Saturday, October 12, 2013

October 12, 2013

I seem to not have a good grasp on what day it is. I can't believe it is Saturday! This week has been a bit of a blur.
Last Sunday Robert surprised me by rolling over twice before church! We were eating breakfast while Robert was having tummy time, and I guess he wanted to join us because all of a sudden he went from his stomach to his back. This surprised him and he cried, so I rolled him back to his stomach. He immediately rolled over again! I got out the video camera, but he wouldn't do it again, probably because he was tired at that point. I guess we have mover on our hands! It was a great day. Francis grilled out that night and we had bacon wrapped filets. Yum!

Francis took off every day this week except Wednesday. He has to use up some vacation time and I need the help. Monday morning, William, Robert and I went and got Robert an outfit to wear for baby dedication this Sunday. Afterwards we went to the mall and played in the playcourt. Francis met us for lunch (after taking to morning for himself) and we ate at Fuddruckers. Francis and William then went on to a place called Jump Street where they spent the afternoon goofing off so I could spend time with Robert and clean the house and catch up on chores. It's a lot easier to clean when a 2 year old isn't undoing everything you do, just sayin. When they came home, William had passed out from all the fun he had. I think it was some great father-son time.

Tuesday, Francis took William to the Little Gym while I waited for the bug guy to eradicate our spider and ant problem. William's burn is now just a red spot (I peeled off the skin) so he had no trouble doing what the instructor asked. I had my Dr. appointment check up Tuesday afternoon. I am healing nicely. the doctor had only positive things to say. I am hoping to be completely back to normal soon.

William has not been napping as well as waking up at night with bad dreams and Robert has been sleeping really well and for longer periods of time. The two seem to be polar opposites in that respect. Wednesday (when Francis was at work), William, Robert and I had a play date at a park with a bunch of wonderful ladies I know and their kids. It was so fun and extremely refreshing. Well, William played and was a ball of energy and Robert pretty much slept through the whole thing. Later that day Arlene and Caitlyn (her daughter) brought us dinner and stayed to play for a while. William was still going strong and had a great time. After we ate, I look over and William is holing his chocolate milk on the couch and has completely passed out. It was not even 6:30. Francis came home and put him in bed. William slept through the night (only waking once but putting himself back to sleep) until morning. He was one tired kiddo. I guess even toddlers have their limit!

Thursday Robert turned one month old! Wow, how the time has flown! I keep taking pictures each day so I can remember as much as possible, but I still feel like I miss so much. Francis dropped me and the boys off for Bible Study and headed to church to program lights. He didn't make it back before we were done, so I carried Robert in the carrier and went to get William form class. He was having such a great time, he didn't want to leave. He had a meltdown which ended in me carrying him, the carrier and the diaper bag down the hallway. Needless to say, I threw out my back. Francis arrived and got me home, but the damage has been done. I need to take it easy, but it is hard sometimes. Francis took William on a bike ride in the afternoon and brought me back a coke icee. They are such sweet boys! Becky brought us dinner Thursday night. I can't say enough how much help it has been to have food provided for us. It is one of the greatest gifts and blessing that could have been bestowed!

Friday morning I was still pretty waylaid by my back, so Francis took William out and shot off rockets at a nearby park. They have been building the rocket all week together, and this was William's first time to see one fly. Francis said the look on his face was priceless as he pressed the button and watched the rocket soar. William was so excited to tell me all about it, so I can only imagine how he felt at the time. I am so glad they've had all this time together. Robert and I met them for lunch at Wing stop and then after nap and a wardrobe change, we had pictures taken at church for the church directory. The one we chose turned out pretty well, although William was all over the place during the (short) session. After pictures, we headed across campus and dropped William off at parents night out in the children's building. Francis and I (with Robert) had a date night at Kona Grill and it was amazing. The decor was beautiful with a fish tank taking up one entire wall. The food was delicious, and the company beyond compare. It was so refreshing to have that one on one time with my husband outside of our home. I always treasure that time.

Today, Francis and I had been cleaning the house. I know it will drive us both crazy if we don't get things in order before "business as usual" starts next week. It will be good to have everything start off on the right foot.

William continues to enjoy Robert and loves the title "Big Brother". He makes sure people know what he is just in case they are confused. Tummy time has become brother bonding time as William will also get on his tummy and talk to Robert. It's adorable. William has also been explaining to Robert how to do all sorts of processes such as rolling over and using the potty. It's great! William has been constructing language and trying to understand it in new and different ways. He realized this week that everyone calls themselves  "me" and the other person "you". He's been using those words for a long time, but he decided to ask me about it this week and it was so cute! Something else was also super cute that we discussed, but I can't think of it!! So frustrating!

Robert is becoming more alert all the time, sleeping for longer periods of time, and using more and varied sounds. He is getting pretty good control of his back and neck so that I can sit him in the crux of the couch or on my arm and he can stay pretty upright. It's so cool to see him grow so fast. It's hard to believe William was ever that little.

That's all for now!

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