Tuesday, January 17, 2012

January 17th, 2012

Well, I am sad to say William is sick again. After catching the symptoms early on Friday, the doctor confirmed he has the same old virus that just won't leave him alone. He is back on the nebulizer. His nose is really clogged and he has started coughing, but not nearly as bad as last time. I am hope that means he will get over it quicker. William is not a sickly child. He isn't letting his sickness keep him from doing anything. I think it actually bothers me way more than it bothers him. I want him to be healthy. He just wants me to stop using the "booger snatcher" to clear out his nose.

I am trying to remember what has happened since I last posted. Wince William has been sick, I've been trying to keep him away from other people both to protect him and them. One of our few outings was to go out to eat the other night. William sat up in a high chair for the whole meal. After grocery shopping earlier in the week and seeing that he could sit up in the cart. I thought it was time. Francis was very impressed that William could sit up for that long. Since I get to spend all day with this little guy, I was kind of amused at Francis's amazement.

William has been laughing longer and more often as of late. He's a little comedian. He's been doing the baby laughs that people record and use as sound effects. Tres adorable. The thing he finds the funniest is still our black dog Lucy. They will stare at each other forever and he will just laugh and laugh. William will roll across the room just to get near her. He also finds his dad quite comical. Francis makes excellent faces. My favorite way to make him laugh is peek-a-boo. It makes me smile just thinking about it.

William's two bottom teeth are coming in great! I keep trying to get a picture but no luck yet. I will keep trying!

William just took an interest in what I am doing. He has inched his way across to me (I am on the floor) and now wants to type. Got to go!

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