Tuesday, June 2, 2015

June 2, 2015

It's been a crazy week and a half. Francis and I had to make a quick trip to College Station weekend before last and so my mom came and watched the boys Saturday. We got to have lunch with our friends Dave and Tracy, and all in all it was a great day trip! Thanks mom for making it so easy on us!!!

We picked up a nail over that weekend, so Monday (Memorial Day) we had to get a replacement tire on our new Sienna. A bummer, but at least Francis had the day off.  We had a nice lunch out, but as the clouds were looking menacing, we headed home in time to let the dogs in before the deluge happened. By deluge, I mean that it rained all afternoon and into the evening a rain that you could hardly see through. At one point the rain came up over the curb, which is when I got nervous. Something gave way further down the street though, and the water  rushed quickly down the road. We had 5 tornado warnings that afternoon and spent that time glued to the television to see when we needed to take cover. We were supposed to grill out, but seeing as it was pouring outside and kinda flooding, we had to make our fajitas on the flat top. They still tasted delicious, but the house was a little smoke filled by the end. A day to remember.

Tuesday was our Year End Showcase at The Little Gym. Both boys preformed their skills with style and I couldn't have been more proud! Wednesday was a doctor appointment for Hannah. I am measuring right on target and Hannah is doing great. Dr. Thai even let William use the machine to hear Hannah's heartbeat. His little face was lit up so much I'm sure he was glowing. Hannah is getting big. Only 8 weeks to go!

Wednesday my mother-on-law came up to visit us. We had dinner with Francis, and the kids thought it was the best thing ever. Thursday, Frankie's mom, the boys and I went up to the mall (it was raining again), and played on the playground there, had lunch and rode some rides. After nap, the boys played with Nana even more; I'm sure she got her exercise that day!

Friday Frankie's mom, the boys and I headed to San Antonio and spent the afternoon at Sea world. It was fun to see the animals and shows when it wasn't crowded. We had a blast. After dinner, the boys even got to swim in the hotel pool. Francis joined us late that evening as did Francis's father and sister with her family. Saturday we all spent the morning and part of the afternoon at Sea World. We did Aquatica and relaxed until around three another major storm came over. We quickly headed back to the hotel and waited until dinner, We braved the storm and had dinner all together before Francis, the boys and I went home just as the storm passed. What a day!

Church on Sundays is always a blessing. I don't have much else to say in that respect.

Yesterday grocery shopping and house cleaning. Today was our last day of the Season at The Little Gym. I will miss all the people we've gotten to know as we head into the summer. Seems like we will be in with a whole different set of people over the summer so it will be a new adventure.

That's all for now. On to laundry!

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