Thursday, February 21, 2013

February 20, 2013

Such a wonderful week! I wouldn't have changed a thing about it.

After I last wrote, Rebecca Browne came into town from Abilene, and she, William and I had our "valentine's" dinner at Chick-fil-a. We then dropped William off at home with Francis (who had just arrived, perfect timing!) and Rebecca and I began our drive to Montgomery, TX. We got there about 9 and greeted Jackie (the bride-to-be) and the rest of the group as they were making homemade pizza at Jackie's family's lake house. We spent the night opening presents, fellowshipping and just enjoying each other. Becca and I only got a couple hours of sleep!

The next morning we were all up bright and early for breakfast with Jacklyn's wedding party and family at her family's house. It was delicious. We then spent the day relaxing and pampering Jackie as she got ready for her big day. Becca and I helped set up the reception a little and then got ready ourselves. The wedding that evening was beautiful. I even got to see Cyndy, Chris and my sweet niece Abby!!! I miss that little girl. Anyway, other than a slight snafu with the groom's ring, things went pretty smoothy. The bride was beautiful, the couple was overjoyed and God was honored. Who could ask for more??? Becca and I drove back late Friday night and I got to sleep in my own bed.

What did Francis and William do during this time? They had a daddy-bubba bonding day. They went to McDonald's, the park, and generally hung out. I think it was good for them and they had a great time.

After saying goodbye to Becca Saturday morning (as she headed back to Abilene), William, Francis and I drove to Sherwood Forest Faire. We watched jousting, falconry, had great food and rode some rides. William really loved the horses and kept yelling "horse!" when he got the chance. William had a blast, but boy was I exhausted by the end of it! We headed home before dinner, and turned in early. Sunday, we went to church, had lunch at Chuy's, and then took it easy. Francis had off Monday, so he made us dark chocolate crepes in Star Wars shapes. We went to the park, had ice cream and went to the Little Gym. It was such a great day! Yesterday was quiet and today ha been also. I'm glad because I needed some time to catch up on resting. I forget I'm pregnant sometimes, but my body is good at reminding me.

William is getting so big! I feel like I say that every week, but it's true. He answers questions I ask him. He knows when he is being funny. Yesterday, I caught William standing and jumping on the table. I said, "Now  William, do we jump on the table?" He answered, "yes!!!" and then laughed hysterically. Today I told William to clean up and then left to room to move laundry from the washer to the dryer. I came back and he had completely cleaned up all his toys! I gave him a huge hug and told him good job. I totally expected to come back and have to help him get started. I was one proud momma!

We've also discovered William talks in his sleep. Yesterday during his nap he said my name (Ma!) and then in the night he kept yelling Daddy's name, but never actually woke up. We're in for an interesting ride with this one!

I'm feeling ok overall, but I"m very tired. I swear I keep feeling this little one move, but I really think it is too early to tell. My allergies and William's are terrible this year, and it is causing a large amount of discomfort. If you think of us, please say a little prayer that allergy season will be over for us soon. Thanks!

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