Monday, March 7, 2011

March 7, 2011

A very fun and eventful weekend. The baby got his first taste of medieval merriment on Saturday. That's right, Francis and I went to Sherwood Forest Faire. It was quite an adventure. A cold front was in the process of making its way through when we arrived, so within the first five minutes of us being there, it had hailed, snowed, sleeted and rained. Luckily it all cleared off shortly and made for a chilly but nice day. The highlight of the day was definitely the joust. The fair had a company of real full-contact jousters, something I have not seen before. It was really cool! The real competition ($20,000 purse) is April 9th, so this was basically practice for the participants. We saw the world champion compete against a former champion as well as a competitor currently ranked 3rd in the US. I feel like I understand A Knight's Tale so much better now! By the way, this baby is never going to joust. It's too dangerous! Francis is going to try and go back for the actual competition. He thinks it would be a good guy's outing. Other than that the usual things you would expect from a Renaissance fair were all present and accounted for. I would definitely visit again! 

Yesterday we had church and then went to a Baby Shower for a lady in our Sunday school class. I am ready to start having baby showers. I am ready to buy cute things. If only I knew what this baby was!!! Just 15 more days, Melissa, be patient...

Also, this baby has been sneaky as of late. Francis always goes to sleep around 9 or 10. I usually stay up a little while longer until I fall asleep. The time in between when Francis goes to sleep and I do is when the baby is doing his best kicks. I am sure it is just because I am sitting really still that I can feel them more, but last night, I got three or four good solid movements, and Francis was out like a light...It is so frustrating not to be able to tell anyone. Even if I wanted to wake up Francis and tell him, Francis is dead to the world when he sleeps. There is no waking him up. If this keeps up, baby Phillips and I are going to have a talk. I want to brag on my kid, but it helps if there is someone around to brag to when he is moving!


  1. man 15 days is sooo long i wanna know now so i can start making the baby something i have both pink and blue fabric lol

  2. oh melissa, worry not! there will be many more movements to come:) i think if you wake francis up, the excitement of feeling the baby move will be enough to snap him out of it!


  3. Sarah- I am having a very hard time waiting. I will let you know as soon as I know!

    Yusra- I have tried to wake him up once or twice. I have shaken him, yelled in his ear, and nearly pushed him off the bed. He didn't wake up. He can sleep through anything!!!
