Monday, May 2, 2011

May 2, 2011

William and I have turned in our last paper today for my Master's degree. I am all finished with schoolwork (unless my adviser tells me otherwise). It was a bittersweet moment to turn that paper in, but I think William will be very glad when he comes that his momma doesn't have to do school assignments in between changing his diapers. Working on my doctorate will have to wait a little while, that's for sure. I walk the stage Friday, May 13th. I feel a "Freaky Friday" joke is in order, but I don't have one.

Overall it's been a quiet week. William has been moving up a storm. It's fun to watch him somersault; I can see his feet or hands move down across my belly. I think he did a back bend yesterday as I saw four little points move out on my stomach and then move quickly back together. It was so cool. None of it hurts (some people tell me to just wait and it will...), but the movements do startle me on occasion. Especially when he kicks something other than me. He kicks his dad all the time, but Francis deserves it. Francis presses and jiggles my stomach until William responds. Then it is a game of tag for however long William can stand it. William has kicked each of the dogs in turn when they snuggle up against me on the couch. He's kicked the laptop computer, my textbooks,  my cell phone, and anything else that comes near my belly. I know some women worry about not feeling their baby, but I don't have that problem. It is absolutely wonderful.

We have three more childbirth classes, one of which is tonight. I don't remember if I mentioned this, but we got a tour of the women's center at our last meeting. That building cannot be more than a couple of years old. They showed us a delivery room. The room has beautiful wood paneling and a couch that pulls out into a full size bed. Everything looks so new and beautiful, you would never guess that women scream, curse and writhe in pain there on a daily basis. The room where we go after I deliver is equally nice. All rooms are private rooms and have adequate space for spouse and visitors. When I want to rest or walk around, there is a fully enclosed garden where I can go and only patients or visitors of the women's center can access that area. It is closed off from he rest of the hospital. The area is gorgeous and even  has a waterfall. All that to say, if I am going to have to be in a hospital, I am very blessed to be in that one! I am almost there too, so I am glad to be at ease with the hospital's layout and general staff.

1 comment:

  1. Fun stuff! ... and Francis deserves all the fun he can get too!
