Monday, October 8, 2012

October 8, 2012

I wish I could say things are getting back to normal, but with the holiday season fast approaching, nothing is further from the truth. I am finally over being sick and William actually slept through the night (6:40-400am) last nigh for the first time since we've been home. Those are the big pieces of news.

We stayed in most of last week except Friday when we went to Baby Story time with Heidi and her daughter Lillian. It was so great to catch up. Saturday, Francis slept in until 11am and then we all went to lunch and bought our Halloween costumes. I won't tell you what we bought, but I am excited. William has four different costume events this year, so I figured he probably needed a costume, hehe. It should be fun!

Sunday was restorative to my spirit. Being back at church was amazing. I am not even talking about the fact that everyone said they missed us and wanted to know all about our trip (though that was nice), there was just something about being in the house of God that really lifted me up in a way I sorely needed. I had women all day long encourage me. From Sunday school to lunch with friends to a recipe party and ladies night out, God surrounded me with amazing Godly ladies who truly blessed me. I hope someday I can do the same for them!

I have met three neighbors in the past week (two of them today). This made me notice something about myself. I have much more confidence to step out of my comfort zone since my trip. What's the worst that can happen if I try to talk to someone? They can ignore me. There are worst things in life. Anyway, I actually walked down the street to introduce myself (something I never would have done before) and found out our new neighbors have a 17 month old little boy named Oliver! The couple is so sweet and William and I got invited to a playdate!!! This morning I met a lady with a 4 year old who was riding his new big boy bike for the first time. It was so cute. But the biggest thing I did was introduce myself to the woman on the corner who I find very intimidating. She always wears black, has extremely liberal stickers on her car, and walks around with two German shepherds generally avoiding eye contact. But I happened to pass her house as she was coming out to get the mail, and I swallowed my fear and spoke to her. You know what? She smiled really big and was very nice! My preconceptions were incorrect. Our conversation was short, but I think that getting to know her might be a good opportunity to be show Jesus's love. All that to say, I am finally beginning to feel like I live in a neighborhood and not just a conglomeration of houses. Our street has finally finished building and everyone is moved in. Now let the community building begin!

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