Tuesday, March 29, 2011

March 29th, 2011

So... Big changes this weekend in regard to the nursery. I said that my mother and I bought a set (two sets actually) of baby bedding to go in the nursery on Friday. Well, on Sunday, my in-laws brought up the baby furniture that was ordered. We all four set it up (I read the directions) and our little nursery went from empty to full in about an hour! I can hardly believe it. It feels more real, but not as real as it will after we paint the room and get everything set up. Painting is on the calendar for a couple of weeks from now, and setting up the nursery will follow shortly after.

Francis had off yesterday because he is on shift this week (last time, yay!) covering for a job for which they recently hired someone (who is in training). We did a lot of yard work. Our yard looks better now than even the freshly sodded yard across the street. I have an awesome husband! We also tried planting some grass again in the back yard. If it doesn't work this time, Francis is going to go buy sod. He has something against sod for some reason so it is our last resort. The soil is just so hard back there. It is basically rock. Francis tried to till it yesterday, but after flinging rocks everywhere and tripping a circuit on our house, he gave up. I'd have given up way sooner than he did.

Tomorrow is my second appointment with the specialist. The doctor will be measuring all of William's different bones, seeing blood flow through his heart, and checking brain development. All of it is to make sure everything is going perfectly. I should be in for a special treat. How often do you get to see all the inner workings of your child? Once if you're lucky! This will be the last sonogram I get to have, so I will have to treasure it! I sound so pathetic, but this is sonogram #6. I have just gotten used to checking on him every once in a while, that not seeing him for the next 19 weeks or so is going to be weird. I will try to make this sonogram count!

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