Monday, November 11, 2013

November 11. 2013

Well, it's been over a week since I blogged, so I will try to just hit the highlights. Last Monday through Thursday we went about our normal routine (Grocery store, The Little Gym, MOPS, and Bible Study). William and his friend Ranger got put in different classes at MOPS and were super sad, asking for each other and moping. Our sweet children's director saw this and placed them in the same class again. It was such a sweet reunion! I love seeing William have real relationships with kids his own age. It warms my heart. William has also demonstrated some great advancement in language. He now consciously and consistently differentiates singular and plural (look mom, one bus! Now look, two buses!). He also is using bigger and more complex sentences. He told me, "Mom, your blow dryer is too loud. I can't hear TV." It was impressive, but I did finish blow drying my hair anyway.

Robert has been holding his head up for longer and longer periods of time. He also makes great eye contact, smiles at people and make a whole range of noises. It's so fun to watch! Robert is as of last week in size 2 diapers and 6 month clothing. Big boy!

Friday, after William threw a couple of fits (wanting to go to Sweetie and Papa's now), and Robert looked like he was going to take a long nap, we packed up the car and William, Robert and I headed to Plano a day earlier than planned. The trip went so smoothly. It was a blessing. My grandparent's (Mom and Pop) as well as my Aunt Camille also came in Friday night, so we all had dinner together along with my parents and Danielle. Pop (aka Robert Noble Jr.) got to meet my Robert for the first time Friday night. It was so sweet the way he held him and just stared. I am sure he did this with William, but seeing it that moment brought tears to my eyes. He spoke baby talk to my little boy and they smiled at one another. It is rare I see my grandfather be so tender and silly. It is a moment I'll never forget.

Saturday, I picked up my friend from college, Erin, from the airport and she got to meet both my boys for the first time. I haven't seen her in three years so this reunion was extra special! Chad's (my soon-to-be brother in law) father and step mom were in town to meet Christian and the 4 of them took William to the Dallas Aquarium while I picked up Erin and subsequently went shopping. It was nice having an afternoon with the girls (and Robert), but I was super glad when William came home. He had a GREAT time!!!

Sunday after church (which we went to after going to the dr to find out William had another ear infection), we all headed to the family wedding shower in Ft. Worth that my Aunt and cousin hosted. In addition to everyone mentioned above, my other set of grandparents (Jamama and Japapa) and a host of other family members came together to celebrate this happy union. Erin and I took pictures and everyone had a wonderful time. I think Chad and Christian had the best time though; they look so sweet together. Being surrounded by beautiful decorations, tons of gift and the love and support of family, they were over the moon. At times though, I could tell that everything faded and it was just them. What a special time in their lives, and they are drinking it in! Jamama and Japapa and the rest of the family got to meet Robert for the first time, and it was Robert's 2 month birthday. Such a big happy day for all! Sunday evening, after returning to the house, Erin, Danielle, Ashley and I had a girls night after my boys went bed. We watched a girly movie, did hair, and I did my nails (no joke). It was so refreshing to be me again and not just a mom. It reminded me of who I am and that sometimes I just need to take it easy and be silly. Thanks ladies!

This morning I dropped Erin back off at the airport (I threatened in vain to not let her go) and then watched Jamama and Japapa leave (they spent the night here too). My mom, William, Robert and I had chick-fil-a for lunch and now everyone but me is napping.

Tonight, my in-laws are babysitting so I can see Thor with my family. Can I just say how thankful I am to have a family who loves me and my children enough to watch them so I can have a break once in a while. They've been awesome, all of them! Thank you, thank you, thank you for all you help!

Francis stayed in Austin while we are in Plano this week because he had to work. He spent much of Saturday helping to clean up from the flood in south Austin with a group from our church. I am so proud of him for taking his relaxation time and using it to help others. He is also playing a lot of video games, catching up on movies and getting actual sleep. I'm hoping this week will really refresh his introverted spirit.

That's all for now!

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