Monday, February 13, 2012

February 13th, 2012

Happy almost Valentine's Day! Much excitement in the Phillips household as of late. All of it surrounding the half-birthday of some little Mr. Man. William is now 6 months old as of Saturday!

We took William's 6 month photos on Thursday. I wanted to be able to stick photos in Valentine's cards, so we got them done a couple of days early. The poor photographer was not very skilled with young children, and he kept trying to put props in the shot which William would then play with. We got the money shots though in spite of it and that's what matters!

William had his 6 month check-up on Friday. Dr. Enders was amazingly impressed with my little guy. He was standing (holding onto my fingers) and jumping up and down while looking in the mirror when she entered. She asked if he is already crawling and then said it won't be long because he is so active (she said she hadn't seen a more active little boy). William measured 18lbs. 10 oz., 27 1/4 in long and 46 cm in head diameter. He is still over the 100th percentile on his head. I think it is just holding all those awesome brains! She believes his top teeth will be coming in any day, and in fact, I think I felt one of them yesterday! After checking him over thoroughly, she made a comment that surprised me. After he had once again tried to walk away from her using only one of her hands she said, "the earliest I have ever seen a child walk in my personal experience is 7 1/2 months....but, I don't know." She said this both with concern and a bit of amusement. I have mixed feelings about the whole thing. Yes I want him to be exceptional, but I don't know if I can handle a 6 month old walking independently around my house! God knows what is best though, and he has a plan.

On William's half birthday, we moved to giving him 3 meals a day (before he was getting two). He has been trying all sorts of new food, including meat (in baby food of course). The three most notable things that happened on his birthday were that: William has water for the first time, he drank out of a sippy cup for the first time, and he fed himself a biter biscuit (first time he has fed himself anything). He is thoroughly enjoying his new freedom. 

My wonderful Aunt Camille watched William last night so that Francis and I could go out on a date. William had his own Valentine's date with his "Uncle Mille" (what she says William should call her). He got her candy and a rose and wore his Valentine's outfit. They had a good night. Francis and I went to Longhorn steakhouse and then went and was the movie Red Tails. It was a lovely night, and I appreciate getting to have it!

Now for some less happy news. The doctor recommended since William has met the age and weight requirements, that we cut out all night time feedings so that William can sleep through the night. The score currently stands 1:1. Friday night was not much of an issue so I am not counting it. Saturday night William cried for two hours before I gave in and fed him. Last night he cried for an hour and half, but he finally put himself back to sleep and slept for 5 hours. Hopefully, this struggle of wills will not last more than a week. I am so tired I can hardly stand it, but I must press on. 

Accomplishments of this week include that William is pulling up on things. He can stand while holding onto low window sills, the outside of his Exersaucer or anything else low enough that he can use for leverage. Also he actually almost crawled this morning. He got up on all fours and lunged. My heart skipped a beat when I saw it and I keep waiting for him to do it again. Finally, William has been walking around everywhere just holding onto my fingers and he can now pull himself to sitting or standing using my fingers. He's getting so big.

Oops, I hear him waking up from his nap (he is actually taking them in his crib the past few days since he has not been sleeping well at night). Time to sign off!

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