Monday, June 4, 2012

June 4, 2012

10 teeth! I can't believe it. William now has 10 teeth. He got a bottom left molar on Thursday morning and the top left molar yesterday evening. I knew he was drooling a lot, but goodness! Now he can mash food even more efficiently than before. He likes having that ability. Pretty soon he will be able to eat steak!

Speaking of eating, Mr. William has been eating everything in sight! He haws three meals a day of at least 8 ounces of food along with two snacks and nursing. He wants whatever I am eating. He even steals food when he thinks he can get away with it. The grass is always greener on someone else's plate!

My little man is so active! He climbed the pantry shelves this week. Didn't know he could do that. He got his knee up on the first shelf and his hands on the third before I grabbed him. I did get a picture though. I couldn't resist. I guess it is just one more thing I will have to keep an eye on! William is also enjoying standing all the time. He stood the entire time in the grocery cart at both Walmart and HEB this week. It was very impressive, but made grocery shopping difficult because I had to place items in such a way that they wouldn't fall on him as we went along.

Another impressive and necessary skill that William has aquired is ducking his head. He has a fewer bruises on his head this week because he lowers his head to get under low objects (such as the kitchen table) instead of plowing straight into them. A great development for me is that I can now say "on your back" and William will wait on his back while I change his diaper. After rolling off the changing pad once and almost rolling off countless other times, I am so glad he is cooperative. It was getting nearly impossible to change him!

I haven't talked about his walking recently. He is still trying to walk, but hasn't quite mastered the coordination. He puts one hand in the wall and stands up. Then he steps away from the wall into the room. That's as far as he gets before sitting. Any time now!!!

We went to Barton Springs on Saturday, a cold natural spring/pool in Austin. It was very cold, but William had a ball. The best part was that it was free! For some reason when we went to pay, they said everyone gets in free. No idea why, but I am not complaining.

Finally, today was a big day. It was William's first swimming lesson. He went with Lilly and Ellie (as well as their moms) to Round Rock for mommy and me lessons. It was fun! William worked on floating and being comfortable in the water. He's a little fish. Then we went straight to our last bugs class at The Little Gym. William has graduated to the Birds class! He's getting so big. Well after swimming and gym class, William passed out and that is where we are now. He's been sleeping for more than an hour. I should do this every day!

That's it for now!

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