Tuesday, November 10, 2015

November 10

Well...I guess I am a slow learner. God's been teaching me yet again this week that I am not in control. Just when I start to feel like I have a handle on life, I become acutely aware I am not the one calling the shots. Thursday night was a prime example. The boys were having bath time. I'm running through my head all the things that need to happen before bed when Robert says he's done and starts to get out. I reach for him like I always do and he falls through my grip before I ever touch him and hits his mouth and head on the edge of the tub. He's screaming as I scoop him out and rock him. And then I see it. Part of his top front right tooth is missing. I cry out and Francis looks at it too. We call the emergency number for a dentist and they tell us to file off the sharp edge and come in first thing in the morning. Filing a tooth is traumatic for all involved FYI. I took him in the next morning and God could not have directed us to a more perfect dentist. The kids waiting area was literally the inside of a spaceship complete with full size astronaut and video games in the control center. The dentist who treated Robert was the same one who answered the phone the night before (could have been any of the 4 that work there) and he was comforting and the kids liked him. Robert didn't harm the nerve so it was a best case scenario for what happened. We go back in 4 weeks for a follow up. I have no control, which is hard. BUT God's plan is for my good. I need to let him be in charge because He is anyway. Who knows how he can use this?

We went to two birthday parties this weekend, the second of which was on Sunday afternoon in Houston. The five of us left after church and lunch. If I thought I was over the wreck, I found out very quickly I wasn't. I will not go into that now, but pray for me. The party was Ranger's 4th birthday so we got to see Ranger, Angel, Austin and baby Asher. As a bonus we got o see my  niece Abby, beautiful sister in law Cyndy and brother in law Chris. Other than Hannah and Robert, Ranger and Abby are two of William's favorite kids in the whole wide world, so he was in heaven while we were there. Cake, a pinata, present and good company. What more could you want? Being around Angel gave me a little taste of Austin "home" which I sorely needed. While I am content where God has placed us, I still miss having the closeness to people that I used to have. Love you, Austin people! The drive home was hard as none of us wanted to leave. Next time can't come soon enough!

Hannah is really getting the hang of this rolling over thing. She roll across the ground off her mat consistently, and then gets mad when she gets stuck. She's sitting up more and more independently and making her voice heard. I can't wait until Thanksgiving so my family can see how she's grown. My big girl!

William had been asking a lot of questions about God and Jesus and salvation for months now. He tells me he wants to choose God's way today and every day (he tells me this all the time). Please pray we have wisdom in how to lead him in this journey, and that we don't push him in to anything. I am happy for his questions though. I love that he wants to know!

Gotta go change a diaper so I guess this is it for now. Till next time! 

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