

January 16, 2017

First post of the year. I've been putting it off for several reasons, part of which is I have been very busy and some of the things I have to write are hard.

We spent our New Years' Eve at home and put the kids to be after having our own party of confetti and sparkling grape juice. In the middle of the night/early morning I woke up in great pain. My whole body had fallen asleep. It was strange and after a while I feel back asleep. When I awoke I got a call that Pop had fallen asleep for the last time early that morning. My body went numb again, and I cried both for sadness of my missing him and the joy that he was finally with his Heavenly Father. Teh next few days are a bit of a blur. Francis and I drove up with the kids to Brownfield the next day. The lights were still up from Christmas and the memories of 27 or so Christmases there flooded back. I think Pop wanted us to be able to come back around Christmastime. It's hard to be as sad when so many happy reminders of time with him hang from every light-post. We got to see my parents, Grandmother, Aunt, sisters, Kevin, Issac and Alexandra, Japapa and so many other extended relatives. We cried a lot, laughed a lot and hugged a lot. The viewing was the Tuesday. Beforehand we took the kids to feed the ducks and collected pecan's in Mom Noble's front yard. It was just like when I was a kid for a moment, except doimg it with my kids. It was s small tribute to Pop, but I hope it did him justice.At the viewing, William wanted to go into the viewing room with me so after prepping him we went in. He was very respectful and I answered any questions he had afterward. When we are in Christ, we have no reason to fear death, and I wanted to help him understand that. The funeral was the next day. the church was full to nearly bursting (Francis went to the back with Hannah so he could see everyone). The service was beautiful and I learned a lot I didn't know about Pop and his life. The kids were pretty good, and after we went back to Mom Noble's house, each kid, grand kid and great grand-kid got to pick out a knife from the many many Pop had made. In that way we got to take Pop home with us. It was a sweet time. Pop would have been pleased.

On the trip home, Christian and the Twins, Danielle, Francis, the kids and I stopped in Abilene to see Jamama. Although Japapa had been at the service, Jamama was unable to come for health reasons. She got to meet the twins and see my kids again. Though her speech is usally slurred or incomprehensible, she said "Here come the cuties" clear as day. When Christian introduced her to the twins, she said (also crystal clear) "They are just cute. They are so adorable." It was like having the old Jamama back for a moment. It was so wonderful.

We made it home for dinner Thursday and spent the next few days resetting for Francis to go to a conference in Dallas. We took down the Christmas decorations and ran a bunch of errands. Last week, Francis was gone and I was a single mom. It was hard, but I survived. I managed to get the kids to AWANAS, the grocery store, school on Tuesday (first one of the semester), the new Jump World, and two play dates. I also did laundry, cleaned the house and took a meal to a family. I think by making myself so busy I didn't think so much about the not sleeping and that Francis wasn't there. But when he got home Friday, a happier girl you wouldn't have met. Thank you God for husbands, and especially mine.

We are going to try to get back into a real routine this week. Hopefully life will be quiet for a while. William is more than 100 days into kindergarten. He decided he wanted to go to Best Buy and go on a Poke walk on A&M campus on Satruday. Cheap thrills. Robert is growing and has hit 38 inches! His 3T clothing are beginning to get short. Hannah is also growing. She will be 18 months soon. She is talking and understanding so much. I feel like all 3 of my kids are constantly changing and growing before my eyes. It's exciting and I will love on them extra as they are just so precious to me.

Till next time.