Tuesday, March 27, 2012

March 27th, 2012

Tuesday seems to be my catch up day. I am just glad to finally be getting around to writing!

First off, my little guy is a zoomer. I can't leave the room anymore without him following me. He real crawls for a little while, but always reverts to his army crawl because it is more efficient.

He's also a little climber. He can now stand up in his crib. After his nap yesterday, he sat up and stood up with no warning and he knocked the baby cam off the crib. He is pulling up on everything. Francis was sitting on the floor in the kitchen on Sunday. William crawled over to him and climbed up Francis's back. It was amazing and so fast! He can stand himself up and stay standing just using the wall now. He spent a good 5-10 minutes just standing at the back sliding glass door watching the dogs yesterday. He bounced up and down and laughed with glee. I wanted to get my camera, but I was afraid that the moment I went away, he would fall. He didn't though. So strong!

A third development this week is William's singing ability. For some reason he has started singing/humming a lot this week. Any time I start singing, he has to join in, or he will start a song on his own and look at me like I should already know the tune. His babbling has also gotten way more frequent. Just this afternoon at the super market, he was telling this complete stranger his life story, "Ba bababa ma dadada babaAAA..." and so on. Goofy kiddo!

This week we have been doing some home improvement, mainly baby proofing. We are FINALLY getting around to it. I padded the table edges and sharp corners, and Francis installed the cabinet locks. We already had up the baby gates and plug protectors. We still have a bunch to do, but it is a step in the right direction. Maybe we will finally be finished by the time he is 30.

I joined a Bible Study last week. I was worried about William since it is the longest I have left him alone during the day (nearly 3 hours), but he held up like a champ. So proud!

Finally, I have still not been sleeping well and neither has William. Your prayers in that area would be greatly appreciated. He seems to have no problem functioning on no sleep, but I do. Plus, last night he tried to climb out of the crib. Not good!

That's it for now!

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