Tuesday, April 17, 2012

April 17th, 2012

I waited a day in the hopes I would have something more to report about William's condition. This week has been a case of the good, the bad and the ugly. It's been mostly good though.

The gym last Monday was a lot of fun. William was able to crawl/run around and bump into anything without getting hurt. I know he had a great time and the instructor used him for all the examples. There are currently two other babies in the class, but as it was the very first day this location was open, I anticipate it growing rapidly. 

We had to stop using the baby tub this week and switch William over to the real bathtub in the evening. After three days of him climbing out of the baby tub and using that as leverage to begin to hoist himself out of the big tub (we had the little tub in the big one), I decided the time had come. William loves his new freedom. He crawls around the tub splashing and playing with his toys. Even though he's not allowed to, he occasionally stands up and walks around in the tub also before I sit him back down.

My little boy is growing up so fast. He got two more teeth this week. That makes 6 in all. The two new ones are both on top next to the middle ones he already had. His smile looks foreign to me all of a sudden, but I am sure I will adjust quickly.

William is a wonderful kiddo, but sometimes I wonder if he is too smart for his own good. Last Wednesday while I was in Bible Study, William was in the nursery at church. The lady who normally runs the baby room was on vacation, so William had to go in the two-year-old room across the hall. When I came back, I noticed there was a bunge cord holding the swinging gate at the bottom of the door closed. All of the ladies are laughing when they see me which only adds to my confusion. They tell my that William kept crawling over to the gate, opening it and crawling down the hall. They said he was as happy as could be; he just wanted to explore. Even when they bungeed the door, he just sat staring at it trying to figure out what to do about it. No crying or whining, just thinking. That's my William!

Now for the best news: William's allergy test results came in. He's not allergic to citrus!!!!!! In fact, they ran the entire gambit of food allergies and could not find a single food that William is allergic to, including peaches. This just means his peach sensitivity is purely topical and he will probably outgrow it just like I did. I am so happy for him!

Finally, I've gotten to the bad and ugly. Saturday night/ Sunday morning William awoke around 1 am (after 2 nights of 10 hours of sleep straight, a new record!). I went in to change his diaper, and the second I touched him I knew something was wrong. It hurt to touch him, his skin was so hot. I picked him up and changed his diaper. He laid perfectly still and let me do it, very unlike my little squirmy boy. I then took him and woke up Francis. He fumbled around and got the thermometer. After many, many checks of his temperature, we found he was running a fever of 101.6. I struggled with going to the hospital, but after talking to a nurse on our insurance companies' hotline, I gave him some acetaminophen and went first thing in the morning (Sunday) to the after hours clinic.  They found his temp to be 102.1 (which almost sent me into another round of tears). As the doctor looked into his mouth she found the ugly: horrible red ulcers and a red ring around the roof of his mouth. William has Herpangina. His fever broke yesterday morning around 5 am, but despite me and Francis taking care of him in shifts, William has gotten little more than restless, whining sleep since Friday evening. I feel bad for the little guy, but he seems to be doing better. What he has is a virus, so there's nothing I can do but pray. It's hard feeling so helpless, but I know the Father is in control. If you think about it, please pray for me, that I might actually get some sleep very soon. I'm running almost on empty.

Like I said, mostly good. The bit of bad is serious, but it will pass. Even a sick William is a blessing.

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