Wednesday, February 2, 2011

February 2, 2011

I went to the specialist today to get the baby measured and make sure that the baby was low risk for any chromosomal disorders. We want to be prepared for whatever may come. Great news, everything looks good! Barring anything coming back funny in my bloodwork, all the measurements did not indicate a risk of disorder. Even better news, I got to see baby Phillips move for the first time! The little hands were clasped out in front of the chest and the baby was laying on his side. The spine looked like a lizard tail. They looked at the blood flow of the little heart using a red and blue color scheme and its heart lit up like it was the 4th of July. Needless to say, the blood is pumping up a storm. The heart rate was 171. The showed me both hemispheres of the brain and they are forming nicely. His measurements are right on track.

The nurse kept trying to get him to lay on his back, but he wouldn’t. The baby tried to go to sleep on us, but the nurse wouldn’t let let. Finally, I had to stand up and walk around to get the baby to move into position. The skin behind his neck was in normal range (which means no Downs Syndrome), and his nose is VERY prominent which is also good for the purpose of the tests. I am sorry to say I think he may have inherited your nose from me. There are worse things to inherit though, I suppose.

In the middle of everything, the baby got the hiccups. Seeing him move all around made me laugh. Just when I thought he had gotten over it, he would hiccup again. We could also see all the little fingers. They are all there and were reaching out toward the camera. I have a picture to prove it.

It was one of the best days yet. I can’t wait to see what comes next.


  1. Are you using 'he' as a generic pronoun or because you know it's a boy?

  2. No, just had to choose one or the other, he or she is too much to write over and over!!!

  3. Just making sure I wasn't out of the loop!

  4. Let me know what the gender is when you find out because I wanna make something for the new thing and i now have both the perfect baby blue and the perfect baby pink fabrics to choose from =)
