Thursday, February 28, 2013

February 28, 2013

My sweet niece turned 2 on Saturday, and Francis, William, and I had the pleasure of spending the day with this precious little girl. When Abigail Grace was born 2 years ago, I felt William kick for the first time on the way home from the hospital. This past Saturday, I felt baby P move for the first time. 2 years apart to the day. What an affect this little girl has on me and her cousins!!! But I am getting ahead of myself. Saturday morning we headed to Houston and made it in town just in time for Abby's "fearfully and wonderfully made" painting party. The party went well and William and Abby got some cute cousin playing time on the playground nearby. They are pretty sweet together when they get the chance. I was feeling kinda tired with all the driving so I mostly had to sit and watch, but boy did it warm my heart! After the party, we had dinner to celebrate my brother-in-law Chris's birthday (which is the 25th) before heading home. On the way home, I tried to sleep in the car (which is something I am terrible at doing). I curled up as tight as I could, and without warning I felt it: a small, but very distinct baby movement. It felt a bit like a finger running quickly across the inside of my abdomen. I was startled, but stayed still in hopes I would feel it again. But Baby P did no more flips that evening. Considering I was one day shy of being 11 weeks, it is miraculous I felt it at all. After my doctor's appointment yesterday though, neither my doctor or I are surprised that I felt this little one. But again, I get ahead of myself.

William was a trooper the whole trip and this whole week in general. Francis is on a new schedule which means he goes into work at 10 and comes home at 7. We've tried moving William's bedtime to 7:30 so he can see daddy before bed, but Francis has only been able to make it home once so far to see him. He asks for daddy at bedtime, but has been very understanding that daddy is at work. I am so proud of him, but I know it is hard. He loved having Francis around in the morning though. They play and romp and I have been able to take a bit of a break and get things done that have been put on the back burner. When Francis has to leave, William gives him a kiss and hug, opens the door and waves goodbye as Francis drives off. It is completely adorable. I again expected William to be more upset, but he really enjoys the routine. How did I get so blessed???

When I delivered William, the maternity ward was completely empty except for another woman who had a child the day before. I found out yesterday that that woman was Harper's mom (Ashley) that I know from the Little Gym. She and I are both pregnant again and both have Dr. Brown again as our doctor. She is due August 27th, only a couple of weeks before me. We could be in the hospital at the same time again. How crazy is that? Small world! After Little Gym, my mom came in town yesterday and William and I met her for lunch at Chick-fil-a. After lunch, we headed on to my doctor's appointment. Baby P's heart rate was 165 and everything looked good. But this child was super active on the sonogram. They were waving and flipping and being just as active (or possibly more active!) as  William was on his sonograms. When I told Doctor Brown I had felt the baby she just nodded and smiled, noting that this baby is super active. William was much more interested this time and even waved back at Baby P. It was so cute! I have two of the best kiddos!

Well, that's it for now. I need a nap!

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