Friday, May 8, 2015

May 8, 2015

Change, she is a comin'.

Trying to decide what is worth writing. Saturday we got new tires for Francis' car. Yet another of a long line of unexpected expenses we've had lately. I'm glad we are savers, and have the ability to plan for these events, but I really don't like spending money. The tires look nice though! I also finally picked out bedding for Hannah's nursery. The theme will be butterflies! I cannot tell you what a weight that  is off my shoulders. It may sound silly, but I have had such a hard time with this because what I want does not currently exist. I also have trouble with the price tag of some of the ones I have liked. As mentioned above, I am a saver, not a spender. I do like what I finally selected. It will be fun to have some pink around the house.

Speaking of Hannah, I had a dr. appointment on Wednesday for her. Apparently my glucose is borderline. My doctor is not going to make me do the three hour test at this time (Hallelujah!), but if my measurements start to become off, we will have to do something. Since we have big babies anyway in this family, I'm a little nervous. I am going to try to take it one day at a time.  

Yesterday the boys and I hung out with most of my Bible Study group at the Thinkery. It was a lot of fun and both boys actually napped long and hard afterward. I needed a nap too, but spent the time baking instead. I rediscovered why baking is not my thing. 

Well, I suppose it is officially summer for the Phillips family. Aside from William finishing his school book (he has about 2 weeks left) and the last parents' night out of the school year (which is tonight), all of our regular activities have come to a close. We had our last MOPS meeting today, and I did a good job not crying. It was a sweet time, and I will try to hang out with them again before the end of summer. 

So what's up next for the Phillips family? A summer of Little Gym, Swim lessons, splash pads, finding cool places to play and of course, welcoming the newest member of our team. Should be an exciting adventure, as will the fall. So, here's to looking back happily at what we've accomplished, living in the moment, and looking forward to all the excitement to come!

Til next time!

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