Wednesday, December 19, 2012

December 19th, 2012

Sorry the post is late this week, but I have been recovering from a rather nasty illness. I will not say I am 100%, but I am doing much better today.

This weekend we celebrated Christmas Part I with the Phillips Family. It was a lot of fun. We drove into Houston Saturday morning (after enjoying our Sunday School Christmas party Friday night) and got in town in time for lunch with everyone at Chick-fil-a. William and Abby played on the playground while the adults talked and finished our meals. After lunch we went back to the house where the kiddos napped (yes, William actually NAPPED!). After naps we opened presents. William got many cool things including a Little People Nativity set, a ride-on toy bulldozer that he can push around, a special hat and a cute activity board. The gift I was most excited about giving was a year long calendar with pictures from the Phillips family for each month. I spent forever working on it and Francis's mom really seemed to like it. That made me feel very good. Francis got many things including shirts, a star Wars video game and Big Bang Season 5. I know what we will be doing for the next few weeks. I got a watch, a luggage scale, a waffle iron, a perfume bottle and much more. It was a lovely afternoon capped off by a lovely dinner provided by Carino's. After dinner we headed to the Houston zoo to see all their beautiful light displays. It was gorgeous! William and Abby really enjoyed it. It was a pretty great day.

Well, as I got back in the car (I had been feeling kind nauseated all day), I knew something was wrong. We got back to the hotel and I lay in bed for a few moments before I started to vomit. After 4 nearly straight hours of this, I knew I needed to seek medical attention. I was super dehydrated. My father-in-law drove me to the emergency room and they filled me full of fluid and anti-nausea medication. I am so thankful to him for giving up his night's sleep to help us out. I won't go into all the details of my struggles the past couple of days, but I am glad to be finally be in the clear. It was supposedly food poisoning. I never want to have that happen again!!!

William has had a growth spurt this week. His legs are getting longer. He can see over the bathroom counter and when on his tiptoes, he can see and reach the kitchen counters. I've had a few rude awakenings with his new reaching ability. He can also climb on the couch with one swing of his leg (no struggling). He's getting so big!

Well, back to work. William sure is a full-time job!

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