Monday, July 16, 2012

July 16, 2012

9 years. Wow! It has been 9 years since Francis and I started dating. In a few weeks we will have been married 4 years. Time flies! I'm so thankful for all the blessings God has bestowed. I can't wait to see what the next 9 years hold!

This has been an eventful week in the Phillips' household. William is walking so much more. He went from taking 4 steps at the most to walking across the whole house! Now he tried to walk almost everywhere and makes it at least halfway before he has to drop down and crawl. More and more often he is making it to his destination on two legs. He's getting so big. William also starting feeding himself with a spoon. He got it in his head last Tuesday that he wanted to do it, so he took the spoon away from me and fed himself the entire bowl of oatmeal. I have to hold the bowl or jar at an angle so he doesn't dump it over, but the rest is all him. It's so impressive!

William has also started pointing and "talking" about what he sees. He is trying harder and harder to communicate his wants and desires. It is nice to know what he wants. I think I am finally starting to speak his language!

My son is an incurable flirt. He has more girlfriends than I care to count. As I was leaving church on Sunday, two different nursery workers told me he was holding yet another girl's hand while out on a buggy ride. He sees a girl and he just smiles and has to go and get her attention. He does the same thing with adult women. You gotta watch out for him! He's trouble, hehe. This characteristic, at least, he did not get from his dad. I hope he outgrows it before he becomes a teenager. At least he's social!

I bought a lot of the stuff for William's party this week. It is tons of fun shopping for him. I really enjoy planning parties and getting to spend time with friends and family. It looks like we will have a full house!!! I am trying to figure out how I am going to arrange the furniture to fit everyone. It's gonna be fun!

That's all for now!

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