Friday, August 16, 2013

August 16, 2013

We now have a spunky 2-year-old running around our house! It's so exciting!

Francis's parents came in on Friday night and so William had a great surprise waiting for him when he got up on Saturday morning. While he, Francis and Francis's father went for bike ride and a trip around town, Francis's mother and I got the final supplies for the party, went shopping and dropped stuff off at The Little Gym. My family (my parents and sisters) came in and we all had lunch at Chick-fil-a. Before we knew it, it was time for William's Second Birthday party at The Little Gym of Round Rock. It was a blast! Both sides of the family were there including the soon-to-be Uncle Chad, William's cousin Abby and her folks, my grandmother Mom Noble and my Aunt Camille. I could tell William was a bit confused at having everyone he knows in a place where he goes all the time, but he LOVED the attention. The theme of the party was Mickey Mouse Clubhouse, complete with a Mickey Mouse cake and balloons. I think everyone had a blast, I know I did!!! When it came time to blow out the candle, William did it like a pro. I couldn't believe it especially considering we hadn't practiced at all. William played on the air track, got a ride on the parachute and generally climbed over everything in sight. After the parties, both families came back and watched William open presents while chatting and hanging out. William got an overwhelming amount of presents including toy cars, Duplo Legos, a small toy castle, a stuffed toy Mickey Mouse (which now has to be carried EVERYWHERE), a 2 in 1 lego table and train table with train set, an activity box, a bathtime scientist set, a kid sized basketball goal, and a Kid-sized motorized Ford F150 complete with working radio. Needless to say we have not had a dull moment all week. I can't even begin to thank all of the wonderful people who helped make his party so special!

Monday we took it easy and I let William play with all his new toys. It was very entertaining. I am beginning to realize how much of a 2 year old my son really is. William was playing with his toy stuffed penguin when he drop kicked it into his new train set and knocked it over. He picked up the penguin and said, "Not nice!" and then sat penguin in a corner for time out. After about a minute, he went back, gave the penguin a hug and kiss and they went off together and played again. It was adorable! I had to try so hard not to laugh! Then that evening, I told William he had two minutes left in the bathtub. He responded, "No, three." I laughingly agreed that he could have three to which he responded, "four?" No kid, don't push your luck! Glad to know that he knows that numbers have value and meaning though.

Tuesday we went to The Little Gym in the morning and then I had a Dr. appointment in the afternoon. Dr. Brown said I am 1 cm dilated, at station 1 and am 25% effaced. So, Robert isn't likely to come in the next couple of weeks, but he is making progress! She guessed he was just shy of 6 lbs, which is slightly above average at the point. We'll just have to wait and see what he is when he comes out! I got to go to Ladies Night out on Tuesday night and it was a much welcomed respite. I love being encouraged by the Godly ladies from our class. They're awesome!

Wednesday Francis had the day off because he was supposed to work the late shift today (something that actually isn't going to happen), so he went with us to story time at Barnes & Noble in the morning. The lady this week was really good and kept the children mesmerized. It was awesome. We all three had lunch at Wing Stop (while my car got an oil change, yay!) and then Francis went to have training on the new lighting board at church while William took a nap. After I took William to TLG in the afternoon for practice time, Francis met up with us so we could go to Lakeline Mall and I could get a haircut while William played. All in all a relaxing day!

Yesterday and today I have been trying to take it easy. We've been out of the house a little bit, but mostly I've been trying to clean up in between sitting and re-energizing. I'm doing fine, really. I just don't want to overdo it and then need to recover. I can tell I am on the verge of crashing sometimes, so I my rest is really preventative. Can't afford bed rest or complications with William around!

That's it for now!

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