Monday, January 23, 2012

January 23, 2012

So William is now getting over virus #4 since the beginning of December. The doctor (aka my new best friend since we see each other so often) confirmed on Friday that he has yet another sickness. Each one has been a little different. The first one included congestion, conjunctivitis and no cough or runny nose. The next one had a runny nose like no one's business and included a chest cough topped off with an ear infection. #3 had an empty cough and a slightly runny nose. The most recent had an significantly runny nose, a throaty cough with red sore throat and yet another ear infection (same ear both times: left). *Sigh* I have barely slept in a week. Last night was the first night I got more than two hours of sleep at one time. He almost gets over one cold and catches the next. It is so frustrating. I am so ready to  get back to the land of the living. I haven't seen anyone I know (other than Francis) in weeks. My mother is coming on Friday. I welcome the company!

I'm trying to think of what else to say. the drowsy headache I have perpetually endured is clouding my thoughts. William is still happy as can be. At night he has been unable to lay flat for any period of time so I have been holding him so that he can sleep and get well. But during the day, other than the cough, you wouldn't know he was sick. This is a bit of a double whammy as he has all the energy in the world and I have no sleep and no energy. At least if he felt bad during the day he might sleep a little bit and give me some down time.

The Doctor said William sits up more like an 8 month old than a 5 month old. She was holding a tongue depressor while examining him, and he reached out (while sitting up) and grabbed it from her. She said babies his age fall over when they try to do that, but not my William! She also said that William is one tough cookie. Dr. Enders said that most babies (especially if I had not been nursing) would have been hospitalized at least a couple of times with all the sicknesses he has had. Just two more things for me to be proud!

William is laughing more and reaching for what he wants. He has an opinion about everything. He lets you know what he does and does not like. He likes sweet potatoes and squash. That's right; William had solid foods this week. We warmed them in the hopes that it would soothe his throat and I think they helped a bit. He gobbles up sweet potatoes. I got a video of Francis feeding him. He has had squash only once, but seems to enjoy it as well. My boy is now joining the land of solid food eaters! Yay for all the smelly diapers to come. I really am excited, but I don't look forward to the assault on my nose. The things we do as parents, eh?

As I just changed William's diaper I am reminded of how much he has grown. About a quarter to a half of his 9 month clothing no longer fits. Just now I struggled just to get his outfit to snap. It's probably the last time he will be able to wear it. Some of this stuff he has only been able to wear a couple of times. I'm not surprised things are starting to get a little snug though. At his appointment on Friday, William weighed 18 1/2 lbs. (with clothing on). That coupled with his length means he will be fully in 12 month clothing in no time. I'm so proud and yet I miss the little man that arrived 5 1/2 months ago. I got to see a friend's newborn the other day and was astonished how small she was. William has grown so much already and will continue to do so for at least the next 18 years or so. I just have to drink in the moments (even the sleepless ones).

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