Friday, May 22, 2015

May 22, 2015

It's been busy this week. We did maternity photos on Saturday morning. Praise the Lord, the rain held off until we were done. It has rained almost non stop here for weeks. The pictures turned out cute, and I'm so thankful our friend Seth was able to take them!

Rain most of the day Sunday. Francis actually dropped us off by the door, it was raining so hard. Monday the rain held off long enough to do our grocery run and stay dry. Tuesday, the rain started as we were walking into Little Gym. Rain rain rain! Then Wednesday, I pull up the weather and...almost no chance of rain! so we hightail it to The Play for All Abilities Park so we can have some outside time. It was glorious! The sun even peeked out for a second. I had almost forgotten what it looked like.

Thursday, we had a playdate with Arlene and her kids Caleb and Caitlyn. The rain took a break long enough for the kiddos to ride their bikes to a basketball court nearby their house. the 3 kids who could ride did, and Caleb watched happily. We had lunch and spent part of the afternoon there before heading back. The kids even got to make playdoh! Thanks Arlene! Arlene gave me some 0-9month clothing for Hannah that Caitlyn (now 3) had outgrown. Double thanks, Arlene!!! Hannah is getting close to having a real wardrobe. We won't have to buy her too much more before she is ready to go int he clothing area.

Today, with the rain pouring, William and Robert work early and were ready to go at 7 having already eaten breakfast. I asked William is he just wanted to finish his "schoolwork" book so he could get his reward for finishing out the year. He agreed and made quick work of what was left. We did a happy dance and the I asked William what special reward he wanted for finishing the year strong. I expected a lot of answers, but not what I got. "I want to play the chipmunk dance game on the Xbox and then I want to walk around Toys R Us." I told him we would not buy anything at Toys R us and even suggested Mt. Playmore or the Thinkery and any number of other playgrounds, but he was resolute. So we played on the Xbox until right before Toys R Us opened and then walked around toys R Us for a little over an hour. He was the happiest kid you'll ever see. Robert had a great time too. William told me it was one of the best days ever. Cheap fun!

Well, we've got other stuff going on, but all that will come out here in due time. Please pray that we would not shy away from tough choices if they are right and that we as a family are seeking His will. Nothing bad is going on, I promise. We look forward to seeing what God has in store!!!

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