Monday, February 6, 2012

February 6th, 2012

So, a big week here. It's been a bit of a roller coaster to say the least. In case any of you are under the delusion that I am a perfect mom (I'm not for the record), this will dispel any confusion. I met my breaking point this week. Around 6 months of getting more or less no sleep finally caught up with me. It didn't help that I stopped fixing my eyes on things above and started to feel like I was drowning. When I said I had a breakdown, I mean I had a full on anxiety attack Thursday morning. William woke up for the sixth time that night and I shook so hard, I couldn't even pick him up. Francis took him for a little bit while I just cried. I was overwhelmed and had no energy to deal with it. But as the song suggests, sometimes healing comes through tears and a thousand sleepless nights is what it takes to know He's near. God in his infinite mercy and grace saw fit to give our household three nights (Thursday night, Friday night and Saturday night) of rest. William slept for 7 hours and then 4 more Thursday night, 8 hours and then 3 hours Friday night and 7 1/2 hours and 3 hours straight Saturday night. I am hoping this is a new trend. Last night was not so restful, but I will continue to pray that William will sleep through the night. Don't think I haven't tried just about everything in my power to help him sleep. And lest some well meaning person who reads this thinks I should just let him cry it out, I have tried. He has peed all over his bed twice, cried hard (for a very short time) and spit up/threw up all over him self, and the last time he buried his head in the corner of the bumpers and cried because he couldn't get out. I am going to ask the doctor if there is anything else I can try, but I am beginning to wonder if this is just a lesson I am in  the process of painfully learning.

Ok, now onto happier things. William has tried all sorts of new foods this week. He likes prunes and pears, but does not like bananas or green beans. This is the first vegetable he has not gobbled up at first taste. We have been a little bad and have given him some table food, but mostly he only gets what comes in a jar for now. He's a good little eater, I knew he would be though.

This past weekend we went to College Station for an International Cheese Society meeting. Lol, if you don't know what that is, it is a get together Francis and some of his college friends have every so often. We take turns hosting. It is a lot of fun. William got inducted into the society with the cheese name: CamemBear (like Camembert, but he is called little bear in this house). Cute, huh? Anyway, the meeting went smoothly and fun was had by all. William got to play with two of his favorite friends: Penelope and Olivia. Penelope is exactly two months older than William (Olivia is a year older). When he came in the door, she was so excited! She tried as hard as she could to get to him. He soon saw what fun she was and the two were inseparable for much of the day. Penelope has an old toy rotary phone with a long nylon cord. She put one end in her mouth at about the same time William put the other end in his mouth. They looked like the spaghetti scene of Lady and the Tramp. Adorable. Then we put William in the walker and Penny in the exersaucer. The babies got as close as they could to one another and reached over their respective toys to grab and hold each other's hands and arms. They might have a future together. Who knows! The best thing Penny did was show William what I've been wanting him to do for a while: crawl. When she would leave him and crawl away, he would try to follow and just tip over or roll. He finally got up on all fours like her and started to rock. I was SO EXCITED! He has done it many times since Saturday. I can't wait to get his first crawling on video. Now I really need to baby proof everything!

I would be remiss if I did not mention that on our way out of town on Sunday, William did make his first trip to the A&M campus. It was raining so we didn't get out of the car, but I got a short video to mark the occasion. Was William excited, you ask? Lol, he slept through the whole adventure! We tried to wake him, but the sound of road noise mixed with falling rain was too clever a temptress. Hopefully next time we can get better photos.

Well, that's it for now!

ADDENDUM: I forgot two things when I wrote earlier this week. 1. William is conducting many experiments lately. He might be an engineer. He waits until I fill up the dog bowl in the kitchen and then runs into it repeatedly with the walker to knock all the water. He has come at it from every angle and is getting really good at it. The other thing he has figured out is how to stop the water from his small tub from draining out. He wouldn't let me get him out of the tub one night so I pulled the plug. He splashed for a bit and suddenly realized it was draining. So he splashed harder and harder until he found the hole and covered it with his hand. It was too late. Now when I pull the plug, he closes it again before much water drains. He's so smart, hehe.
2. William has been feeding himself bottles at night. He holds it in his hands until he gets to tired and drops it. It is so sweet to see him do something for himself. He's growing up so fast!!!

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