Tuesday, November 6, 2012

November 6, 2012

Election day. My mom is serving as a polling judge (as she does every election) in Collin County. I'm proud that she is able to help keep our nation free and honest. I early voted this past week, so I don't have anything to do today but pray. I am praying for our nation as we watch and await the results.

In our house, it's been nothing but pee and poop, hehe. I am tired of it all, to be honest, mainly because William has been being difficult in every way the past couple of days. I fear the terrible twos (or ones?) are starting, but I am hoping it has just been because he is sick. He's been crying or yelling at me nonstop since monday morning. I need a break! Thank goodness this Friday is Parent's night out at church!!!

William really has been doing ok with potty training. He has pooped in the potty consistently since Thursday. Pee is a different story. He usually does fine for half the day, but we haven't had an accident free day yet. HE gets frustrated when he goes in his pants, so he knows that he shouldn't but I don't think he always knows it is coming. Plus if I ask him if he needs to go, he sometimes runs to the bathroom and accidentally pees on the way. We are still working on things to be sure. We have made the switch to underwear (with a pullup over it when we go out, so he REALLY knows when he is wet. I'll keep you posted as time goes on.

The most interesting development this week is that William has started to take serious notice of environmental print. At The Little Gym yesterday he pointed to the company name as it was printed on one of the mats. I read the words and then pointed and said the letters. He then found the same words on a different mat, pointed and waited for me to read them. He then found them on every mat and pointed them out to me, skipping over other words and pictures that were on the mats of equipment. Today at The Little Gym, he went around and pointed to the "G" in Gym everywhere (not any other letter), and even used both hands to point to two different "G"s at the same time. He thought it was great fun. After her was through with that, he started pointing to words on the wall and wanting me to read them (they are buzz words like flexibility, strength, citizenship, ect.) and skipping over pictures of children doing stunts. When we got home and read books, he started pointing to the words on the page instead of the pictures. Overall, I'm very impressed. I hope this means he will be an early reader!!!

Well, that's it for now. I have quite a few things to do as I have guests coming on Sunday evening. They including my parents, my sister Christian, our friend Brandon and his mom. Christian and Brandon both passed the bar and will be sworn in as Lawyers on Monday morning here in Austin. I am so excited that I will get to witness this momentous event. Now to clean!

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