Monday, September 23, 2013

September 23, 2013

I can't believe Robert will be 2 weeks old tomorrow! Time has gone by in a blink! It was quite a week, but I wouldn't trade it for the world. Yes, I am tired and my back still hurts (it still seizes up occasionally) and I wish I felt like "me" again, but I have been loving every day of being a mom of 2.

Last Monday (after Francis reluctantly headed back to work), William had his two year check up (finally). We had to wait so he could get his flu shot, but they ended up still not having it. He's 30 lbs, and growing so tall! Everything looked great to the doctor and she was super impressed with his development. Yay for a healthy William! Also, Mom and I made our first grocery shopping trip with two kids. We each took a cart and divided and conquered. It took a little longer than usual, but I am proud to say, we made it! William was an awesome trooper and Robert slept through the whole thing. I was pretty pooped for the rest of the day, and I am thankful my mom was there to pick up the slack. She's awesome, in case anyone was wondering!

Tuesday, I went with William to The Little Gym for his regular class. Mom and Robert came too. I lasted just long enough for everyone to tell me congratulations before I had to tag my mom in so I could sit down. Robert again slept through the whole thing, so I had it pretty easy sitting and watching William run around the gym like there's no tomorrow. I wish I had his energy! After nap on Tuesday, we tried to get Robert's newborn portraits done. William was great for the many hours we were there, but Robert wanted nothing of it. We got a few cute pictures of the two boys together (and one of the three of us), but none of Robert individually. He was too fussy and mad about the lights. The studio was great and saved our photos and let me and scheduled me and Robert to come back the following day. It was emotionally draining because I wanted to just be done, but in the end, it worked out for the best.

Wednesday morning William woke up with a fever, so my mom stayed home and watched him while William and I went to a MOPS (mother's of preschoolers) group at church. It was the first meeting and Robert decided this would be a perfect time to poop and pee all over himself, his blanket, me, the floor and all the general surroundings. All this happened while the speaker was giving a "life's messy" speech. I think Robert did it on purpose to prove her point. After MOPS and lunch, Robert and I went back to the portrait studio and got some awesome shots! We waited forever for them to print and the manager felt so bad, she gave us a second set of prints for FREE! Robert was so good and I could not have asked for more. By then, William was feeling better so we went home. I missed William after being away all day. I don't know how working moms do it.

Thursday, William, Robert and I went to a Beth Moore Bible Study at a nearby church. It was great. William's class has a McDonald's type play place in it. He had a great time and I was able to meet a lot of wonderful ladies (and my mom got a little break!). I look forward to learning a lot this year!

Friday, we took it pretty easy and tried to get the house in order before my mother left that evening. It was raining all day so the desire to stay in was easy to give into. It was nice to spend a day with my boys and mother. We needed some refreshing. My mom left after dinner and my mother-in-law arrived a short time later. These two women are amazing to take time out of their busy schedule and I am so glad for their help!!!

Saturday, all our plans were derailed as a rash on Robert landed us at the After Hours Clinic. The doctor said it was likely due to my detergent or soap (since it was only where he touched me), so we had to go get new stuff to see it that would fix the problem. The rash looked like blazing fire ant bites and was very hot to the touch, so we are glad it is nothing more serious.

Sunday, Robert made his first appearance at church. Everyone was so glad to see him (and me) and the love of the church body for our family was warmly felt. I thank God for this healthy and vibrant group of believers. They certainly ministered to me on Sunday. After church, my mother-in-law, Robert and I went shopping and got a bunch of cute stuff. I was actually feeling pretty good until the very end when I hit a bit of a wall and my back started to really hurt. I over did it. Today I am reaping the consequences of that choice. But...I would probably still have done it if I had to do it over again. I don't like being an invalid!

Today I went grocery shopping with my mother-in-law. Robert slept through it again. I am beginning to notice a pattern. We will see what the coming weeks and months will bring! 

William has been talking SO much more! He is using 3, 4, and 5 or more words sentences to communicate. He is absorbing so much syntax and vocabulary. It is simply amazing to look at Robert and try to picture William like that. He's so big now. As soon as Robert was born, William became infinitely bigger in my eyes. It is hard to see how much he has grown until you have something to compare it to. My little William is now my big toddler!!! Thankfully he still likes to snuggle and his physical growth is paired with emotional and intellectual maturity. He LOVES Robert still and always wants to hold him, talk to him and make him happy. It is amazing to see him turn into a little man before my very eyes. It's enough to make you cry with joy!

Robert, too has grown in just the week. He has pretty much outgrown all his newborn clothing (though, to be fair, it was pretty snug when he was born). He's now wearing 3 month clothing and has a little room to grow. It he is like his brother, he will fill it out in no time. His face has gotten rounder, and that adorable baby fat and muscle are just beginning to emerge.Robert is SO alert. He watches everything! He is so interested in William too. It's so fun to see them interact. Robert is finally starting to get his nights and days fixed, and thanks to my mother and mother-in-law, everyone is getting a fair amount of sleep.

All in all, I can't complain. I have an awesome family (both nuclear and extended), and a great support system. I am so thankful!

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