Wednesday, May 16, 2012

May 16, 2012

So sometimes it feels like nothing has happened in a week (or a week and a half in this case), and sometimes a world of things have come and gone. This past week was the latter. I would have written yesterday, but I got locked out of my house all afternoon (I'll explain in a bit) so I couldn't. I will attempt not to write a novel, but I make no promises!

William has made so much progress recently. He has been taking what the doctor calls "half steps" since right after the last time I wrote. He stands, inches his foot forward, and then sits down into his step like he is unsure of what to do next. The doctor said he could be taking his first real step any day! I kinda hope he waits a bit. My little baby is going to be a little boy all too soon. William has also been saying "Dada" as well as "mama" and "baba" which we think is "Bubba", something we call him. The other day William was talking up a storm in baby talk when he suddenly looked straight at me and said, "wha dada?" and looked like I needed to answer his question. I explained Dada was at work and would come home to love on him at the end of the day. This satisfied him and he went back to playing. It was so cute!

My William is also learning to share. He has started handing me thing and then gets great jot out of how happy I am to receive the item. Oh! He also has learned how to wave "Bye Bye" with his whole arm as well as give awesome High Fives when asked. He is responding to simple commands like "go get that" as well as watching me do something so he can do it next. It's like I have a new kiddo overnight!

William turned 9 months on Friday and had the obligatory Dr. appointment. He is almost 21 lbs (3 oz shy), which is amazing considering that he lost 3 weeks worth of weight when we went through the throw up virus. He is close to if not over 21 lbs today. He is over 28 inches (the nurse could not get an accurate reading) and his head is still huge (98-100 percentile). Dr. Enders said he is doing just great and that we can give him more "adult" food as we see fit. Yesterday he had spaghetti....There's no turning back now.

Have I mentioned William LOVES oranges? I get those cuties, and William will eat a whole one (spitting out the slice after chewing and sucking out all the juice) in no time flat. Glad to know he's not allergic!

We had our last parent's night out until the fall on Friday. We went out to eat with Becky and Russ (wanted to see the Avengers, but time wouldn't permit). I still feel like I am missing part of me when William is not with me, but it is always night to spent time with other adults and not talk about babies.

Saturday we went to Sea World with Francis's work. The day got off to a rough start. but it gradually improved and turned out all right. My first memory in life is seeing Shamu jump into the water. It was a little surreal to see it again. William liked Shamu up until he splashed us with his tail. The cold salt water was unwelcome and William about climbed over me to get away. I calmed him down and he was able to enjoy the rest of the show. It was a close call though...

Mother's day was very nice. William and Francis made me breakfast and then we had a lovely morning at church. Francis had our family photo put on a canvas so that we can hang it in out house. It arrived today and I am very excited to figure out where exactly on the wall it will go. It's wonderful to finally have a family photo of the three of us to put on our wall. We went out to lunch at Mongolian stir-fry restaurant, and then proceeded to call all the wonderful moms in our lives. Francis made chicken enchiladas for dinner (YUM!) and we had a quiet evening just talking. It was a very good day.

Ok, so I was locked out of my house yesterday...Yesterday morning, I went to use my $10 Kohl's cash and got a swim suit. It was still pretty early so I though I would head downtown to get my sister-in-law's birthday present. Big mistake. I got stuck in rush hour traffic. Then the store didn't have what I wanted so I had to get something else. The workers were very nice and helpful, but I couldn't help but feel a little frustrated. Then I took my car to get the front brakes replaced. It was pouring rain and William and I got soaked. After a couple of hours of waiting they tell me that the brakes still haven't come in and would I like it if they drove me home while they worked on the car. They are awesome mechanics. I get home (it is still pouring) and realize my house key is with my car key at the shop... Out of desperation I knock on my neighbor Amy's door and she kindly took both me and William in for the afternoon. She fed me, helped us get dry and allowed us to rest. My car was eventually delivered to my house free of charge (I said they were awesome mechanics) and I was able to get into my house. By this time I had a couple of minutes to feed William, bathe him and put him to bed. It was stressful to be able to see my dogs getting soaked and not be able to to do anything about it. But I survived.

So there is where I will end. Today is already a better day as William slept 11 hours straight last night (a new record!). Hopefully he will keep that up. Tata!

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