Tuesday, May 8, 2012

May 8th, 2012

Can't believe it is already May. The weather would suggest it is much later though, so I guess I should have been prepared. It was a good week in the Phillips domain.

First off, William kissed a girl last week a gym class. Her name is Olivia and she is around 3 weeks older than him. In between exercises, he crawled right over to her and laid a big wet one on her cheek. He flirted with her again this week. It is adorable. Funniest part is that Olivia has a twin sister, and William won't even give her the time of day. I guess my little man has a girlfriend! This week at gym, the instructor told William he was going to have to graduate to the next group soon because he is just too advanced. It was then I realized William will be 9 months this week!

My little man is becoming more and more independent. He plays on his own for great lengths of time which is awesome. Too bad it is never when I need him to be busy, like when I am making dinner or need to go potty... It seems the rule is that he is allowed to leave the room without asking my permission, but it is the end of the world if I leave the room even when he can still see me. He crawls after me calling my name and then telling me in his own way his displeasure with my absence. He's a mess. He just wants company though. As long as someone is around, he seems pretty content.

William is starting to follow simple commands, the most often of which is "on your bottom". He likes to stand in his high chair as well as the tub. I think he gets a kick out of me telling him to sit down because he laughs and plops down when told.

William has also figured out how to get off the bottom stair in our house. He would previously get stuck on the landing and yell until someone gets him, or fall off and hit his head. Now, he turns around, puts his feet down and lowers the rest of his body. He's so smart!

My amazing in-laws came into town this weekend. It had been forever since they had seen William, and the couldn't believe how much he had grown! We went shopping and kite flying. It was nice to spend time with them as always. My mother-in-law gave William maple syrup. He is now a fan. She also gave him a ton of ice cream. I think she wants "nana" to be his next word, hehe.

William has been very fussy the past couple of days, so I finally took him to the doctor. Turns out he is teething and it looks like his molars are about to come. This is really early, but the doctor said his gums are inflamed and that seems to be what is bugging him. I'm just glad it wasn't an ear infection!

We did William's 9 month photos today. I wanted to have something to send out with Mother's Day cards, so we got the pictures done a couple of days early. William was a sweetheart and the pictures turned out AMAZING, crazy hair and all. I can't wait to share them with everyone!

Well, that's it for now. I know I forgot stuff, but William is waking up.

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