Tuesday, February 21, 2012

February 21, 2012

I have a child who sleeps. Not consistently, but he is capable. After I posted last week, William slept 7 1/2, 8 1/2 and 10 hours in a row on consecutive nights (Mon-Wed). Plus, he has finally started taking naps during the day in his crib. He's been taking one or two 1 hour naps.Thursday night though, Francis pager woke up William in the middle of the night and then the storm woke him up Friday night. It is hard to hear him cry and not be able to feed him. I have been doing my best to stay calm, pray and do what I think is best. Last night, thank goodness, William made it from 7:30 until 4am. I hope he can keep sleeping longer and longer until he makes it through the night. for now, I will be grateful for a break during the day.

Valentine's day was relatively uneventful. I made lasagna for Francis and myself, and William went to bed early so we could have some quiet time. The fact that he has started going to sleep very quickly has really given us more time to spend together in the evening. I am enjoying getting to have adult conversation at the end of the day.

Francis took off Friday and got off Monday so he had a 4 day weekend. We got to relax and just have some family time. Saturday, Francis's parents came into town for the day so they could visit their favorite grandson. They could not believe how much he has grown! He showed them how he is walking around holding onto my fingers, and how well he sits up and plays. He is pretty amazing, I must admit. It was great to have them here and we had a lovely day!

William has now completely graduated to 12 month clothing. He is so long! He looks like a little boy in his new wardrobe. My baby! He's a bottomless pit too. Tonight he ate 8 1/2 ounces of baby food, some rice cereal, some cheerios and some yogurt drops for dinner. He could be going through a growth spurt, but more likely he just takes after me. Boy, is he a good eater!

Last night I got a real treat. I was able to drop off meals at two friends' houses who just had newborns and then I was able to hang out with Becky and have a girls' night. Francis watched William. Having a rare night off was something I sorely needed, and I am so thankful I was able to enjoy it!

Finally, William is getting closer and closer to crawling. He gets up on all fours and lunges for objects he wants. I wouldn't be surprised if he skipped straight to walking, but I try to give him tummy time every day so he can have every opportunity to succeed. On the walking front, William took four steps yesterday while only holding onto me with one hand. He's getting more and more independent. I can't wait to see what's next. Ok, it's my bedtime. Goodnight!

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