Tuesday, May 29, 2012

May 29th, 2012

I have a baby who SLEEPS!!!!! I would have posted about it last week, but I was afraid that his sickness and Memorial day would mess him up again. Thankfully it didn't for two weeks now, William has slept 9-11 hours straight every night except one. He has consistently slept from at least 7pm to 4am (one day until 6!). It has been good for him and I have been getting a little bit of sleep as well.

Last Wednesday, we attended a play date with many of the ladies of out church with babies. It was so fun to spend time with other moms and have our kids socialize (I think there were 12 babies along with many older children). William was certainly the most active of the babies. I only had to turn my head and he would disappear up the stairs or into the kitchen where I would have to chase him down. He's such a mess. I found out more people read this blog than I had originally realized. I started to tell a story at play group and two different ladies said, "Oh yeah, I remember reading that!" It threw me for a loop. Thank you ladies, and everyone really, for caring enough to read about our lives. It is touching!

William's newest word is "Doggie". It's adorable. He sometimes gets it mixed up with "Dada", but he is beginning to separate the two. Currently Lucy is the only "Doggie" but I am sure he will soon enough be calling Bella doggie too. Lucy is just his favorite so naturally he labels her first. William's other new talent is carrying things around with him when he crawls or cruises. He has figured out how to move objects with him and the action thrills him to no end. It is so cute!

The last weekend was Memorial day. Francis took off half of Friday and we headed down to Galveston Island to spend time with his parents and his sister's family. It was a great weekend. William got to swim for the first time both in a pool and in the ocean. He enjoyed each. He's a good little kicker. Even in the flotation device he was figuring out how to maneuver himself. The weather was perfect. It was cloudy and pleasant, but not so mild that the water was too cold for swimming. We also visited Moody gardens. Their aquarium is a lot like Sea World's except it is a little larger. William enjoyed it just the same, but fell asleep as we entered the rainforest area. It was so muggy in there that I was feeling sleepy too, hehe. Overall it was a pretty perfect weekend. Not sure I would have changed a thing.

Yesterday we headed back by way or Lake Jackson, where we got to drop in and visit Gershom and Kristi (one of the groomsmen in our wedding and his wife). They have just had their second child two weeks ago. We got to see Baby Kaitlyn (I got to hold her!) and visit with Big Girl Olivia. William wasn't sure what to do about the baby. He hasn't been around a baby that small since he was that small. He looked at her from afar and smiled at her sweetly. I think he will be a good big brother when the time comes.

I guess that is all for now.

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