Wednesday, May 29, 2013

May 29, 2013

Happy belated Memorial Day!

Friday I decided to wear William out enough so that he would take two naps and not be too cranky for our trip to San Antonio that evening. So... We went to Inflatable Wonderland at the mall. It has a bunch of inflatable jump houses and obstacle courses and slides. William was able to do them all through his determination and unusual strength. One lady watched him for a long time and then asked me if he was 3. I said that he was 21 months. She told me her son was 24 months and could not do nearly the acrobatics of William. I told her he is very physically active (an understatement). Future gymnast? We'll see!

Friday evening we headed to San Antonio (yes, William took that second nap). When we got to the hotel, William was so excited that he didn't go to sleep until 10:30. It was exhausting for everyone involved. We got up bright and early Saturday morning to find that it had rained all night, but that Francis's parents and sister's family had both made it in safely late the night before. 8 inches of rain fell in less than 24 hours, causing major flooding on the highways. But, what was bad news for San Antonio, ended up being good for us. We could see SeaWorld from our hotel and when we got there, it was nearly empty. The day was great! We got to see all the shows we wanted, played in the water area with the kids, and generally wore ourselves out. William and my niece Abby had so much fun. They are super cute together too. I am so glad they get along and are sweet to each other!

Sunday we went back to SeaWorld only to find what we had feared: a mass of humanity. It was hot and humid and crowded, so we rode a couple rides and stayed for a show before heading home. We had lunch with Francis's parents at a Rudy's on the way back to Austin. It was so nice to spend time with them and Cyndy, Chris and Abby. I hope we will get to do it again soon!

Monday was Memorial day and we spent the afternoon at Scott Meintzer Pool. It has a small lazy river and a very shallow end with lots of fountains for kiddos as well as two small water slides. Francis took William on the family water slide with him. After that, there was no turning back! My lilttle daredevil LOVED it. Francis spent the next couple of hours getting in line, sliding down the slide with William only for him to ask to do it again. It was super cute, but Francis was exhausted by the end. We had yummy fajitas on the grill that evening. All in all a perfect day.

This week is Show Week at The Little Gym. William got an award today and had a little "graduation" ceremony after he showed off all he has learned. I guess this is the first of many graduation ceremonies. He's growing up so fast!

I have a Dr. appointment this afternoon to check up on Robert. Hopefully everything will come back normal. He kicks all the time so I know he has been busy. Francis likes watching him move around. It makes him chuckle.

Well, that's it for now!

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