Tuesday, November 20, 2012

November 20, 2012

FIVE DAYS WITH NO ACCIDENTS!!! That's right, William has not had an accident since Thursday afternoon. Well, except for when someone (who shall remain nameless ^_^) babysat him and forgot to take him to the potty. But I am not counting that against William. I will tentatively say William has got this potty training thing down. Now only if he would say "potty" when he needs to go, we'd be in business!

William has been speaking even more this week than last. He has said, "Aunti Chrisss"(Auntie Chrissy), Ice, Banana, phone, what's that? and counteless other phrases. It's been amazing!!! The other night, William was playing with Christian and took her phone. He said "Phone?". Christian said, "Did you just say phone?"and William responded, "Yessss!"It was adorable.

William and I drove up to Plano last Wednesday. We had to attend the funeral of my friend, Brittany's, mother on Thursday.William didn't even make it 5 minutes before my mom had to take him out. The chapel had god accoustics and William like hearing the sound of his own voice. It was a sweet funeral, and my best friend Ashley and I went up to the gravesite afterwards to support Brittany while my mom and William went home. Friday, Mom and I got supplies for Brittany's baby shower. William got a bad rash from something and I had to take him to the doctor. He gave us some ointment and it has since healed.

Saturday, Ashley, a girl named Tiffany, and I threw a baby shower for Brittany. Brittany was in good spirits and got nearly everything she will need for the baby. It was due in large part to the generous gifts and donations of my friends and sisters in Christ. I thank them for blessing her! It was a great shower!

Sunday I got to witness the 35th anniversary of the church in which I grew up and afterward I got to hang out with my inlaws. They are preparing for the arrival of Francis's Grandmother, so it was nice to see them while they took a break! Yesterday and today have been shopping days. Danielle came in last night from school and now the gang is almost all here. I can't wait for Francis to arrve tomorrow night!

I was able to see Ashley's new house last night. It was gorgeous. I'm so proud of her!

Today William got his second haircut. He looks so much more like a little boy and less like a baby. He's growing up too fast. I can't believe it.

That's it for now. I need a nap!

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