Wednesday, May 22, 2013

May 22, 2013

I've been meaning to write about this for a couple of weeks now, but I always forget so I am going to lead with it. After my last Dr. Appointment, William got the doodle pad (it has a little screen with a pen and round magnet attached with strings), and decided to "check out" baby Robert for himself. He puts the little magnet (which looks very similar to the Dr.'s wand) on my tummy and then looks at his "screen" to see what is going on. I ask him if every thing looks good and he says with a huge smile, "Yes!" He does it at least once every couple of days. It's super cute! I got a picture but you can't tell much. I wish I could get it on video.

It was a busy week again this week, but I don't even know where to begin. I set up my registry on Friday at Babies R Us with the help of Arlene and her daughter Caitlyn. After that we all four (William too) went to lunch at the mall and went shopping! William got a Lego train set that he now LOVES. He plays by himself just putting the train together, pulling it around, and then taking it apart to build again. I've rarely seen him so interested in something. Amy (my neighbor) watched William on Friday so Francis and I could have a night out. We went to the Alamo Drafthouse where we ate and watched the new Star Trek movie. I can't remember the last time I saw a movie on opening weekend, and it was very thrilling!

Saturday we washed the cars, waxed Francis's car, and mowed the back lawn before we ran out of energy. We went to a party at The Little Gym on that night where they had pony rides. William spent almost the entire time there on the ponies. I think he rode at least 8 or 9 times. Can't say he's afraid of animals!

Sunday we went to church, had lunch and in the evening we went to a Leadership meeting for our Sunday School class. I volunteered to help with socials and Francis felt led to become the new assistant director for the class. I'm proud of him because it is so out of his comfort zone. He really felt strongly about it.

We've mostly been on regular schedule this week, but there are always kinks. We tried to go to practice time on Monday, but the teacher had lost her keys over lunch so we waited for 30 minutes out in the heat (the kids had fun) before heading home. Before you feel too bad for William, we came home and set up his new kiddie pool. I put Bob the Tomato (a sprinkler) in the middle of the pool and put his little  jungle gym slide over one side. It's a pretty sweet set up and William has been out there almost ever since playing in the water.

Everyone is asking how I've been feeling and the answer is just great. My little acrobat (Robert) moves all the time, but other than that I feel normal. I think part of the reason is that William is keeping me so busy that I don't have time to focus on how I'm "feeling" and start to focus on any aches or pains. It's been a good pregnancy so far and Robert is a trooper!

That's all for now!

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