Monday, August 27, 2012

August 27, 2012

Well, it was a stressful week last week, and I can't say I'm sad to see it over. Why? A number of things, not the least of which was our microwave going out and needing to be fixed to the tune of $400. Yeah, I could have gotten a new microwave if I had known so much would go wrong. Turns out our magnetron broke and split peices of metal our into the microwave behind the protective plate and that is why it was sparking. The magnetron broke because it was getting at least three times as much current as it needed from the power box, which we also found had been sending current through the back metal panel of our microwave for who knows how long. The only thing keeping our house from catching fire was the tile backsplash that was absorbing both the heat and blocking the current. Thank God for his protection!!!!!

Ok, onto happier things. I keep forgetting to write that William cut four teeth the day before his birthday two weeks ago which means he now has 16 teeth. He is just 4 shy of getting all his baby teeth and he "shouldn't" get his last 4 until at least 18 months-2 years...we'll see about that.

William got his first Haircut last Tuesday. It was more stressful for me than for him. He was able to watch TV and play in this cool car while they did it. I just asked her to trim the ears and the neck, but then she took out the razor and zip!, there was no turning back. He now has a big boy haircut and looks like a toddler and not a baby. It's crazy how such a simple change can make such a difference. I only cried a little. He's just growing up so fast!

Oh, and my little man is communicating so much more. The other day in the tub, Francis got home and peeked his head in the bathroom to say hello. When he left, William pointed at the door, said "Dada?" and proceeded to climb out of the tub to find him. He really like pointing at things now and letting me label them. He also enjoys the "where's the ____" game.

William finally had his 1 year check up on Wednesday. We had some trouble getting in because of back to school kiddos. William now weighs 23lbs, 30 1/2 inches and his head is 49 cm. He's getting so big!!!!! He took his immunizations like a trooper and we should be good for South Korea now.

While packing for South Korea last night (we leave Saturday), William looked over at Francis, waved and said "Hi Dada!" I couldn't believe it. It was William's first two word utterance! A little while later he came up, kissed me, waved, and said, "Hi mama!" It made my heart melt. Today he has been saying "Hi, Doggie!" to Bella and Lucy. They don't seem as excited as I was. Not sure why, hehe.

Well, that's it for now. I got to go shopping for some last things for our trip. Please pray for our 18 hour journey. It will be both exciting and trying. Thanks!

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