Friday, November 30, 2012

November 30th, 2012

No I have not been neglecting my Blog. Francis left the computer in Plano on accident, so I've had no computer to write on until last night when my mother brought it up with her (thanks mom!).

Wednesday before last, we had my birthday dinner at Texas Roadhouse. Francis made it in town (Plano) just in time to join the rest of my family and it was a nice little evening. We had red velvet cake (yum!) and i got to open presents. I got a hair drying, a Sonic the Hedgehog game for the Kinect, a dress, a necklace, a purse, and memory foam for my bed. I love it all!

Thanksgiving was my birthday. It was not a bad day. I got a lot of sweet phone calls from friends and family so I did not feel overlooked. It was a quiet and small Thanksgiving this year at my aunt's house; we only had 28. That may sound like a lot, but it really isn't. William LOVED all the food and snacked on and off throughout the day.

Friday Francis, William and I drove from Plano all the way to San Antonio to meet up with his family and Nana Phillips (Francis's grandmother). We watched the Riverwalk Christmas parade and I got to meet my friend Rachael's new boyfriend. I'm so happy for her! Saturday morning we went to the Children's museum in San Antonio and then Francis, his parents, Nana, William and I drove back to Austin for the night. We all spent Sunday morning putting up Christmas decorations before going to church. William was fascinated by all the pretty things. It is so fun to see him react to the tree and all the lights. It makes my heart happy. Well, after lunch, Francis's family headed on and we put up the outside lights and tried to rest. It was quite a week!!!

This week has been pretty quiet, just Christmas shopping and going to the Little Gym. We are trying to get back into our groove. William has been increasingly talkative and asserting what he wants. This week I asked him where he wanted to go and he responded clear as day, "Downstairs!" and he headed down the stairs. He such a smart kiddo. Oh! And William pulled out an old electronic game of mine two days ago. He tried to turn it on and when he wouldn't work, he flipped it over, popped open the back and pointed to the batteries while yelling at me "Dis!!!". I changed them and the game worked, much to his delight. What I want to know is: HOW IN THE WORLD DID HE KNOW TO DO THAT? Surely someone taught him, but no one will own up to it. Maybe William is just a genius. I'm going to have my hands full when he gets older.

More good news: William has gone TWO WEEKS with no peepee potty accidents. I am so proud! He is in cotton underwear during the day and the only time I've had to change it is when he spilled water on himself. We are still working on the poo situation, but even those accidents are becoming less and less!

My mom came in town yesterday (as I said), for her SREC meeting. She babysat last night so Francis could go shopping and I could attend a women's event at church. Judging by how exhausted William is today, they had a great time!

I can't believe it is almost December. I still have 5 people left on my list, and I have no clue what to get two of them. I guess I better get creative! Tata!!!

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