Monday, January 9, 2012

January 9th, 2012

A wonderful week of healing. I finally feel like a person again. I am still coughing, but I feel like a cloud has been lifted. William is doing better. He is off the breathing treatments and has finished his antibiotics. Hid nose is still stuffy, but I think (hope) that it is mainly due to the season and the cedar.

William is sitting up for longer and longer periods of time. He is also figuring out how to get around through a combination of rolling and scooting. It won't be long before he is crawling. Just the other day he tried to escape twice from the bathroom while I was drawing his bath. I put him on the rug and he rolled over onto the tile and scooted toward the door. He made it to the threshold where I picked him up and put him, undressed him (diaper and all) and placed him on the rug while checking the temp of the bath. He again rolled on the tile and scooted naked toward the door. He didn't get far. I have to watch him though much closer now!

William is also mobile in his walker. He has figured out how to get on the carpet downstairs from the tile and now the dogs are only safe from him on the stairs. He LOVES the dogs, especially Lucy. If she comes into his sight, he laughs and smiles. He chases them both around in his walker. On the tile he can get up a good run and ram them at full speed. He sees them chase each other and just wants to join in. I got a video of William performing a sneak attack in the walker the other day. It was pretty funny.

Except for last night (which doesn't count because of special circumstances), William has been asleep by 8:30 every night for about two weeks. His napping is not great, but we are starting to settle into a routine. It is nice, to say the least. Oh! I got two copies of William's birth certificate. Now I can get proof of his Canadian citizenship and possibly get him a passport. Francis and I want to go on a family vacation, but we don't know where yet.

One last thing before I go. William is starting to act more and more like an infant and less like a baby. Yesterday for lunch we had Jimmy John's sandwiches and a small bag of chips. Francis and I were eating the chips and William kept trying to get a hold of the bag. When we finished, Francis finally let him grab the empty bag while William was in my lap. William opened it, looked inside, dropped it toward Francis and turned and gave me a hug as if to say "Daddy tricked me!!!". I am pretty sure he even gave Francis a dirty look. Yesterday evening my baby kept trying to take my soda away from me and then he tried to drink out of my water. Silly boy. We may try a sippy cup soon.

That's all for this edition!

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