Tuesday, September 10, 2013

September 10, 2013

So, I'm at the hospital...

At my appointment last week, Dr. Brown measured me at 2cm dilated and 50% effaced. She said Robert was still really high and that she did not expect him in the next week (which she was right about). She was concerned about my pain, but we collectively decided to try and make it one more week before we induced (with the understanding if the pain got too much worse, we would act more quickly). So we scheduled the induction, and I headed home.

This past week has been somewhat a blur as we've been preparing for today. I followed my routine as normally as I could, but my preoccupation with both preparing for Robert and trying to enjoy William as much as possible made things just a little off.

Friday night my mom came in town to watch me as Francis and William left to attend his cousin's wedding in North Carolina the following day. The four of us attended a Back to School Bash at The Little Gym before having burgers at Five Guys and heading home. Early the next morning, my in-laws picked up Francis and William and they headed to the airport, leaving me to have a fun weekend with my mom.

Mom and I got pedicures, went shopping for Robert, William and me, and saw two movies. We also went to church Sunday where I was prayed over and got sweet encouragement from many friends. It was a great weekend and I really appreciate my mom taking time out of her schedule to watch me just in case I did go into labor. I am told William did great on the planes and at the wedding. He was flexible with his schedule, sweet to his cousin Abby, and a delight to the extended family. I am so glad he was on his best behavior while out of my sight. Well, William, Francis and his mother got in late Monday night. It was so great to have them back, but even greater because I knew that a huge adventure awaited us today.

After cooking breakfast and loving on William a little, Francis and I bade my mother, mother-in-law and William goodbye and headed to the hospital. The admissions process was much shorter this time, thank goodness, and I am currently on and IV with pitocin and awaiting the doctor to break my water sometime after noon. I love my nurse; she had done an awesome job so far. Her goal (and mine!) is to do what we can to have this baby today (not tomorrow) and have him be healthy.

So begins the great waiting game...

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